Tranquility Connectivity Issues Megathread

When is the day that i do not get the yellow message warning me about the servers??

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i hope but i thinking no reimbursement going :\
iā€™m waiting my reimbursement for ship/pod lost in abyss 01/30/2020 and nothingā€¦ no answerā€¦ bah

I posted optimistically yesterday that it seemed things had cleared up for me in SE USA. So the one account I had let go to alpha, I subbed back up to omega. Unfortunately, I logged 2 accounts on this morning just fine, but cannot do much with inventory, etc. So maybe it was having 2 accounts on rather than one (not my computer-it is op for this game), but things are still unworkable as far as active use of what you pay for. I am sure ccp is trying, but it is approaching 2 weeks now. I am just keeping you informed as to the SE USA. I am pulling for you ccp, and presumably you will get this fixed before too much longer, and make things right.

Maybe multiboxing is being treated as a DDoS by their security software?


Well the issue duefinately is not on my side

Yesterday all was ok with both alts, even local was showing the same number of pilots on both accounts. Today, logged in ok again but local is now showing different numbers of pilots for each alt. So still not safe to operate in losec. UK.

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Well I havent been touched by any connectivity issues on any of my other international games so my ISP Vuma and Vox have clearly kept theyre clients happy unlike mweb and the likes that have client issues with connectivity in South Africa

I have already looked into that way before posting here

Other games I have fun on while I can not log into eve is ARK survival evolved eu official. World of warcraft US server and Everquest2 US server

Nice to see the Eve universe shaken by such occurrences :slight_smile: Rebalace of power initiated.

Been that way off and on since March 2018, 22 months now. So nothing to do with the DDOS (though it may have exacerbated the existing recurring/chronic issue), just the AWS (Amazon cloud)-powered chat servers.

Local is untrustworthy since then, and ever has been. Anyone multiboxing has stories of not seeing their own alt in the same system as them on numerous occasions since then, and even singleboxers should notice that sometimes a person on grid with them at a gate isnā€™t showing up in local sometimes.

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heh. Maybe! ;D

I will say then back from late last week through last weekend and into Monday of this week, whenever I would log in my 3 mains or my 3 alts (with a slight delay between each on the options slider), the first one was getting the old EVE login screen with an error (when dismissed, I could then click ā€œConnectā€ and it would get to the character select screen at that point) but the 2nd and 3rd accounts were going straight to the character select screen, soā€¦ that was interesting. Seems to have cleared up since Tuesday/Wednesday.

just lost the connection again, cant log in

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I had my first successful log in yesterday, no lag, no disconnect, no chat issues. For me, it seems like nothing happened other than the markets being screwed over by the loss of so many players. I donā€™t know about anywhere else, but for me it seems like this whole thing is over. Midwest, Great Lakes area if that helps.

I hope I donā€™t jinx this lmao

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Things were fine yesterday, but the lag is terrible again today. Iā€™m in the upper mid-west of the states if that helps.

Mee too. I canā€™t enter serverā€¦ ā€œConnection Lostā€ problem but I check my LAN and other my connection still working.

Jeez CCP ,FIX that ā– ā– ā– ā– ā€¦ again weekend is coming and all chats lost and disconnects :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Chat broken again, and lagg is comingā€¦

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Yeah game just crashed for me. Noticed it start about 15 min ago while I was sitting in a station.

Chat broken + massive Laggs

whats going on bruv?

2 days of normality. As of 15:00 or so EVE time, chat started crapping out and login is requiring using the Connect button after using the launcher.

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