Yeah, some people here lack the ability to actually explain what they mean. It’s an acronym for Medium Shield Extender.
Anyway, you can view the Agency before undocking from station to see if there’s any active Triglavian Invasions and Pirate Strongholds (Forward Operating Base) happening nearby and hopefully just bypass those systems.
All systems with an active ‘Emerging Conduit’ anomaly will have the roaming Triglavian Recon groups. After jumping into system, you can view all anomalies in system by opening the probe scan window. If there’s an ‘Emerging Conduit’ anomaly in the system, it will also have roaming Triglavian Recon groups.
The MSE is a Medium Shield Extender.
It is a module that adds shield amount, 800 points for the MSE1, 1100 for the MSE2, with the usual meta and faction variants.
Given the base shield on a Venture is 225 points that’s a nice little upgrade. Train up Shield Management for a bit more tank (5% more shield per level) and she can be quite a tough little boat.
Watch the prices on the Compact though. They can easily top 5m ISK each compared to the 700k ISK of a T2 MSE.
With good enough skills you can use 2 restrained, that are better than M0 in term of PWR usage. With perfect skills (or with implants ?) and compact miners you can use two M0 , that is 4k ehp on the venture.
venture cheap 4k ehp
[Venture, *starter miner]
Mining Laser Upgrade I
1MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Medium Shield Extender I
Medium Shield Extender I
Particle Bore Compact Mining Laser
Particle Bore Compact Mining Laser
You can add an ancil rig to get more pwr but it’s very expensive.
venture T2 4.7k ehp
[Venture, *starter miner]
Mining Laser Upgrade I
1MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Medium Shield Extender I
Medium Shield Extender I
Particle Bore Compact Mining Laser
Particle Bore Compact Mining Laser
you can add two extender rigs to reach 6k ehp.
venture deluxe 7k ehp
[Venture, *starter miner]
Mining Laser Upgrade II
1MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Medium Shield Extender II
Medium Shield Extender II
Miner II
Miner II
Small Ancillary Current Router II
Small Core Defense Field Extender II
Small Core Defense Field Extender II
here the cost is almot the same as for a barge. Don’t do that
A venture without those modules has ±1k ehp. That’s like 5 s of sustained fire from the trigs before you explode.
The 4.7k ehp gives you ±15s before they kill you.
Now you do what you want,but that survey scanner is probably not worth losing your ship.
Hi the other session I was in hisec Osmon ice mining and boosting my partner with my Orca when in coms some rat and starts zapping people when we retaliated he called in the troops and I ended up losing my Orca and all its goodies Was not possible to warp out once his buddies had put all their warps on me …do you think I should have just warped out right away …( 14 orcas in the belt and no one had other drones for defence… I now carry sh!t loads .
You might want to check out Elite ‘Dangerous’ or X4 Foundations. They provide just as in-depth and complex game play but also allow stand-alone, solo, and multi-player options. You are not forced into combat unless you choose. Graphics are just as good or better as well. Because of the changes that Eve is making I plan to close my account and move over to one of them instead. OH ya, almost forgot, they have no monthly subscription fees either.
Suggest using procurer or skiff. High shield resistance and launch drones after Trigs aggro your ship. Reduces loss of drones. Shield tank for thermal and explosive. Plus, fly with a buddy or extra account.
Talk about stupid. In barges and exhumers you never could AFK mine because you have to move the ore every few minutes. In Orca you could AFK mine, but Orcas don’t have to worry about rats.
This change BUFFED AFK by removing the competition.
Exactly. I just wish they would patrol the ice anomalies and help get rid of the bot and/or 50-ship multibox fleets that suck up all the ice in 5 minutes.
Yes, that would be nice too. But there’s one thing that I don’t like and I think CCP should work on. It’s quite simple, actually: fit at least one or two triglavian ships with warp scramblers. At least one or two, if not all of them.
I mine in a t-2 fit orca use auged ogres … i have no problem with these rats if its less than 4 i just keep 3 miners out and turn 2 combat drones on them . Then salvage them for the extra parts
I ask because your current corp has access to moons in HS that you can mine in without interruption from the triglavian patrols, so it sounds like you just need to expend a little more effort to not be victimized by the nasty NPCs… zkill also shows us that you have only one loss to a trig NPC, so they can’t be impacting your game that much… right?