Tranquility Connectivity Issues Megathread

Still getting kicked off about once every hour. And I know it has no bearing on what I may be doing at the time, but it sure seems to occur just as something important is about to happen. Such as a player warping in, or as NPC’s notice my presence. Although I have not lost anything as of yet, I’m certain my luck is more than likely running thin.

Connection to server lost

Same here

5 min later again dc

Been playing all morning now suddenly a slew of Dc’s and cannot reconnect

Close to 20 Dc’s today out of the blue

good times

Game is worth playing for free but not worth any more. Vote with your dollars.

That’s not really how customer goodwill works. Once it is lost, it is very hard to get back, and customers that lose goodwill with a company tend to spread the word way more than customers that are happy. It is actually kind of amazing how many companies nowadays don’t seem to count customer goodwill as an actual resource; most successful companies know how incredibly important a resource it is.

I can’t connect. This is ridiculous. How long is this going to last this time?

and here we go again, please someone to fix this in a good time …!

Seems to be working again.

Why on Earth can’t CCP get their servers protected? Have they not heard of ddos mitigation? Hire outside help if you don’t have the capabilities to ensure your customers get what they pay for. Eve Online isn’t the only video game server that has issues, but somehow it’s the one with the most problems and outages. Please hire some professionals who can monitor, protect and maintain the servers, fulltime, 24/7, 365.


They did. Then the east coast of the US got blocked.



Same issue with me and yet my friends can get on with no issue that I know of. Was the reverse during the Ddos attacks with me oddly enough. Never had an issue getting on but they couldn’t even log in.

Never got any compensation during the Ddos attacks since I wasn’t able to login half the time but I have heard nothing about anyone getting compensated from the people I play with. And I was able to get on a lot more then they could. Most couldn’t even log in and I know one friend burned his hangar in low sec and wanted to stop playing during that crap. Compensation would be nice but if its only going to select people that is utter BS

I noticed that a few days ago before eve stopped letting me play completely. Would lose drones in Guardian Gala’s like crazy cause it would say drones returning to drone bay but they would just keep attacking for another 10-15 seconds and THEN finally make their way back.

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I still Can’t even get one account to add to the launcher. On top of that its been 5 days since last contact and that was a cookie cutter response. Although I did do as I was asked and did the report they wanted. All I’m asking for is a “Hey we got it looking into it” These DDoS attacks did more damage this go around than i think i have seen in the last 5 years of playing EVE.

I had the same problem as you.

I’ve removed C/User/username/AppData/Local/CCP/Eve
That did help!

Thank you. I will try it when i get home.

this will never be fixed until the chat system is put back into the game properly like it is supposed to be and not stuck on someone else’s stupid server that can be targeted and disrupted while CCP shrugs their shoulders and says well its not Our server. just like now

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350k SP for compensation for Omegas? Not going to lie, I am a little disappointed. But I guess it is better than nothing.

How little does CCP think of their player base that they think a pathetic 350k is going to adequately compensate Omegas? They regularly give 500k-1 million SP in seasonal holiday/event gifts, but they’re not willing to give even that much as an apology for 3 weeks of (still) unreliable service? This is insulting.

I’d like to remind everyone that those who complained and filed reimbursement tickets got Omega days with those tickets. How is that fair to the rest of us who didn’t complain and file tickets?