Unsubscribe if your not happy!

Cool, yep, Ill buy that.

I like the direction you are thinking, and nice post.

100% this is the best reason to play eve online.

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And in the stream they also called out “but you have to trust us” in their whiny voices. And as stated in chat as well as of those guys not from CCP … no, we do trust CCP for all they do is betray you every time you dare to trust them.
I too vote with my walett. All accounts unsubscribed.


Pretty much the same here, keeping this char subbed as my main. 2 of my other 4 chars are already in Alpha and the other 2 end of next month. Thinking of stripping all my industry sp from all my alts and retiring them for good.


Another miningbear that complain instead of adapt

CCP is not hear to hold your hand,

In response to the title…I’m still alpha until they change something to good. I realize CCP/whoever doesn’t care due to high turnover and a system which encourages this.
New players get frustrated and buy plexes and fancy skins and their own explosive display (their citadels) etc not knowing it’s all different now. I had a friend who used to subsidize his rent RMT’ing?
They need to go back to a time when the population was higher on average but as stated requires more overseeing.

@Arrendis claims it was one of the messages of the stream regarding the latest dev blog.

Thank you!

Every single one of you quitting industry (or quitting the game) means more profits for the rest of us.

They’ve said it…as it’s the truth. The last thing they need for profit is player retention.


Not “and”?

So the intelligent industrials players who will be able to do insane profits thanks to the update should stop too, despite being very happy?

It says it here:

Yes, in the very first line.

If you give a playerbase the possibility to choose their own path, you know some of them will choose the path of destroying others. You just know it.

Starting from here, you should easily understand that you have to take it into account, and be prepared to face them.

If you’re happy and you know mine some ice
If you’re happy and you know it mine some ice
If you’re happy and you know it and you really want to show it,
If you’re happy and you know it mine some ice

If you’re happy and you know it mine Mercoxit
If you’re happy and you know it mine Mercoxit
If you’re happy and you know it and you really want to show it,
If you’re happy and you know it mine Mercoxit

If you’re happy and you know it shout Gneiss!
If you’re happy and you know it shout Gneiss!
If you’re happy and you know it and you really want to show it,
If you’re happy and you know it shout Gneiss!

If you’re happy and you know it be a bear
If you’re happy and you know it be a bear
If you’re happy and you know it and you really want to show it,
If you’re happy and you know it be a bear


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wow, so much negativity. Some of your points are valid others are not. I disagree with the assertion that every sub that is paid for by ingame plex is money in CCP’s wallet. Player who have multiple accounts and sub them by doing industry stuff in game and buying ingame plex as a result of their industry income are in fact recycling plex. This recycling of ingame plex results in very little income for ccp. The negative comments you have spewed personifies the character of those eve players that think they know what goes on in the minds of other eve players. Its a game mate… People play games to entertain themselves. When the developers do things that affect that entertainment, it going to have an effect on their bottom line. Plain and simple. To use your words… “Its hard to believe” how cynical people can be when posting on a game forum…

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already unsub along with rest of my alliance, i know another group that had 100 unsubs

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Nothing at all wrong… But lets think for a second and realize that if you have a toon that always buys ingame plex to resub the account, you are in effect recycling in game plex. CCP does not get paid each time you buy plex in the ingame market. Unless of course you buy your plex directly from CCP. The value of that plex in terms of revenue to CCP is minimal. The ingame plex its bought and sold like anything else in the ingame market with no direct monitory benefit to CCP.

yes CCP initial gets paid when someone purchases the plex, but once that plex starts to get traded on the ingame market and players buy it from ingame isk revenue from mining, ratting etc… that plex is in fact being recycled…

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He’s attempting to suggest CCP values subs more than PLEX sales I think, ignoring how historically CCP has always advertised at PLEX-centric people over subs.

I think.

Hard to be sure tbh.

Now I believe it is still 500 PLEX to sub an account.

For every 500 PLEX CCP sells they make more than if someone just subscribes with real currency (except during a sale).

So PLEX enters the game as an item, where it can be sold on the market or used to buy items from the in-game shop.

There’s a tendency to think of PLEX being equal to a subscription because it used to be 1 PLEX to subscribe an account. They did away with the in-game shop currency and broke PLEX down into smaller piece so PLEX could also take over from the original in-game shop currency.

So in essence PLEX is just an in-game currency.

There is no recycling of PLEX, use PLEX to buy something from the in-game shop or subscribe with it and the PLEX used is removed from the game.

There is a turnover of PLEX in-game but that doesn’t matter as they only have a fluctuating isk value. You could argue but those in-game PLEX will cost CCP, but they don’t as they’ve effectively been paid for already. We don’t know where those PLEX will be used if they’re ever used as most likely there are PLEX on accounts not being used at present if at all in the future.

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Topic moved to Out of Pod

when someone buys plex from ccp they get paid £17 but i think when accounting its not yet income untill its used, sure it can be traded back and forth on the market as an in game item but once i buy it and use it (removing it from the game) ccp can then put the £17 down as income and i guess thats why they keep introducing ways for us to start using our plex mountains to get them off their books.

They are probably saving the un-accounted-for PLEX for an emergency. They can add it back in someday as a line item if they ever have a bad quarter.