Version 21.02 - General Feedback

How about fixing this issue…which corp mates tell me has existed for ages in Photon UI…

In the Fittings simulator, if you remove an item from a slot and then try to add a new item from the Item Hanger, the act of hovering the cursor over the new item fills in the slot in the ship…however you then cannot drag the item from inventory to the ship as it says the slot is already filled.

D’oh ! How about fixing basic issues like this ?


Yep, I went with an orange one, because that’s my favorite color.

I’ve been using Photon for a year. No eye strain. I get more eye-strain looking at reddit, or reading a book. So I really don’t think it’s fair to say “this is objective” because if it were objective, everybody would be having the problem and they obviously are not.

Best way to solve this is going to be with more customization options so folks can make it the way they prefer.

The old Reddit stylesheet is a ton more legible to me; change ‘www’ to ‘old’ on any reddit URL and be taken back a few years: much less graphical clutter.

It’s actually pretty fair and objective to say that making text dimmer/darker on a dark background (e.g. the employment history under show info or the system info on the top left) is going to cause eyestrain. It’s an indefensible design decision.

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You mean like the good old days when green was…erm…green ?

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I’ve tried to recreate this and have had no luck. I just pulled a shield extender off a stormbringer in Jita, tried to add it in the simulation like you explained here and it worked with no problem. Not sure why you are having this issue.

Allow me to demonstrate, that there ARE objectively painful ui color combinations:

@Brisc_Rubal “So I really don’t think it’s fair to say “this is objective” because if it were objective, everybody would be having the problem and they obviously are not.”


Is that combination in Photon anywhere?

That looks green to me.

I’m not the only one having the issue. Just discussed the issue with a corp mate who has had same issue and has a work-around of dragging the ‘info’ window pic into the slot instead…and that works.

I only went to Photon UI yesterday ( was forced to ) and the problem has only occurred since then.

Put in a bug report and get me the number, and I’ll see if I can get them to check it.

Some diluted versions of this, in Photon yes. What do you do, by the way, work wise?

And don’t deny optics/human perception of colour

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Is there actually a rationale for making most of the UI text colours look dimmer/washed out or was it just change for the sake of change? I’d bet it’s the latter.

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No, but we’re not that far from it.

I’m a lawyer.

Way to take my statement completely out of context in your last post, by the way.

I am not denying human optics, either. I am saying that I don’t see any absurd color combinations designed to hurt the eyes in Photon. And you can claim “some diluted version” of red on green, but we both know that’s not true. You shouldn’t need to fake stuff to demonstrate your point is accurate if it actually is accurate.

I’m sure there is, but I can’t remember what it is and I don’t want to speculate because you’ll argue with me that it didn’t work is unnecessary, and I may be completely wrong about what their rationale actually was.

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Its bug report EBR-244529. Includes a screen shot.

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That’s only a mildly impressive evasive answer. Might be worth enquiring about, since a lot of us are complaining about it. That’s usually what “elected representatives” are supposed to do, at any rate. I, for one, couldn’t possibly think of a rationale for it. It’s just bad UI design.


So I really don’t think it’s fair to say “this is objective” because if it were objective …

but you agree that there ARE objectively vile color combinations, then clearly

I can ask, but I can’t tell you what they tell me, so it’s kind of pointless and why I didn’t just offer to go ask them for you.

TIL that using silly colours on a UI is a CCP trade secret!