Triglavian Ganks in hi-sec non minory victory systems

Selectively misunderstand your arguments?
You only made one single post in here.

What arguments?
You’re complaining about triglavians, apparently specifically gate-camps.
You don’t explain why they’re supposedly bad.
You use the word “tedium”, which is highly subjective and thus meaningless for discussion.

What tedium are you talking about?

“This is bad.” does not bring up any arguments or points!

Is this the best you can do?

I am not even sure if you are trolling or not :sweat_smile: But if you’re not, you are taking this way too seriously. Peace bro.


True. Wouldn’t recommend chasing those fleets with a single Rattlesnake (I lost one to them on a customs office a few months ago, being cocky and all :cowboy_hat_face:), the group I saw was around 15 strong, including a leshak and several scramblers. I was just surprised to see them on my dscan in a NON-minor victory system, in fact a totally invasion unrelated system. I thought they were gone from non-pochven systems. Maybe there was a wormhole to T-space in that system. Didn’t check, my probing ship was too far away and me too lazy.
Anyway, if they’re back, good. I wish “they” (ccp) would add the emerging conduits permanently to the list of anom spawns. They were fun.

There was a time when these parties were only 5 ships strong, and not even scrambling, and emerging conduits were a nice site to run solo.

That was a hook. Now it must be the part where CCP is overfishing and there is not enough fish in the sea.

They need to resolve that in the way icelandic governemnt solved overfishing. By tying the devs to a share in reward provided by the current and future player numbers and the share in profitability, create incentives to ensure that the player numbers, and whats resulting from it, cash inflows are sustainable.

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100% Agree. So far I dealt with just 3-4 of them,and one of them scared ■■■■ out of me with warp scram and cap neut. And this happens in ship which is solo minor conduit runner (not emerging - minor) capable of holding 20+ fleets.

Ok, so, it would seem that more than a small gang would be needed to go after a Trig gate camp (well, assuming said gang was comprised of average players).

Even if this is some form of new content that the players are supposed to figure out, will people even bother?

With player gate camps there is a limited amount of chance you will escape, but it’s a chance. You can fit your average ship to try and get away or back to the gate and out. Triglavians on the other hand, as fa as I understand it, are pretty much insta-wreck.

Player gate camps can be “countered” if you have the ability to get a group together to counter them, and there is a decent chance they will be there 10 minutes later when you and your group return. The Trigs don’t seem to have that level of patience.

Sure, you can use d-scan, etc. to figure out where they are, and chasing them would be a lot like hunting down players (perhaps easier as they probably aren’t programmed to warp as anything but a fleet), but beyond proving that it can be done, I highly doubt that killing them is going to net potentially shiny modules or loot that makes it worth the time to hunt them down.

Spend 30 minutes getting a gang of 5 people together to warp around in a system and pop 15 Trig ships for some scrap metal.

I’d like to think that there is some aspect to this that we’re missing, but it is CCP’s design.

Can the wormholes be easily collapsed?
Do they only show up in certain systems (I am trying to scan things down to see if there is any validity to this. It seems logical to have limitations on where they show up, otherwise having a Trig gate camp right outside a rookie system might not be the best optics for the game. Then again, we’re talking about CCP)
Do they have a duration that is different from normal wormholes?

If there isn’t something that people are missing, it’s basically just a new New-Eden wide gate camp system that requires $30/month to avoid (well, unless you can find an Alpha to play cannon fodder). No different that what null/low players deal with currently, but now in high-sec with the added bonus that they are more effective than any player run gate camp, and there’s next to no “reward” for taking the time to hunt them down.

Now, if there’s some random chance that the gate Trigs will drop officer modules or similar high value items, then people will find a way to farm them until the module prices go down, and maybe it will lessen the problem.

I’m not all that thrilled with gate camps, ganking, etc, but in spite of disagreements there, it is still sandbox player-made content. NPC gate camps that equate to nothing more than an RNG method of ensuring everyone has a chance to blow up unless they are dual boxing or part of a corp… that stinks of greed.

@Nana_Skalski it’s interesting that they are larger in size now.

Maybe if people don’t start keeping them in check, they take over more systems?


You can get about 10-30 mil in loot from them. Not officer modules, no loyalty points… Not worth to bother for a fleet or risk to be ganked in solo runner

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Even without the risk of being ganked, I’m not sure most will find 30mil isk to be worth the time to track them down.

From the Triglavian perspective, they have dozens of locations to choose from when camping. Different systems, different gates, etc. It’s shooting fish in a barrel. Hunting them down, however, you have dozens of locations where they might be, and it becomes a needle in a haystack type situation. Especially since you need to scan each system that potentially has wormholes in it just to determine if one of them might be a Pochven connection.

I hope I am wrong, and that this is just new content that can be figured out and turns up to be lucrative to remove. There are groups of players who take out FOB’s, for example. Maybe something similar is expected to be done with the Triglavians.

Sounds like it would be worth an ask to CCP to add Pochven wormhole spawns to the Agency, much like FOBs, so players can plan accordingly.

In the meantime, checking DOTLAN may help spot Trig wormhole systems, much like you would look for player gate camps.


DOTLAN is a decent option, but the only data that shows up is info that isn’t tied to kill mails. A ship/pod loss on the system statistics could just as well be a Blood Raider kill, or un-reported PvP. I looted a gate wreck recently that was from a Trig camp. That was several days ago now, and other than the ship/pod loss statistics for that system, there is still no further data on it.
The amount of time it would take to chase down the actual Trig camps runs into the same time/reward issue.

Even if you could pop the entire fleet with a Velator and get 10mil isk in loot, hunting them would be so time consuming that people wouldn’t commit to it.

Adding the wormholes to The Agency would be great, but wormholes are not persistent like FOB’s. I haven’t found one yet to verify things like whether or not it has a different appearance than the other wormholes etc., but I’m guessing they may have a specific life cycle, mass allowance, etc. (IF they are different from other wormholes, would be nice to see the Eve Uni page on visually identifying them updated, but I’m going to guess that the people who run the site would need a snapshot of one first, which is why I’m actively looking for them).

Maybe they are only open as long as the Trigs haven’t popped a ship, and then once they do, they withdraw back to Pochven and the wormhole closes.

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The trigs are in non invasion systems too. I was next to an edencom fort system and there were trigs on the gate in the next system (which was not a minor trig victory).

What is Edencom good for?

They stay until killed, I also think the wormhole will spawn new ones.

They grind dual standings to be friendly with trigs too. Shamefur dispray…

I will fight for the drifters and rogue drones.

I will fight for myself.

Why must we fight?

Tis the nature of the game! :crazy_face:

Ok, so I finally found some Trigs.

  1. Their class/type icons show up as white.
  2. like the drifters, they scan everything on gates, NPC or otherwise, using a passive targeting system.

The following does not cause aggression from them:

  1. Orbiting
  2. Targeting
  3. Bumping (clearly they are AFK)

I did note, however, that while my safety was set to green, I was able to activate a web on the ship I had targeted.

They do not passively/actively target fast enough to prevent a pod from escaping (at least if you’re spamming a warp-out location)

edit: 20minutes have passed, and the interaction (which did not include weapons fire, just webbing) does not appear to have resulted in a standings change. There is no listing on the account for Triglavian or Edencom.

Aha! So it wasn’t just me.