Uedama anti-gank

Your really think that is me, hilarious! You are perhaps even more of a dumb raving fruitcake than I thought.

I saved him once from a Hyperdunking in Junng a long time ago, must have annoyed you intensely to remember that.

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it would be funny if Drac was x-fearnor but i suspect there are not enough russian smiles in his chat to confirm it.

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I think it is even funny that the raving fruitcake actually suggested this, hilarious.

When you were on your Indy char x-feanor you said youā€™d get me with your main character dracvlad the last time I ganked you

Kinda gave it away champ, the cats out of the bag

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Making up fantasies to make you feel good about yourself, raving fruitcake indeedā€¦

Must have hurt losing all those ships/bling pods, nowonder youā€™re such a tower of salt


Raving fruitcake indeed. Never got anything on me, so makes up stuff to feel better, what a zeta maleā€¦

Why zeta?

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Because heā€™s a self proclaimed proud betamale so he needs a title for other people

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Because he often posts ranting fruitcake proclamations that he is an Alpha male, which I find hilariously funny because Alpha males donā€™t need to tell anyone that they they are. :wink:

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This is Drac admitting that AG is so impotent that the addition of a lil HP to wrecks absolutely destroyed their gameplay.

Not only that, but it happened years ago and his butt is still hurt about it.

Do I just pick on neuro a-typicals on the internet? Do I need to get a real hobbies? Maybe wood-burningā€¦?


Emergent gameplay dear boy, do keep up.

And it was not a little EHP.

Not butt hurt, contemptuous of a group of players that got the mechanics changed because people started to counter their play, so they set up a change to protect thir easy ISK making.

Head butting the wall might suit you.

But why specifically zeta? Of all the letters you could have picked. I am just curious.

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Good one, made me chuckle.

Great, but why zeta? Does it have special meaning to you?

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Seems obvious to me, stop asking silly questions on my thread . :scream:

It is? Please explain.

Just like to add, good lucky in the war

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Stop crying over ship wreck ehp and increase your damage skills. Maybe then youā€™ll be able to actually kill a wreck?

I donā€™t understand your explanation.