[UNF-A] Eugales VI Arcology and Terraforming Initiative

Hello pilots,

As promised, the list of contributors who wished to be publicly noted, and their contributions has been compiled and will be listed below.

A member of Apocalypse Now. contributed 835,138 units of targeted bacterial cultures in a single run, netting over 250m isk for themselves in the process

A small group of individuals from the Intaki Syndicate Militia [-1SM-] contributed a mix of Construction Blocks, Mechanical Parts, Nuclear Reactors, and Smartfab Units, collectively netting themselves 260m isk

An unknown individual also contributed 20 units of generalized Construction Materials by way of jetcan near the orbital customs office over the planet, as there was no transponder tag associated with this jetcan, a reward was unable to be levied for this contribution, whoever you are, you do have our thanks.

Further thanks go to those who contributed, but wished for themselves, and their specific contributions to remain anonymous.

Thank you all for your time, Fair Fortunes.