Y’all are just spoiled. If you’d lived through Pong and Brick Out your eyes would be going wild psychedelic colours at the mere thought of a 3D interactive shoot-em-up world as a ‘module’ of Eve.
This isn’t 1972… and there are plenty of other options to play similar games that are undoubtedly more refined than Vanguard will ever be, and which is seemingly more of a cash grab than actual interest in creating a fun tie-in to EVE. Everyone could complain practically all day about how “gaming” as a hobby has fundamentally changed over the years, but that’s altogether pointless. What we can do is complain about how EVE has so much potential to do better and yet we get the most uninspired clone of a niche genre designed for people who like bullying others in the most egregious way possible. There is no passion in this, it exists just to exist, and that’s sad.
Sounds great. Sign me up for what everyone else calls PvP.
So when Vanguard is dead, you can go play the numerous other Extraction/BR games that CCP had no chance of taking players from.
Welp back to the EVE Discord I guess.
Everyone wants their hot take and be an internet pundit. CCP is going to be making this game for 1 year and probably more lol. Chill out. This is only month 1 of 12. The second test they have done. I am optimistic and rooting for CCP’s success.
Isn’t that the whole ethos of CCP though?
Let the predators stomp the prey into submission and pretend nothing is wrong and everything is as it should be?
What on Earth they’re thinking of with this mess I don’t know, it just makes no sense.
In some part, but that’s not all of what EVE is about, and can, for the most part, be avoided by staying in high sec, or playing with friends/doing corp stuff. Almost the entire point of Extraction/BR games is to kill other people and take their stuff. It’s like “hardcore” in other games; you put in time and effort to do stuff, but loss is permanent and of varying degrees of severity. That is not a concept that appeals to everyone. Jumping into a TDM game of Call of Duty, or a Conquest game in Battlefield, and killing other players is one thing, spending 20-30 minutes just to have some sweaty tryhard grief you in typically “unfair” ways is another.
CCP has stated they want my opinion (maybe not personally, but still), and I will do my best to steer them away from what looks like a troubling future, which is not at all surprising considering CCP’s track record. I’m not going to be particularly upset if CCP continues on their path and their game fails, but I would be upset that there was a missed opportunity to do something greater, and that’s all this is meant to be.
What do miners, haulers, and traders think they are mining, hauling, and trading for ? The end point of every single action in Eve is pew pew. It’s really strange the way many seem to think they can dissociate themselves from this as if all they were playing is a mining sim. The reality is that everyone in Eve is up to their neck in the business of killing stuff…whether they care to admit it or not.
Sure, but some people prefer to play as miners, that doesn’t automatically make them PvP players. It might be a part of how the game works, but everything has a place, and there’s multiple styles of playing the game. Not everyone does everything. I, for one, have never really done a whole lot of PvP in the game. I prefer doing npc missions and mining. To say EVE is entirely a PvP game is being disingenuous.
That’s like saying some people only manufacture munitions shells in some factory 9 - 5 …but that doesn’t make them involved in war. Well…yes, it does.
Good it’s important not to take it personal.
DUST was released ONLY on consoles back then. I think since then CCP has been itching to see what time + tech can do and a PC only release might peak people’s interest in this. Many newer gen people (aka me) would have loved to see what dust was all about. Sadly, I was in elementary or middle school when this all happened. Had zero clue what an EVE Online was and probably the only thing I knew was flash games, Minecraft, and Tf2.
Yeah but it’s full of aimbotters and lagswitchers. It’s not as popular as it used to be.
I guarantee any FPS that is not run completely serverside and has very good cheat detection will have the same problem. That is just the nature of the modern days we live in when it comes to FPS gaming. Daybreak pretty much doesn’t care about any of their games. It has always been about a money grab for them, evidenced by the fact that they keep releasing the same TLP servers for Everquest every year.
If so, that’s entirely on you. Nobody has said it’s still coming, it’s dead, there’s no reason to be waiting for it.
Yah Planetside 2 is showing its age like STO
The excitement of first starting out in Ark and punching your first tree, had you not experienced just a powerful feeling?
/ I could only imagine the feeling of power being felt when that titan solo PvP DD that stargate right as that fleet was exiting sub warp.
Do you know the one?
The player feedback form has nothing about what you would want or what they should do better with. It’s all about how much you liked the game. So, Vanguard is a extraction shooter and it will probably not change. What an awful shame.
I don’t think that’s true. There are plenty of opportunities in the survey to criticize the game or suggest new things. I vote we sit back and wait to see what the “Mining” game mode is before getting too discontent about game mode selections.
Not going to jump the gun on that tbh.