Uedama anti-gank

Ah, I was wondering when the IRL comparisons would resurface. Please, do go on to describe how this game is like real life.

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It’s just as full of evasive people :slight_smile:

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I have no idea what you are talking about. :smiley:

Hello Vladimir, your comments interest me.

Heav’n forbid that anyone should play a video game in order to have fun!

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Lol me delusional , what’s wrong with you , you sound bitter and defeated, eve is a hard game and you have to fight for your part of it , isn’t that the point and why so many like it . @Aaaarrgg is right about all the things that have changed , ganking is hard to do ,so is anti-ganking but we don’t lay down and take it .

Only the other day I was talking to a ganker and he told me this group had lost over 2b due to ag , not a major blow but one that gave him concern over ag units in the area disrupting his activities.

CCP will always tweak but you need to work around things and adapt how you play .

For me ,things have changed in eve , never has the anti criminal movement been so strong and active, many pilots no longer cower down in their holes , worried about what code and war Decers will do to them or their corps, we band together and fight.

Now towers fall , freighters can be saved from the best gankers in the game if we organise well, we can push gankers out of areas or keep them on there toe’s.

We are a small force of rebels that fly against the grain , doing stuff people said could not be done .

How am I delusional or a troll…


I’m pretty sure you know what I meant, but I’ll rephrase it for you - “But when folks are ganking targets casually with little forethought or planning”. Better? Really though, you don’t need to forum warrior with selective quoting and intentional misinterpretation. Nothing is going to change, ganking will continue because CCP supports it.

Wow. Laying it on with a trowel there.

Ah, the truth comes out… Not a police force at all, but REBELS.

Apologies Vladimir; let me try again.

I don’t know any gankers of non-mining vessels who don’t undertake the sensible measures set out by you. There may be some. Good luck to them!

Others may get lucky, of course, but I do take issue with your statement that ‘folks’…‘are still coming out ahead in the long run’.

If your arguments in support of this view are, ‘if they didn’t, they wouldn’t do it’, or ‘they shouldn’t be able to profit from it’, i can present myself as (admittedly, formerly) prime evidence that I could and did fund my activities entirely out of my real-world pocket, and I never sought to make a profit. Not everyone is the same.

My second disagreement concerns your loose comment ‘you know the changes haven’t been effective’. You’re intelligent enough to realise that CCP has the data which inform their decision-making about balance in the game. I guess your idea of balance and theirs diverge.

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I wonder why people feel the need to debate. CCP has clearly examined the issue, and come to their conclusions. Nothing said here will change that.

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No my argument in support of this is numerous players posting on these forums that they come out ahead on average. I guess they could be lying, so perhaps that makes me naive? I dunno. Regardless, I do agree that good gankers should profit. But apparently you don’t even need to be “good”, you just need to keep throwing cats at any random shinies until loot fairy says “yes”.

Refer to my one of my posts above. I believe CCP likes easy ganking, cuz it kills lots of ships and mods which helps regulate the economy/inflation. Short-sighted imo, but it’s their game.

Perhaps you only associate with a higher class of lowlife then? Take a look thru zkill for hi-sec ganks. You’ll find plenty of shiny ships with only T2/meta fits, presumably because gankers are running the law of averages and depending on player stupidity. And because I’m sure you don’t want to take the time to do it yourself I’ll toss up a few from just this weekend - and this is only a few quick grabs from the first page, not and exhaustive search.


Mostly because it’s cathartic to vent. You’re right, nothing will change, I’ve already said it plenty of times.

Thanks, Vladimir; tho, if you had begun your comments with this statement I should have found it easier to place them in context. No matter, all sorted now.

I haven’t actually seen any of these posts. There might be one, but can you please support your claim with links to “numerous” posts from gankers bragging about their insane profits? Also, if ganking is so easy and profitable, why aren’t you doing it?

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Uh. Its called scrolling. If you see red - enter into the system, you know its someone with ill intent LOL. You’ll grasp at any straw huh? How hard is it to watch local while the mining lasers do their thing? Mining isn’t exactly hard. Again you keep referencing zkill instead of in-game experience. Says it all bruv :smiley:

Again you keep quoting Zkill. Its obvious you def don’t play much and have not witnessed ganking in person. Odds are only stacked in favor of the ganker because people don’t actually play smart. And if being alert eliminated 99% of ganks, then ganking isn’t really a problem LOL.

If 14k people are playing, 1% of them is only 140. A 140 people ganked vs 14k? Doesn’t seem like too much of a problem LOL.

The problem is the “victim” mentality in the first place.

All is PvP. You’re right. It is your problem. Also a proc can fight back. If mining fleets were smart they’d tank up, focus fire with drones and most likely succeed in driving off smaller gangs.

At least she’s doing something besides crying on the forums about gankers.

Thats player stupidity LOL. Most people ganked do not play the game intelligently at all. Hell, a guy who got ganked gave 6.8 BILLION ISK to his ganker ROFL. They gank themselves mate.

You can bank on that. Most players can barely fit a ship somehow.

Oh almost forgot , some of our guys tested out mining in a sys with gankers in , we mined got ganked and lived, although I do feel the gank was a bit half hearted.
I think @Aiko_Danuja had a date and wanted to leave

Unfortunately our Ew burst frig hit an NPC miner and after time the NPC protection fleet turned up and killed our frig but the barge only lost its shields to the gankers.

And as a bonus no security status hit for our burst pilot.

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Was passing thru Uedama and decided to stop for a bit and watch the mighty police force. Here’s some advice…

  1. You are dealing with Arty Ruptures with no tracking boosts and your boys are letting them sit there stationary. You should be playing ping-pong with their ships and constantly bumping them. Even a little bit of motion is gonna make things harder for a 720 at 15km. Eventually he’ll be forced to stay off grid and warp in for his kills, more for him to manage, more likely for things to go wrong for him.

  2. Nobody was focusing on the looter. Somebody should be set up 180km+ off the gate with triple point, to warp to the wreck, bump the hauler, and kill the Sunesis. It’s probably not gonna stop the loot transfer all that often, but it’ll be more the multi-boxxer has to deal with, and ideally adds a dessie kill to his losses. But if you wanna do it proper, you gank the hauler with your own dessies.


Most people are not criminals…

Eh? Since when?

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To the person necroflagging ancient posts, I just have to ask why on earth its worth your time to do so?


That was precisely my point too…the myth of the ‘stupid, lazy, unaware’ miner that gankers love to propound in their usual condescending manner. The whole idea that if someone is ganked it is somehow THEIR fault…and not the fact that 23 Catalysts showed up with overwhelming firepower.

A quick look on zKillboard shows that most miners ARE adequately tanked up…the ‘lazy’ insult simply doesn’t apply. As for unaware…I’ve seen Procurers in zKillboard taken down by as few as 5 ships. Hard to keep track of that in Local where there may be 40 people and variations of 5 or more quite regularly.

Even the advice about aligning to an exit point is not always valid…as gankers can simply follow a person’s routine and be there waiting at the asteroid belt.

Lol…I’m not the one who’s every post is an exercise in condescension rather than actually responding to the points. Stupid miners. Stupid, stupid, miners. That is effectively your response to everything.