Version 19.02 - General Feedback

So, to finally provide one of the many answers @CCP_Dopamine hasn’t:

Note the blue lines. Alphas can get into barges using these. So good job on the coding, CCP, if not the actually telling us whether or not something works. To everyone else:

I spent the $4, now you don’t have to. :stuck_out_tongue:

Pretty sure that’s exactly their intention.


I really dont understand the fleet formation thing. Optimal fleet formation in eve is a function of logi, boost, and alpha ranges. If a fleet is spread out such that part of it is not in range of logi or command boosts - then that is a problem for the fleet. Also, you, in general, want your fleet to be as close as possible so that all your fleet members are in range of the same target, so that you can all apply damage to that target. If your fleet is not all in range of the same target so that you are spreading damage across opposing fleet - then that fleet as a problem.

Here at lvl 5 using the sphere formation as an example - they say its a 50km bubble - which I assume is a radius of 50k which means that members on opposite sides of the sphere will be 100k from each other. At that range there is no possibility of mutual support. Some of your fleet may be in range of targets, some not. Some may get boosts some not. Some may get logi, some not. It strikes me that your spread out fleet is just going to be picked off piecemeal.

Also to the extent that these fleets allow for the by passing of bubbles - thats just lame. Its hard enough to force people to engage without having to add more mechanisms that discourage fights.

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FC: take this warp and jump gate immediately!
Me: I am 50km off gate, what do?

I bet we’ll get good killmails out of this fleet formation thingy


Is there any reason the required for tab of fleet formations in the skill window doesn’t show what gets unlocked at every level?


Because CCP doesn’t tell us things they should. Here’s a handy table. Size/Spread (ie: 20km/2km) means ‘radius of the formation’ / ‘how far apart each member is from all the other members’.

Not that if you set it to a size where your fleet can’t fit everyone into their own slot (say, you go for a 10km/1km sphere with 256 people in fleet), the formation fails. If you go for a formation that your fleet can’t fully fill up (like a 40km/4km Wall with 5 people in fleet), it just leaves big gaps.

Goonswarm™—“We actually tell you things, even when CCP doesn’t.”


What does relative do?

“Plane” formation.

  1. Like the Chribba monument in Amarr (been watching him for a while, pretty sure he’s botting now)
  2. Miss the Honor Guard in Amarr (cool place to take rookies to). Why, oh why.
  3. Hope the problem with cloakies in relative fleet formation gets a fix Sooner™ than Soon™
  4. Like the fleet formations, going to be interesting
  5. Still don’t like the red dots. Never will like the red dots. Nope.
  6. Don’t like the new bugs, as usual.
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‘Relative’ is the thing they claimed was ‘custom formations’. It’s not. Not really. What ‘Relative’ does is it takes a snapshot of the fleet when you hit ‘warp fleet’, and records everyone’s position relative to the FC. When you come out of warp, everyone will land in exactly the same place as they were… relative to the FC. So you could, for example, set your logi group up 30k behind the dps ball, and when the fleet lands, logi’s 30km off the dps ball.

I hope you landed in the right spot, and didn’t land where the logi is 30km closer to the bads…


Mittens and George monument when ? Come on, ccp !

can i have your isk ?

Speaking of formations: Why does the game still shuffle the ships around the formation when it could just keep the formation that entered warp? :facepalm:

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You mean like poor reaction by the null-sec dominated CSM had, when they learnt that Dev time had already been put into Resource Wars. A feature for hi-sec. Or perhaps the corresponding smugness following CCP’s abandonment of this feature?

Words to live by, I suppose.


TL;DR: Opportunity cost is a real thing, but complaining about monuments isn’t gonna meet that threshold.

I’m coming back after 10 years, where at the time the biggest controversy was the release of Incarna and “walking in stations”, with the same arguments around “don’t do it think of the opportunity cost” versus “do it I wanna walk around inside” and plenty of people telling each other to shut up. Back then, drake blob fleets dominated, arty hurricane fits were in vogue, and rails were a joke of a weapons platform (just go sentries instead). Desperate pleas around ship balancing were pretty consistent.

I’m catching up on numerous changes since then, but am sad to see it took another 2 years for Retribution to actually answer the community’s very loud calls about the state of certain hulls (Drake/Hurricane) and weapon systems (Rails LOL). So I claim opportunity cost is a very real thing for when producing something as large as walking in stations.

I’m willing to bet that monument updates are a laughably small opportunity cost to complain about. But grandstanding by being a moral savior and telling people to self-censor because they’re being selfish is binging on idealism.

The two certainties in life are that: CCP is gonna do what they’re going to do, and people are going to complain about it.

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I kinda wanted CCP to give this information. I knew it’d be available but they’re just super lazy or busy trying to print cash


Yeah, I figured, but let’s face it: they barely respond in a 2300-post threadnaught. Will they reply to this at all? Kinda feels like a spin of the roulette wheel.

So, slow mode huh?
And I can’t edit? Between my typos and autocorrect this ought to be extra special.

First thing I noticed in this thread is that everything seems to have looked of something, I’m seeing the same things twice in the android app. It’s sort of odd.

I noticed the sound stuff right away, it sounds garbled and there’s a persistent loud but dull roar that I could only get rid of by killing all environment sounds. Music is mostly gone, and that kinda sucks except in fleet warfare sites where it’s obnoxious. I will have to experiment with all the custom sounds I guess, but I already miss the music, knowing what my ships is doing by the sounds it’s making and so on.
I would like to revert to the old sound for now untill I have time to screw with all the custom settings to see if it’s fixable.

Fleet formations might be cool. I will train for that, but only to a point, if it takes to long I will blow it off completely, I learned a long time ago how to fly. I still smash into objects long before I get near them and get stuck inside of things though somehow I don’t think either has anything to do with my flying skills.

As for expert systems, I now consider everyone in Eve, no mater where they are, to be an expert, if I don’t want them around for what ever reason I’m going to blow them up if I can, sorry about the four bucks, but Eve isn’t pay to win, it’s pay to die.

Something I’ve noticed other than general dislike of the new jump animation is that it doesn’t fix the problem, and just makes jumping look more daft. The problem, as I see it, is that you can arrive perpendicular to a gate, and then in an immersion breaking flash of nonsense your point of view is wrenched (without your ship being visible) around a point in space very far from your parents location and in another series of blinding flashes a cheesy toy like cartoon of your ship spears at a weird angle, then begins to move in a poorly executed way and finaly shrinks it’s supposed to look like it’s zooming off into the distance while you sit and watch it go, but it doesn’t, the depth is way off. After all the, more annoying flashes and suddenly you are looking at the wrong end of your ship. If you are lucky the next gate (and never in the case of a station) is selected and off you go… BACKWARDS.

The monument thing is something I like, when I was very new the story of Katya Sai (spelling?) floored me and sent me off on a trip to see her monument, it was and is awesome. Since then I have been to a bunch of them and I think they are actually quite important though perhaps under appreciated.
Having them worked on will send me off on another adventure to go see them.
I’ve read a few things in here about weather they are time well spent or not and I would say yes, they are. The people making these things are going to make stuff one way or another and they don’t require much programing if any at all, and no, I don’t consider particle effects programing. I consider collision boxes (cough) programing. Especially if they conform to the size and shape of the objects they define.
I would take good collisions over noise and bad jump animations any day, and don’t get me started on the red dot refusing to go away on empty hangers.

There have been a lot of changes lately that should be optional. Quality of life does not improve when things piss off the general population. When you get enough of them stacked one on top of another it doesn’t just piss people off, it makes them less interested.


I’m on the EXPERT SYSTEMS | EVE Online webpage and looking at the “expert system” offers. Assume that i have “not yet” seen any info in game.

First of all, it should probably be renamed to “skill rental” or something like that, to be more clear about what it actually is.

All i see on that webpage are vague titles, images of ships and a price, but it doesn’t show what’s included. No info at all. If i’m new to eve, how am i supposed to know what to choose of this? E.g what exactly is “core ship operations”? There’s NO information at all, telling me that i can find a few more details about some of this in game, and even then, it’s so well hidden in game that it’s unlikely any new player will find it unless specifically told where it’s hidden or if they accidentally happen to stumble over it and curiously click it while looking for something else.

Before i buy something, i do ofcourse want to know:

  • Which exact skills are included? This info must be on the website, not hidden under the last tab underneath another tab in the character sheet.
  • The pictures show ships, and the text says “Mine in an ORE barge for 7 days”, so i EXPECT ships and all relevant modules to be INCLUDED in this offer. I would feel scammed if the picture shows a ship, "and text says “mine with an ORE ships 7 days” and i then don’t receive one when i click “buy”.
  • If ships are NOT included, do NOT show them on pictures, show only what’s actually included, otherwise it’s misleading.
  • Inform the player very clearly about how much, appriximately, the ship and fittings will cost, as far from all new players can afford something like a barge with fittings. They may want to try this on their first day. One way to fix it might be to include maybe 40 mil isk with the barge offer and 5 mil with the exploration ship offers.

From a consumer rights perspective, there’s so little info about this that i would be surprised if ccp isn’t currently breaking some marketing laws in at least EU with this lack of information, there’s no way to see on the website what really you get for your money.

I also wonder, if a new player with rented skills lose his new barge the first day, is this even more a reason for that player to ragequit, than if he lost it 2 weeks later and being able to replace it?



As someone who helps in Rookie Help chat every day, trust me it’s bad enough when an Alpha loses a Venture they got free from the Career Agents. I’ve got a screenshot or two I could post of people ranting about losing the Venture they just got and wanting to quit.

When you’ve paid real $ to get into a Barge and then you lose it … yeah. That’s not going to go down well at all.


It is not exactly the subject, but I would like them to remove the ESS in Nulsec, we already have enough content not to receive our isk.