Yes, I do.
Thats why I havent lost a mining ship to a gank or Trig.
Whats your problem, sport?
Yes, I do.
Thats why I havent lost a mining ship to a gank or Trig.
Whats your problem, sport?
Since you affirm that being at 10m/s is the same as being aligned on a 200m/s procurer, you actually have no idea what you are talking about.
Just because a random event did not happen to you does not mean that it’s a proof of you doing things correctly.
some more explanation about that phenomenom here
It literally makes no difference.
You hit fleet, you go. Simple as.
It actually totally does.
being “aligned” means being at least at 75% max speed.
When you are lower than 150m/s on a proc(without higgs), you are NOT aligned. So you actually have no idea what it is to remain aligned all the time.
Is this where I say “no you?”
The ships are pointing where they will go when ordered.
this is not “being aligned”.
If you are at 10 m/s you could as well be at 0m/s
Its worked well enough for me.
I really dont know why youd want to side with people who cant even be bothered to be at their keyboards, then complain the game is too hard.
Im apparently unable to play it correctly and still dont have these issues.
That’s just the random of events in Eve.
Attributing this to you “understanding” the game is just a fundamental attribution error. cf the link I provided before.
I don’t side with people. I tell you, you are wrong and your understanding of the game is bad.
I explain you what the terms you used actually mean, so that now you may start understanding what we are talking about.
Some rats insta lock and can warp disrupt, so that you can’t even hit the warp button before you are pinned. I heard people were locked between the moment they “align to” and the moment they can cloack, so under a tick assuming no server issue.
I also read that people got decloaked on a safe (but not sure if it is true), it is totally possible CCP screwed things. I know they made several mistakes (cf last patch errors of specialization not working), they may as well have made more subtle others.
Just because you never had an issue does not mean the issue does not exist.
Now I was not personally subject of those issues, mainly because it’s months since I mined. But when you claim that “always aligned” and “aligned at 10 m/s” is possible, then every people who know what they talk about can doubt your knowledge or assume you are trolling.
It is possible to have several rewarp bookmarks around the belt and always be “aligned” in the convenient direction - to one of them.
Which they do anyway.
No real point, by the time my feeble mind gets round to understanding, itll have changed. Again.
Sorry to have wasted your time.
Yeah but if you can just stop propagating that false idea that “being aligned is ok when at 5% max speed” that’s already a good thing.
It’s one of those lies that is only propagated because people don’t check their facts. I’m sorry but it’s a very serious issue within Eve.
Yeah, those BM need to be above 150 km from the belts (200km is a better distance), in a quantity enough to be able to keep mining while aligned. Remember that you are limited in BM in the game.
Alsso, when you change alignement, you are not aligned. IIRC it’s around 8s to align in a proc, actually more if you are already aligned in the wrong direction. up to 12s but in most cases it should be +0s since you are changing the alignment by a perpendicular direction (so you effectiveley have a starting speed of 0 towards your target)
No its fine. You are correct.
I shouldve checked myself before I rekt myself.
Overconfidence kills more people than anything else.
I withdraw my incorrect assumption and stand corrected.
I think I need to lose some of mine as it seems I always have my foot in my mouth.
that’s because you’re tasty.
Since Triglavians recons in HiSec do not, as of yet, prevent warp - being aligned at 10m/s or 75% speed is pretty much the same if you’re in anything bigger than a Venture.
Being aligned at 75% means you can insta warp, that is the server registers your warp and put you in warp at the need of the tick(<1s)
If you are not tanky enough, being NOT aligned means you can take up to 150% of the time it takes to align (so12s on a proc),
recon damavik deals 33+61 damage per shot, with a 0.9* multiplier and a 3s dealy so 28.2 DPS from disintegrator.
the launcher uses 45EM+45 kin damage majorana, with a *5 mult and a delay of 7s so it’s 64.2 DPS.
total is 92.4 DPS.
rats go by three, so total is 277 DPS.
10s to align, assuming you realize they are here the moment they target you and have infinitely fast reflexes : 2770 EHP removed.
that is, unless CCP made a mistake somewhere.
Not an issue if you fit a tank. vOv But continue to rage, your tears sustain me, etcetc.
And I know this for a fact because I’ve been mining all week and have had zero issues with the dozen or so attacks I’ve experienced.
Again, the Blood Raider FOB has been more of an issue.
TLDR - Not worth chasing them for the NO bounty and CRAP loot and measly salvage.
Add “Invading Precusor Entities” to your Overview (it’s not ticked by default).
Pop the fleet and they will come back with a bigger one within minutes. (5 ships seems the maximum fleet size though.)
They warp to belts, Customs Offices and Structures, usually not sitting in one place for more than 5 minutes if there are no targets.
They do Omni damage and Thermal works well against them.
Pop the Renewing Damavik first, then the Starving, then the Recons (unless you are kitting from a distance then kill the Blinding first followed by the Renewing and Starving). We leave the Recons to last. They go down pretty fast when their support is gone.
These things do a ton of damage and do it quickly. Almost insta-lock and pop if you warp to a belt and they are already there, especially for n00bs in low end ships.
We’ve been hunting the Recon Fleets to see if they carried anything good.
They don’t. CRAP loot on the rare occasions that they even have loot. Even then it’s the usual low end crap that you get from ordinary belt rats.
Once in a blue moon one may have some of those Triglavian Survey Sheets.
NO bounties on these rats which sucks considering how dangerous they are.
Salvage (with a high level salvager and top end Noctis) consists of parts to make T2 Triglavian ships but you aren’t going to get rich from it. We’ve popped about 20 “Fleets” so far and the total salvage is maybe 65 mil isk (not worth it for the time it takes to find the fleets).
From what we’ve seen.
The first Recon Fleet will usually be 2 Recon Damaviks (DPS ships) and a Renewing Damavik (remote repair).
Pop that and within a few minutes another fleet will spawn somewhere in the system.
It will have 2 Recons, 1 Renewing and 1 Starving Damavik (neuter).
Pop that fleet and another will spawn, this time with 2 Recons, 1 Renewing, 1 Starving and 1 Blinding Damavik (sensor damps).
Pop that fleet and the next spawn will be the same as the original 3 ship spawn (and so on and so on).
Note ! They warp to Structures, belts and Customs Offices. They usually don’t sit at one spot for more than a few minutes. They will attack ships tethered at Structures.
Note: We’ve played with trying to drag them away from a belt to see what they do. They will pulse a MWD and get short bursts of up to 2,400 m/s to try and catch you, but can’t sustain that speed. They do seem to be able to sustain speeds around 800(ish) m/s normally though. When you get bored and warp off, they will instantly warp off somewhere else as well.
They do OMNI damage ! Primarily Thermal and Explosive and Kinetic/EM as Secondary damage.
No warp disruptors/scrams, painters or ECM (other than the sensor damps).
We use a tanked Cerb with RLMLs and Inferno Fury (and Hobs) which works well on the 3 ship fleets, can take the 4 ship fleets but runs into trouble with the 5 ship fleets.
Another guy is using a Gnosis with HMLs and Inferno Precision (and Hobs). Same thing. Is OK until he tries to solo a 5 ship fleet.
Going to play with the fits to get better Omni tanks and see how that works (now that we know what the damage is).
Oh and it seems that no matter how many Fleets you pop, they don’t stop respawning and it’s NOT on the normal rat respawn ticker (which is every 15 minutes I think ?).
These Triglavians will respawn within minutes of the last fleet being popped.
However - pop all but one of them and leave that one alone and they won’t respawn any more ships. We’ve taken a Recon Damavik down to about 5% structure and then left it. 3 hours later it popped an Epithal at a Customs office (the guy didn’t have the |nvading Precursor Entities on his overview and was on his PI screen when he got popped).
The Recon was still in low structure but no armour (and full shields of course).
We had an alpha in another system get popped in a Venture for the same reason - these rats aren’t on the default Overview menu - you have to add them (they are under the Entity drop down in the Tab Presets menu).
So basically - not worth chasing them. If they are a hassle, pop all but one of them and be prepared to tank it’s damage (it will pop a T3 with an active, cap stable tank all by itself though as one of our guys almost found out when he was dragging one away from a belt. He slowed down to make sure it didn’t get too far away and warp off. The rat caught up to him with it’s pulsing MWD and almost put him into structure before he realized it. He went to full speed and when he was something like 40+ kms away the damage stopped.)
I have no idea if killing these things will trigger anything else (like a Triglavian Invasion). That’s what we are expecting though (would kind of make sense you’d think).
However, as it is now, is seems that there is NO way to stop these *&!)#$@^ things from continuously respawning except to have one toon in a fast ship put one on a leash and drag it out to the middle of nowhere until the next downtime.
Strange, most of the people posting ship loss in this thread said they were at the keyboard and watched their ships die to Triglavian’s.
If this is CCP idea of helping game economy. Soon there will be no one to play game. Rookie help is on fire.
I hope CCP just ■■■■■■ up patch and they will fix this soon.