Trig invasions are crushing hisec PvE

The impact of an invasion is bigger than a single system. The way the agent system works there’s only so many agents worth running, and an invaded system can be a an inconvenience in a constellation. Also trade routes are a bit messed up.

That said currently I don’t think it’s too much of a problem, but it’s also not something to just completely ignore either.

It’s really quite simple. Just stop logging in. That’s what null did during the black out. If you log in and try stuff you just end up throwing away your work. If you stop logging in, you lose nothing really. You can’t fight the invasion because CCP has already decided the outcome and nothing will change that. Just log out, let CCP do what they do and then see how it is in 3-12 months. Easy and you can save rl money doing it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Okay could we see a long line of Frigates, Cruisers & Battleships all fitted like how they would normally be fitted lined up outside career agents.

Not to say that I agree there is a conspiracy against my fellow Caldari capsuleers. I do agree that the trigvasion invasion has impacted Faction Warfare, and it seems, most unfairly, the Caldari faction suffered the worst effects. Perhaps it was intent, or more likely an unlucky application of coding which CCP was not aware of how many players it would effect negatively.

FW is the perfect place and play style for anyone who wants to play the sandbox, but doesn’t have enough RL time to be a null warrior. It is a significant amount of the active pvp player base and content in EVE-Online. We, the faction warfare players, have been largely ignored, besides maximizing our accelerating gate, and giving us a Large plex that spawns once a day, because they forgot to add it into respawn. This unwanted PVE/PVP content has indeed effected us all. Although not as much as UCSC members, who due to the Ichoriya incident, resulted in loosing a large portion of members to more appeasing content.

How to fix, I am unsure, as shaking up the sandbox is needed. Changing which systems to add to avoidance list, and bottle necking Mission runners into declining 50% of their missions offered was not what we wanted though…

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Not sure why the conspiratorial tone. Numerous systems relevant to Gallente FW have been targeted for invasion (Caselmon, Stacmon, etc.) and the Hikkoken trig victory is as annoying to us as it is to calmil. The difference is that no one in galmil went deep into debt fighting Trigs. We got our trig standings and moved on ignoring the content we did not wish to participate in.

I don’t see why there’s any need to try to force players who like cal space to leave it for somewhere else.


Don’t you get it?

The plan is to drive all pve from the server and afterwards split high sec between the trigs and the big null blocks…

The null blocks will be the only players left on the server and they will have their paradise because pve is already leaving in masses…


Don’t many bpos only drop from rats? This doesn’t make sense unless they’re also planning on changing how equipment originates.

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I don’t know if it is killing hisec PVE, but I know its made industry and supply chain logistics a boring nightmare. Whoever thought it was a good idea to dump a bunch of fire ants into the sandbox and call it “fun” is probably the same waterhead that brought us “greed is good”, the Incarna vaporware and $70 monocles.

Anyway, my 4 accounts end tomorrow night, I don’t plan to come back until the forced content disappears. I love this game, have since I created my first character in 2006, and this isn’t the first time CCP had done stupid ■■■■.


As a matter of facts, the Null blocks are some of the heaviest PvE-players organisation, with gigantic mining and ratting operations coming from them.

PvE isn’t equal to High-sec.

Better fight for the system instead of let others do your work and then, complain here

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at least i don’t get flag post and get my post hidden evry 2 seconds

You mean you are proud of what you are doing and blame ME for what YOU do?

Clever tactic if it would work :slight_smile:

Sadly it does not…

The Celestial Imperative (1 of 5) mission chain has been sacked.

Celestial Imperative (1 of 5)

So…pve ist not made impossible?

Well if one needs more proof…

“Difficult” and “impossible” are not the same thing. Maybe the presence of a non-highsec system is an impossible obstacle for you, but not everyone is as bad at EVE as you. Perhaps you should consider moving away from the helpless perma-victim mindset?

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Dude…stop it…your fanboying is getting ridiculous…

Casual players ARE mmo even if YOU cannot stand it and for THIS group a provider should set his game…


Nope. Casual players massively overstate their own importance, but by definition their casual status means they have very little impact on the game. And remember that not all casual players are completely terrified of PvP like you, many casual players enjoy PvP and welcome changes like this.