Tranquility Connectivity Issues Megathread

Try closing it and restarting. It means there was an update that came through but the files can’t update because the client is open.

would be nice to know whom you are answering :sunglasses:

saw it now, sorries


Today I was disconnected several times.

Sometimes I also had problems with the Chat.

how do I check up on an existing support ticket for the DDoS attack?

Client lagging badly. Has the DDoS attack found a new angle of attack?

I feel the same way, be it an extension of omega time or a refund. Either one would satisfy me and if CCP wanna throw in something extra that’s cool too.

I’ve seen posts with stuff like “it’s just a game” but as I see it CCP is a business that provides subscription based entertainment, that entertainment happens to be a game but I still look at them like Netflix or Spotify where I subscribe and pay for a service that provides me with entertainment in some digital form.

Really hope CCP can turn this around, come out stronger and continue their mission to create virtual worlds more meaningful than real life.

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They usually send an email when there is activity on your ticket. But you can go to and find your existing ticket. Odds are there is no update since it looks like many people are still having problems.

ALSO, ccp is still tryin to use these IP’s…STOP…idk y ur tryin ur best to destroy this game, but just tell us u give up on it & stop wasting time releasing CRAP that u call ‘updates’, noone is buyin that BS

What do you expect if 90% of the devs are working on pearl abyss games?

And yes within minutes people will appear in this thret that will deny this fact…don’t bother it CCP…:slight_smile:

right click invite to fleet, not working. have to make fleet advert and join from there. right click customs office drop down menu from planets in pi window, not working. have to pan round the camera and select customs offices from space, or if the pi window does work it only works once.
I had most settings disappear on once client, windows rest, overview messed up in its location and size. These are the only things I have seen that you are not aware of.

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so if you still cant connect to eve… try clearing your local cache… i did this and everything worked ok… not perfect but ok…

if from the launcher you start up a profile, and you make it to the Blue Eve Screen that shows you the error… hit escape and go down to settings and over to where you can “reset local cache” see below


try also clearing it from the settings on the launcher found on the little gear like thing for me in the lower left corner and going down to reset


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I get message : “Could not Coppy files for Tranquility”
I have cleared my cache, but no effect.
I have deleted tq folder and reinstaled it but no effect.
I have deleted everything from cache but no effect. :confused:

thats definite tech support prollem right there… mine was just for those who hadnt borked up their eve client

3rd weekend without being able to log in.
Always Bad Address and error on port 26000…
Tried everything.

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When I got this error I just hit the connect button anyway and it let me play.

Not this case, clicked the button thousand times.

Good day,

  • The situation for the past 24 hours has been good. The services are stable and players can connect and play EVE Online without major interruptions. If you are still unable to access EVE, please hit me up so we can try and assist you directly.
  • Taking into consideration the current impact, I am updating the status of the connectivity issues to MONITORING. We continue to pay close attention to the traffic and are ready to respond to any incoming attacks instantly.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Yeah, I can’t log in. For hours now, with 2 separate accounts.