Tranquility Connectivity Issues Megathread

Don’t forget to log in and claim your free SP everyone!

So, what is CCP’s remedy for all this for our loss and heartache?

Things seem quite stable for the last 48 hours or so. The last problems I experienced were on Friday in the later part of the day UTC. No issues since then.

I’m in western Canada.

As far as CCP and past experience go they’ve always provided some compensation in some form (Skill points normally) for when major issues have occurred in the past.

No complaints here, it’s the world of the internets.


We need a PLEX for Good: Tranquility DDoS edition


can we please just change the game to ccp scam? just a reason for them to try and sell u plex. servers are not being fixed little game time. and refusal to replace lost items means they r making more money while players are losing money

Does anyone really buy the DDOS story? Who would waste there time on this old out of date game, and continue for weeks? And some of the problems don’t seem to mesh wit ha DDOS attack.

it was DDoS there was even a DDoS imigration system in place called neustar. why would that be there if there wasnt a DDoS attack … did you deactivated your brain?

anyways here from germany works everything fine so far. normal login, no lag and only sometimes “very rare” disconnects local (happened yesteday during conduit mining for short) but connects after a while again. so ya shrugs and that since 4 days stable so far. except for those minor dcs on local everynowandthen.

I´m from Germany too, in this moment my PingPlotter, that I installate to see the connection to Eve Launcher, looks like the crazyest Dupstep Soundmachine I ever heard :wink: No chance to log in…
the last 12 days I got this problem over and over, but sometimes I can play a while, that shows me that CCP works hard on it! Hope the times end nearly and we all could played on our favorite game. Greetings

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hmh? you are in germany and it dosnt works for you o.o?
*starts eve launcher and tests if anything changed prior to around 2pm edit of this post follows within 1~5 minutes xD

jap, logged in with local working aswell etc. =x weird, iunno why it dosnt works for you =/

I agree. annoying.

yep, very annoying… I’ve been unable to connect all weekend. it showed there were 35k people on, now 25k and I still cant get in…

This just accidentally the Internet.

For both of my characters, the skill que is OVER a year.
In fact, the skill ques are longer than my subscriptions at the moment.

so far, I’ve only lost one ship (an exhumer) to this business.
I reported it and left it be compensation later.

I’ve noted several attempts by another entity online ‘zombie’ my computer.
Twice, they managed take control but I shut down the computer, then ran an intensive external (!!!) virus scan from my off line (clean) computer.

Both times, root kits were found and removed.
Both times I ensured reports were sent to the company (s) responsible for fighting these things.

Third party DDoS attacks are usually just a prelude to trying to install malware, so people, give CCP a chance to work on this.
truthfully, I am amazed EvE was online so long without successful attacks


So I noticed CCP removed the DDoS banner (w/ link to methathread) from the launcher. Considering that they were already several days late in putting up the banner in the first place (when the DDoS was at its fiercest), perhaps removing the DDoS banner is a premature move on their part. It’s almost as if they don’t want everyone to read everyone else’s comments about how pissed off we all are and take encouragement to mass-unsubscribe and exodus or something.

As usual, my issue with CCP isn’t that they’re having problems, but rather that they are not communicating solutions. My patience and trust would be restored if they mentioned the specific nature of the DDoS (eg. is it targeted against CCP or peripheral in nature? If it’s peripheral, a link to a news article if one is available would be nice), who they’ve been in contact with (law enforcement agencies, existing service provider partners, new/potential DDoS partners), specifically what solutions are being considered and implemented (software/hardware/service), etc. I also wonder why a new entry point to EVE cannot be temporarily established in a reverse equivalent fashion to accessing the game through Iceland VPN servers, etc, since that has proven itself to be 100% reliable in the past 2 weeks (zero lag or disconnects).

The community does not want boilerplate, highly generic statements like “we are working with our partners”; we want to know who the partners are (or at least the nature of the partnership) and what is being discussed - details, not boilerplate.



I understand that you would like to know more details on the steps taken to improve the situation in the last days, but we are keeping our messaging intentionally vague to avoid giving out information that can be used by the entity behind the DDoS. Thank you for your understanding. Now, a weekend report:

  • Login issues persisted over the weekend for some players. The launcher message expired but has been brought back to inform pilots about potential issues. The work with our mitigation partner continues to limit the impact of any DDoS attempts on our services.
  • The in-game chat continues not to be working properly for some players.

Logged in easily chat channels now all working as should :+1:

South Africa

why dont u just ask kakao what they would… ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh wait those are the partners.

And do not worry. Even out of game vets know whats been going on banner or no banner. We just as was said, were not aware of the amount of just sheer ability to mess things up that CCP still had left. It took you guys a week to find the problem. And are not willing to speak on even if you found it and are taking legal action to protect your players? Yeah that has KAKAO written all over it.
The only reason you would not share if you found who was doing it and were taking legal action and security actions to ensure the game and players safety, only means you didnt. I dont think saying, “we found who it was. we are sourcing the problem while working with proper authorities to insure the companies safety.” would give any information at all to anything. Im just saying.

They are DDoS attacking their providers not CCP directly. CCP is collateral damage.

Why this has not been done, and why it is a totally ridiculous and moronic idea, has been explained more than once in this thread. You need to stop your laughable demands for your own entitlement to be satisfied and grow up.

You do not speak for me nor the community as a whole. You speak for you, and you are an idiot and nobody cares what you want as it is just pointless whining and demands for stupid things.

If you, or any of the other “the solution is simple and you are just bad at your jobs” wankers, did in fact have any grasp of what is/was going on and how to resolve it you would be the one being paid to do so not the one whining like a b1tch on here day after day.

Seriously now - if you don’t like it just sod off. Go play something else or tell another games forum how wonderful you are or something. Whatever you do, do it elsewhere you useless, ill-informed, ridiculously entitled dickhead.