Version 20.06 - General Feedback

Pelted by goodies yes plz. If only those packets where Eve content it would be wonderful. I mean the npe stuff finally looks good so can we move on from that now xD.

Don’t you guys have contact lenses or glasses? :stuck_out_tongue: :upside_down_face:

…or monocles?! :face_with_monocle:

For people already in a player corp the “join a corp” missions under the new system should be nullified or auto-completed, as I enjoy having my corporation history not entirely scuffed.


It is the same as before for me

Can we please, please get the “join a corp” done automatically? Feels kinda lame to switch corps just to get the tickbox. Especially for those people that like long periods of being in the same corp/alliance on their corp history tab.


Feedback: Drone window utilizes window space very poorly, compact mode does not improve it. Also the mode is not applied to drones that are outside of the visible window portion at the time the mode is enabled.


Show Info window also needs compact mode and generally better space utilization. For some objects the windows is fine, like this wormhole. Size of the icon is reasonable and there is plenty of space for the description text. I could make this window much smaller and still see all relevant information:


But I can’t actually make the window smaller because for other objects the space utilization is terrible, like for this citadel. The icon is needlessly large. And since contents don’t scale, the relevant section where I would need to scroll through the attributes is barely visible even at this large window size. Similar for show info on characters if you for example want to scroll through their corp history.


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Has CCP removed the timer to sync corp bookmarks? I just dropped a range of bookmarks into corp BM that I had created seconds ago but they are already synced to my other characters, way ahead of the usual 2 minutes sync timer.


didn’t you play mobile phone games yet? The amount of time clicking to get rewards and to fend off ‘buy this great offer’ ads is bigger than the actual play time… and that means you don’t need to have more content to keep your customers in game.

just resize it with the little arrow at the corner like every window.

edit: calling people stupid because of the things they say probably isn’t nice

Can any kind soul help me and say what is final size of EvE after update?
I see 14 gb being downloaded as patch, but is it additional to add on top of existing 25 gb installation, or its more of a replacement? I need to know how much it will be in the end, cause my hdd is full and i need to be sure how big it is. In case its not “add” but “replace”, i ll just delete cache and redownload from zero (with my slow and painful internet, lol).

The thing is that you should not have not have to do that. The video should be a much bigger frame and scale according to the window size. You should not have to manually have to increase the size of the window when you want to learn something about the game. Even if you want to keep the 4 career icons visible, you still have tons of space to make the video bigger so that people can enjoy it more and more space of this dark black hole is used for content and not for black spacing. Calling it a stupid UI experience is legit and reasonable.


I think many files are replaced by larger ones. But how large it will be in the end, I can not answer.

The patch essentially added new high texture assets on top of older existing ones.
If you Verify Files from launcher, it deletes all the old ones and significantly reduces the size of the install.
Go to Launcher, Settings at top right, then Tools, then Shared Cache and click Verify.

But can you say me what will be final size of game? So i sort out my hdd space accordingly

My EVE folder currently has 42.7 GB.

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Ouch, that’s quite a raise from 25-27 we had for previous years. Though perhaps there are some duplicates that yet to be erased, huh.

Noticed a bug.

In the AIR main menu, if you click “play video” on for example the enforcer option and then close the window, then the video audio keeps playing in the background without any way to turn it off. You can even open the AIR menu again and click “play video” again and another copy of the same video starts playing.

On this window

I just did the verify&purge in the Launcher and 23,684 extra files were found and deleted. Folder shrank to 30.9 GB size.

But I guess you can’t do that before applying the patch so a lot more space might be needed temporarily to update. Fortunately I have plenty of space.


Thanks much for details.

welp after i finished the enforcer tree i wanted to claim around 5 rewards together (including the finishing the tree 5 item box) for it and instead of getting them into the redeem window they just went away