Tranquility Connectivity Issues Megathread

Britain’s got talent. lol

Aye…even those of us who didn’t get screwed over…so yes…it is just like Brexit ;p

I just got to log in after 8 hours of trying to log in once an hour. The game is lagging, rubber banding and not playable. I have gotten to change out invention, change out/start researching and load my skill queue but nothing else is do able. I am just gotting disconnected too.

I really wish CCP the best of luck fixing this before it costs them more customers.

OK, so as of 20:00 server time…

First logon from my PC always fails recently. Not the first logon per account, just the first logon from the PC. My second account (chill, they’re both Omegas) logs on first time most (but not all of the time).

Chat still partially broken. Got the “Cannot connect to chat, do you want to retry?” window. How long I get it for varies - what is REALLY annoying (and could easily cost someone a boat) is that when that window pops up, it blocks all other access to the client.

When chat does reconnect (what I tend to do is say “No” to reconnecting, then try to type in local, that tends to kick it over), not all channels come back - I’ve lost a private channel (and am struggling to get hold of the channel owner in chat, ironic, right?). As noted by others, local membership (and even membership in other channels) is inconsistent - two clients see two different lists in local, some people are in private chats and can be seen by some participants but not by others - I could see someone in local the other day but not a private channel we both use, when I mentioned in the private channel that said person was not present, someone else in the channel said “Yes he is, we’re having a discussion right now” - I could see only one half of it.

I haven’t had disconnects during this round of DDoSs, or noticable lag - had a few disconnects and laggy sessions during the last round earlier in January (my “I lost stuff” ticket was responded to finally this week, and resolved, thanks to the GM team for pushing through with what must be a LOT of tickets), but not this time. Yet. Frantically knocking on wood right now.

I use the Eve portal app for this. It’s great.

All of which have absolutely nothing to do with this thread or the present situation.

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Thank you for finally announcing something. For what it’s worth, I have not been able to log in for several (five?) days straight. I have three Omega accounts, and all nine characters have been essentially idle (they all do P I with daily cycles, some are doing invention and builds, with jobs completed long ago, and I’m not able to run my two corps). I’m in the CST US TZ. I know that all four of my corp mates from one corp, each of whom is also CST US TZ have not been able to get in for days either.

Can you provide any proof of that assumption ?

spoke too soo- I had gotten a weird handshake error, but the client was finally getting server status and login counts so I killed the client and restarted- logged in super fast and got to station view in no time…but before I could test any other functionality I got hard booted out of client and now back to the normal bad-ness. However, it, to me, is promising, as it potentially indicates that someone is zeroing in on the issues- at least that has been my experience in the past from a professional perspective.

we all need local chat to be safer during pvp actions

Ummmm, no really, we don’t. We didn’t have local during blackout and everything was just fine.

What we all need is a stable friggin connection to the game first, and worry about local later.

Can’t connect for the last couple days at all in Chicago. Geuss I’ll try later after work.

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I wasn’t even able to log in here to post I couldn’t log in anywhere until now. That is 8 strait hours of attempts.

soo… ON-GOING!

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Openness, honesty and transparency is the only way to deak with poor customer experiences - particularly when it seems to be outside of your direct control.

Thank you, and I salute your efforts.

Now, how can we - the community - help you to solve this?


My situation has gone downhill in the last 24 hours - can’t connect at all, usually because a server handshake failed or no server response after a period of time. Retries are never successful.

Tripwire is often failing at the EVE SSO login step.

Also, my launcher doesn’t show news items any longer - I could see them 24 hours ago. I don’t know if that’s a symptom of additional problems, or more of the same.

Help us, CCP-Kenobi, you’re our only hope!

I’d settle for stable connectivity and no local over rock solid local but flaky connectivity. Every day of the week, twice on Sunday.

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The fact CCP is this vulnerable to DDOS attack for so long means you guys have no clue wtf you’re doing.
CCP better reach into that fat 425m dollar wallet Pearl Abyss gave you and hire some people who can properly defend you from DDOS attacks clearly CCP can’t defend itself.

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Yeah, blackout did wonders for the playercount.

Modern Approach to DDoS Protection

The frequency of multi-vector DDoS attacks is growing exponentially. DDoS Strategies research by IDG revealed that UDP flood attacks account for 20 percent of all attacks. Categorized by layer:

  • 29 percent of attacks take place at the network layer
  • 25 percent at the application layer
  • 25 percent at the network layer
  • 21 percent at infrastructure services

Hackers are using multiple types of attacks against single targets. It’s more crucial than ever for modern DDoS protection solutions to have each of the four critical requirements: precision, scalability, wartime response efficiency, and affordability. Effective DDoS protection strategies fall short if it’s not comprehensive. Companies should prioritize multi-layered hybrid solutions which can provide constant protection from any type of DDoS attack.

A modern, top-to-bottom approach to DDoS protection uses multiple tools and accomplishes multiple goals:

  • Layered, in-depth detection: Uses a cost-effective reactive mode with layered packet detection.
  • Intelligent automation with machine learning: Eliminates the need for manual intervention.
  • Scales to 100Ks of monitored entities with individual policies: Provides profitable clean pipe services.
  • Overcomes organizational silo issues: Allows organizations to leverage common resources and talents.

Companies typically implement one of three deployment modes.

  • Proactive : A proactive deployment mode is always watching incoming traffic and performing detection and mitigation against it. So, this is an extremely effective way for businesses to put packet-based detection and mitigation appliances at the edge of the network.
  • Reactive : A reactive deployment mode uses flow-based data in order to get full visibility into a network’s traffic. It works by routing specific traffic to a mitigator, scrubbing it clean and then redirecting it back into the network. This mode is the one that’s most commonly offered by ISPs or cloud providers.
  • Hybrid : A hybrid deployment mode uses on-demand cloud mitigation capabilities to address volumetric attacks, as well as in-line and on-premises packet-based solutions designed to detect and mitigate the three major types of DDoS attacks: volumetric, network protocol and application.

To reap the benefits of a modern approach to DDoS protection and adequately defend against multi-vector attacks, it’s typically recommended that organizations adopt a hybrid deployment mode.

DDoS Cloud Scrubbing

Companies also need to seek out solutions which offer DDoS cloud scrubbing. This requires a cloud service used to divert traffic from the organization’s data centers during an attack. The cloud scrubbing service will then eliminate malicious traffic before sending legitimate traffic back to its normal path via the ISP.

DDoS Threat Intelligence

Threat intelligence is another important aspect of a DDoS defense strategy. Without it, companies are forced to use guesswork and blind mitigation to combat attacks. With threat intelligence organizations can identify any kind of common threat before they hit their network.

Companies struggle to find important insights from incomplete and outdated threat intelligence data. It’s essential for companies to look toward a real-time feed of actionable threat intelligence data that actively monitors objects (such as botnets, IP addresses of reflection attack agents and more).

The Right DDoS Defense Tools

Companies shouldn’t underestimate the importance of finding the right DDoS defense tools to use. Organizations must first understand what types of attacks are the most common, and which are rising in popularity. Amplification attacks are currently the most common, followed closely by stateful floods, which are often sourced by botnets. This includes IoT botnets, such as those used in the Mirai attacks.

Altogether, a comprehensive DDoS solution which blends both technology and process will succeed thanks to the presence of:

  • Dedicated, on-premises gear that can remain vigilant 24/7.
  • An expert incident team who can respond and react to any type of attack.
  • The cloud, which can serve as a destination for diverted traffic.

Six Steps for DDoS Defense

During a DDoS attack, an effective defense will include:

  1. On-premises gear automatically detects the attack and activates mitigation procedures.
  2. The incident response team is automatically alerted when the attack escalates to a certain level without being successfully mitigated.
  3. The incident response team engages by verifying that a real attack is taking place (rather than a false positive), analyzing the attack, providing mitigation guidance and recommending cloud swing when needed.
  4. A diversion signal is sent to the cloud, along with details about the attack.
  5. The cloud team diverts traffic for scrubbing, usually using the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) or the Domain Name System (DNS).
  6. When the attack is over, traffic is restored to its normal path through the ISP.
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Some of the nerfing yes a bit of a pain but nerfing the EC was something that needed to be done. I know personally 4 multi multi boxers who were running 4 5 and more sites in one go because it was so dam easy to run and no risks for them.

Yah connection comes first, but no fleet chat is simply a nightmare. Some of our fleet died because switching anchor without seeing the new anchor in fleet is kinda difficult.