Version 19.09 - General Feedback

why is it when you need CCP to answer a basic question of stupidity in this game, all you get is GMs using words they do not understand to try to deflect the situation.
Now i did not come up on the down train and i know i am wasting my time here but i challenge CCP to contact me directly to answer a simple question without al the bull in between.

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I send feedback about 2021-10-19.1

CEQs: This limiting technique is common in mobile games. Commonly known as “stamina system”.
I don’t like the way it eliminates player ingenuity and forces the player’s actions to be directly restricted.
I oppose this system, which eliminates player ingenuity.

Signal Interference: I’m against implementing this in this game played by players around the world
People with different time zones live in one system.
If people in the opposite time zone consume stamina, it doesn’t make sense to be unable to play.
Also, because the number of times is too small, I feel that there are too many conflicts between members in the same time zone.

Capital ships are now very expensive.
I think limiting the number of times is no longer worth the risk.

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The CRAB blueprint is missing its icon, first issue i’ve noticed :stuck_out_tongue:

There are literally thousands of systems to choose from, the chances of every single system being maxed at all times is basically nil

Also, the interference system is to stop these just being farmed 24/7 in absolute safety, without these systems you’ll just see swarms of capitals sat in an uber bubbled system farming constantly in safety

Which you don’t want

Thank you CCP for ending the market tax break without notice.


… and hiking the sales tax for another ISK sink. Though I think the balance is better that way, lower broker fee, but higher sales tax, both smaller in sum with max skills / standing.

The end game is near! I can smell it…

What is the problem?

Why is there no feedback topic for this dev blog. That would be a good thing to have considering the implications. On the surface it looks like this is a stab into TTT because NPC fees are now comparable to structure markets. That is a pretty good thing, quite honestly. :slight_smile:


Because the feedback would be … erm … negative ? We pay more tax than before, especially on direct sales, however anyone twists it. As to the why’s, the ecosystem guys don’t like writing blogs, do they. And whenever one of them is talked into joining a stream the usual answer to a new or bigger isk sink is “because it’s necessary”.
Here’s a new tax, here’s a more expensive ship, now buzz off. Sounds familiar ? :rofl:


So, in short:

  1. Another buff to super umbrella, and nerf to everyone else.
  2. After turbo-buffing ratting bots, there’s a buff to market bots. Really seems like human customers are no longer welcome
  3. Ratting bots are also buffed, CCP didn’t forget about any of their new best customers!

Players - nerfed as usual, nothing to say here which 33% difference in eve-offline period averages between now and 6 months before didn’t scream about already.

How much longer before pearl abyss “promotes” all staff to a chinese mobile game developer, CCP Dopie?

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Glad it helped some. The launcher does not hold for me, crashes (Linux Mint 20.2). Worked fine in Proton 5.0-10 up until this patch. Unfortunately it sounds like there is no reason to believe things will get any better for Linux, rather, worse. Token storage changes, stable Mac client. See post by @CCP_Bartender :

I’ve only just started playing since January, a paying customer, subscription and plex. Sub ended a couple months ago and now I’m glad I didn’t renew, but regrettably I was saving the plex for later, maybe to resubscribe with. I should have sold it and blown all the ISK on some ridiculously expensive pirate faction stuff. Oh well. Worse is I didn’t get to say good bye to some of the good people I met in-game. Fly safe on Windows and Mac, looks like I’m out.

Please do not clog the thread with “helpful” or “enlightening” replies. If you can fix the launcher in Proton by all means post it, but Windows or Mac are not happening and the plex shall rot in the vault. Period.

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Linux Mint 20.2 and Proton 5.0-10 works if you copy the PYD file and set it to read only as per other thread guides.

If the Launcher is crashing, then clear out the launcher cache completely in the filesystem under Steam and it will cache it again and then work.

Why was the direct link to the patch notes removed from the launcher?

You can get it via RSS on EVE Online feeds

They buried it amongst the Patch Notes - Version 19.09 page.

I prefer RSS feeds over a launcher page (which is fragile on Linux, which doesn’t open on Wine/Proton since there’s no browser installed there on the Wine/Proton environment, so it just hangs at best).

you can also see the system interference by show info on the system

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And ccp rise the sale taxes to an absurd level
and guess you will take most of the damage ? player with short time for playing and small corporation

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How much PLEX for more CEQs?

You just know that marketing has the ads for this already prepared.


today i realised someone at ccp might have a sense of humour
i was reading the details of Quafe Zero Green Apple,
and realised there was super fine print at the bottom expecting it to have a hidden in plane site expiry date
but its a humorous note and warning
well done that person

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