Trig invasions are crushing hisec PvE

Causal players may great for MMO owners, if you can convince them to pay for a subscription instead of keeping a free account because they don’t care enough to upgrade. But that doesn’t mean they’re good or necessary for the game.

It’s also more likely to be casual players who buy plex to get ISK as they will spend less time in game grinding.

Disagree. Casual players are less likely to buy PLEX to get ISK because they’re casual and the thought of spending $20 on video game items is absurd to them. Casual PvE players are even less likely to buy PLEX because they have no real need for ISK, and if they do RMT themselves directly to their end goal they’re likely to quit soon after because there’s nothing left for them to do.

The real market for PLEX is serious PvP players with IRL cash. They have a regular supply of losses to pay for, enough of a commitment to the game to be willing to RMT in a game with permanent item loss, and limited desire to do ISK producing activities for their own sake.

It’s to spread the player base out.

CCP have wanted to decentralise the jita area for a while so that the rest of the game sees more life.

No. A few BPC’s drop from rats. BPO’s are bought from NPCs.

Some people will make it work, and be paid handsomely for it.

I said no such thing. Dedicated industry players are extremely important to the success of the game. Casual players, who by definition make a minimal investment of effort in the game and therefore have a minimal impact, are not.

(They are potentially important for CCP’s revenue, but that’s a separate question.)

I’m curious as to how you think casual miners in barges who mine unbuffed (of which there is a lot) get their omega subs without paying for example.

Obviously they’re paying. But if you’re a casual PvE player why would you pay $15/month to make your mining numbers bigger? Paying for omega status implies a certain minimum level of investment in the game. It may be one that some casual players are willing to make, but I’m skeptical that they’re buying as frequently as you claim.

So is it about casual players or about PvE players?

Or are you just going to turn coat and be the white knight of a different group in every post, depending of which group currently fit your narrative better?

You probably have a point here, but I think what Merin is talking about is how much impact each casual player can have individually.

When one, or a handfull, leave, that’s pretty much irrelevant.

Sure, if you somehow alienate your entire casual playerbase, you have a problem. But that takes a really major ■■■■-up somewhere.

Since they are usually not very invested, they are also easy to replace with any other guy starting the game.

To both lose all your casuals players and not just replace them by other casuals who started the game at the same time the others stopped it, you would need to do something really, really wrong. Casuals players already start and leave games on a regular basis, with or without updates.

PVE is a SIGNIFICANT part of casual…about around 75%,the rest is irrelevant.

this game is clearly broken and unplayable as a new player I joined today and tried to do the career agent mission that had asked to get a tracking pc tried to get it for cheap and finish the mission but the game only gives you a pop up saying you may be shot by them it doesn’t clearly tell you that as a new player you will be killed in one hit and have no chance of doing what you wanted to to

but it’s midgame/endgame stuff? as a newbie in frigate or destroyer, i’m just blobbed by any triglavian.

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CCP seems to see no problem…others do…but they are powerless.

And certainly there are those that support ccp in any what they do(aka fanboys),for them CCP CANNOT do anything wrong. :slight_smile:

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You are not powerless. In game your one or two accounts may not mean anything to CCP, but outside the game you can have an impact.

I belong to some online gaming groups, mainly I am looking for recommendations for a new game. It’s pretty surprising how negative people are becoming toward EvE and the direction the game is taking. I was once a big supporter of EvE, but when anyone asks my opinion these days, I say don’t even bother installing.

You waste your time arguing with trolls on the forums and it’s pretty clear CCP doesn’t care about casual high sec players. You will have a much better voice and effect online, keeping people from trying or coming back to EvE. With all the games out there, it really doesn’t take much to dissuade people from installing the game and looking elsewhere.

Luckily for CCP you would probably have no effect outside the game either, because social media is not an effective tool and hardly reaches anyone. :wink:


That’s what CCP wants. CCP wana kick any PVE especially High-sec PVE players out of game. If you PVE too much, you will buy less PLEX. So that they developed Trig Invasions to obstruct PVE activities.

Aren’t the Trigs NPCs? Thus isn’t the invasion largely PvE content? How can highsec PvE content crush highsec PvE content?

Don’t worry, once the Invasion is over in a few more weeks CCP will consolidate the new map and probably make the security status changes permanent. That will alleviate some of the pain points introduced with the new content, and you can find a new place to do your old-style PvE again. Or you can take up the challenge and do the new PvE content.

It’s all good people.


. . . color me skeptical. I think it is just as likely that they have the Trigs sign a peace accord or something and let Concord back in to those systems.

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That isn’t out of the realm of possibility - the Trigs sign a peace treaty but stick around and even team up with the Empires to fight the Drifters. But I still think the systems themselves will be part of new Trig space, maybe with some security mechanic to make them more interesting to PvE players braver and less set in their ways than the OP. Something hopefully different and more interesting than CONCORD, (or Trig-skinned CONCORD) and the systems will not just completely revert to as before.

But regardless, only after the invasion is complete will CCP properly code the results in the database so that these systems behave as expected. That means anomaly spawns, agents, minerals and other PvE which don’t make sense now or provide enough reward won’t be fixed until after the Invasion is complete.

Some STILL aren’t willing to accept that the game that was 2005 is dead and will not come back…

Now we have a crappy 08/15 ftp game that is not interesting for more and more people,just wait for the oncoming ‘great new offers in the shop’.

But again some people sweettalk it…

Please face the fact that it’s over…

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Maybe you should listen to your own advice.
And face the fact the game you think EVE ever was is also over.
Though I don’t see anyone here wanting the 2005 game back, I think that is only in your head.

People are talking about some of the principles behind the game at the time, That CCP themselves have stated recently as aims to return to. Which means people are probably right about the direction.

How are HS PVE players not able to spend 20 min to run 2-3 sites of whichever faction is grumping up their local HS mission hub then go back to running Damsel in Distress L4 over and over again or whatever it is highsec mission runners do? Which HS hubs are either Final Lim or directly adjacent to final systems?

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Um. No. You do understand that all ISK that people sell PLEX for comes from other players, right? If nobody has a surplus of PvE ISK then nobody is paying ISK for PLEX, and nobody buys PLEX from the F2P cash shop. Please stop repeating this absurd theory.

And once again you conveniently ignore the fact that EVE of 2005 was far more PvP focused and life was much harder for PvE-only players like you.

Hi all,

I haven’t been keeping up with this thread, so can someone tell me if high-sec PvE has been crushed yet? I’m wondering if it’s safe to build something to sell without losing money on the margin.


honestly don’t bother playing the game just give away all your stuff delete your avatar then ask ccp to delete your account this game has no fun for new players like myself who are barely a day old into it and can be one-shot by a broken NPC that I am taught nothing about or how to confront them

Some players rise to challenges and some players prefer a theme park. You might not like Eve, but I have great news for you - almost every other MMO available right now has gone with the theme park approach - so you have a lot of other options that should make you happy.

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