Triglavian Ganks in hi-sec non minory victory systems

CCP are keeping trig content a secret for the players to figure out on their own. It’s harder to kill players if they know what to expect.

I’ve played since end of 2009 and I was never scared of simple travelling in high-sec (not talking about gankers here). It was never possible to simply be killed by rats on gates after jumping to another system if some RNG said so.

So when was this “back” you mentioned?

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Sandbox, hehe…

“Destruction has always been part of the core of the game, they are just getting back to that”

Quoting tiny parts doesn’t work, quote the whole thing

Again: when was such times CCP “is getting back to”?

I hope you aren’t saying that there was no destruction in the game before trigs? :thinking:

CCP is not going back anywhere. They need to answer to PA, and PA have other ideas about going anywhere. See Black Desert as example where they would want this game to go.

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No but there was far less, over the last 16 years things have gotten safer and safer, just look at the recent change which almost all but eliminates killing undocking ships on the 4-4 undock these days, everything got far too soft and now there is random risks of exploding in high sec thanks to trig spawns, i think its great, no longer is it safe to autopilot your freighter to jita. now you have to gasps pay attention and maybe actually have people scout for you, how novel, working with other players in an MMO :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah they wouldn’t ever get that business model to work here, game would die long before that happened and they know it

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This is unclear.

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You mean “use alts” right…?

Not that many people gonna bother others doing menial tasks like hauling in high sec. You either get positive trig and eden standings (which is luckily very easy), use alts or not do it at all.

I must say, I do enjoy watching trig kill people on the JITA gate in Peri when a WH spawns in that system.

It was a feeding frenzy as people looted transport ships getting scrammed and popped.

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Jita Trig camp when? There’s no way this won’t happen unless CCP hard-codes it to be excluded.

It happens all the time when there is a WH in the system. They are not always on the gates as they roam around.

In this case it was Saturday Evening EVE TIME when there was a WH to Sakenta in Peri.

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Damn, that was sleep time for me. I was at New Caldari scanning for Pochven WHs, though, and it had two appear within a day alone, one on Saturday Afternoon EVE Time, and another on Sunday early morning. Not nearly as much player traffic, though, AFAIK.

Yeah with the amount of ships we send through we had to scan that hole 3 times as we were going in and out.

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And that right there is a definition of ■■■■ game design. As far as i know, nowhere in patch notes it was mentioned that theres roaming trig gangs outside of minor victory systems.


No it just said that the owners of the space might prevent you from entering it.

Now that could mean anything, I thought it would just mean there are trig on the highsec side of the WH guarding it. I never would have imagined that it also meant they are warping around killing anybody that don’t have positive standings.

But again it is not a big issue. It took me 5 minutes to sort out with all my accounts.

Not everything ends up in the patch notes, some stuff you have to discover yourself :stuck_out_tongue:

Welcome to EVE

And because of such recklessness or ignorance on the part of the game developers lot of players are saying “goodbye, EVE” and “no more Omega for all of my accounts, no more PLEX purchases”. The rope around the CCP neck is slowly but relentlessly tightened.

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yeah… devs f*ck up. -> Welcome to EVE.

Happens all the time.