Triglavian Invasion; A Good Short-Sighted Idea with Poor Long-Term Consideration

Once again, I disagree. The players I’m talking about, the ones who aren’t able to be redeemed, are actually a threat to the game if they end up staying. History has shown that those players will “grow up” to become toxic little goblins who, upon learning enough about the game’s mechanics, will go on the forums and thrash and flail about in an effort to make CCP change the game so that it caters to their selfish needs. They’re the ones asking for ■■■■ like PvP toggles. No, I would much rather have those players quit as soon as they spawn from the womb of the EVE banner ad they clicked on, than make it to the point where they can start to influence CCP with their incessant whining.

Case in point, look at these two posts from this person:

This person equated players on the opposite side of the NPC-driven content that CCP created to wife-beaters. People like that, and the ones who support them, are quite literally cancer for this game.