I have the same issue. I have followed your instructions and submitted Bug Report: EBR-236168.
Nebulas in space are muted shadows with no color. Before this update, I had no issues with any graphics.
Prior to now, I have:
Ensured my machine has DirectX 12 (file attached)
Downloaded updated drivers for my graphics card (directly from site)
Downloaded the entire EVE Client
My Launcher version is: 2068569
Note: My Launcher > CogWheel > Game Client > Only has 2 options: “Run Log Lite” and a grayed out / un-selectable "Run EVE with DirectX 12:. There is no option for Direct X 11. The “?” states that “DirectX 12 support not detected on this machine”. The “?” seems contrary to my DxDiag.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled the launcher and confirmed the version number is the same before and after.
I’ve waited for the dust to clear from the first deployment of 20.06 and have done all the self-service actions I can think of.
This is still an issue for me, vsync or intervall one just does not work in fullscreen window mode both dx12 and 11, and this does not work either —-> hardware Vsync or FRTC/chill.
Only time it works is with windowed mode BUT then I can not cap fps through FRTC or chill, FRTC only works in fullscreen with only one client running but occasionally it bugs out and my fps starts throttling up to 180 fps.
Vsync and fps capping (to keep temps cool and quiet) just has some very wierd behavior with AMD and seems buggy now it used to work flawlessly before.
I use GeForce now as a workaround when using multiple clients.
I will dig deeper but I have after the patch that installed yesterday, indeed the following bugs have been “improved”, Dx12 enabled:
Objects display much faster, some still with a 2 second gap
Video memory is (finally) at least 21% used (1% before)
NPCs show as before in scan (range 10-50 seconds before)
Large objects are displayed with all their textures (about 2s gap sometimes)
Client no longer crashes so easily when switching Windows<->Eve.
However, persists:
For Warp I use the long press then the radar symbol (swipe up), but the button only appears after 2-3s , yet it’s not the biggest “object” of the interface .
It doesn’t look like much but in an urgent warpout it’s huge.
At the moment, I haven’t downloaded the WHOLE client as requested just for that (since it was working without before the major update) because I think this “bug” is already being fixed - it is right ?? - and the majority of my previous comments have been resolved.
But if you don’t mind it, I’ll activate it at my next session and send it to you at the address indicated.
Any news on this issue with war reports ? Its been in game for maybe 2 weeks now and quite a serious issue for war decks as nobody knows what the enemy war HQ is … i myself and a few other people have done bug reports and had no responce
Thank you for the excellent bug report. With your help, we were able to reproduce this in our testlab.
Unfortunately, this is a driver problem. We specifically tested for this issue on a GPU matching yours (as listed in DXDiag) and saw the issue. Then we tested on a 1060 and saw the same problem. Updating the driver solved the issue.
The problem is that the GPU you have is quite old (almost 12 years), so NVIDIA dropped support for it in their drivers around 4 years ago. I believe you have the latest driver installed for your GPU. We are extremely limited in what we can do here, as the problem is being caused at a very low level between the driver and hardware.
We have an internal defect on this to see if we can make some changes on our side to get around it, but I can’t promise this is even an option.
We have managed to somewhat replicate this now. It is caused by a combination of GPU, Monitor features (VRR / Freesync), and control panel settings in AMD Adrenaline.
We had some success in restoring it to the way it previously worked by changing Freesync / VRR-related settings in the AMD control panel. I’d recommend taking a look at the settings and try toggling them off and see if that helps.
We’ll be visiting this issue in the future, but there is something funky (technical term) going on here. It only impacts very specific setups, so we’ll be speaking with our partners to try and narrow down the exact reason.
My machine has some parts that are old and some parts that are new. Collectively, my rig more than meets the minimum requirements posted May 2022:
Those minimums only require DirectX 11.
My computer is up to spec, I didn’t have any issues until June 20, I’ve been your customer with 2 full paying accounts since 2008 (that now I have to pay 25% more for) and now; I’m being presented with a service that is far less than advertised (before and after v20.06) and an indeterminate, "we have a ticket open but no promises’'. Wrapping my head around that is a struggle.
In the interim, where and how do I revert to DirectX 11? I don’t see that option in my fully updated launcher as noted in EBR-236168. That confuses me.
Geriatric GPUs, NVIDIA’s driver support processes and low-level driver vs hardware stuff wasn’t a problem on June 19. Tell me how to get back to that. Then, you and the team can take as long as you want with the internal defect.
A little bit of history. This is the 4th bug report I’ve submitted on 2 subscription / omega accounts in the last uninterrupted 14 years. On my other account, I’ve been waiting for resolution, or even a response for 6 years on my last bug report that was attached to a defect in 2016.
The visuals of EVE is a big, big deal. Taking that away without recourse is not okay.
you are mixing up ‘mission panel’ text with the actual agent conversation. the agent does tell you to mine veldspar and refine it into tritaniun. however, players refuse to read the text and rely solely to the mission panel
There appears to NOT be a way to scroll through contacts in personal area. When you open ALL Contacts only the first page or so opens up and there are no tabs at top to get to next page…farther into your list.
The Wallet pop up notification is also broken AGAIN … it flashes the 1st transaction notification of the day up as RED instead of Green as a outgoing ISK amount even if it’s an ISK receipt. Sometimes it also shows it as a Red 0 even tho it’s for an amount > 0 being received
Hello, I gave feedback on the graphics problem, but it has been ten days without any reply or answer,Request #1882103,The problems I found were ever since eve updated to support DX12 onwards, I’ve been having this problem with ships, stargates, and various player buildings flickering and strobing all the time in the buildings while I’m running. When I tried logging in with DX11, no such problem was found so far. I just uploaded the video yesterday as well as the Dxdiag, and the loglite log, please help me out, thanks. @CCP_Paragon,@CCP_Caffeine
Also since last patch it seems that the right click menu in game seems to be taking a really looooong time to come up… anywhere from 2 to 5 seconds. Not at all helpful for actions on in game things that are moving as by the time the menu comes up the ship/pilot can be gone !
Radial menu seems to come up ok with minimal delay tho can’t use this on things like people in local chat list
Right after I select my toon to log on, my screen goes completely black and nothing happens. Even after waiting 15 minutes, its just a total 100% black screen.
Already tried uninstalling everything and still the same.