Version 21.05 - Known Issues

No one is saying that it is not possible to circumvent, but it takes time and knowledge. My basic poin t is this - that little set of Kernite is probably the only Kernite that a new player is going to encounter for a while. It is a very valuable and useful resource. Of course one can nip back and forth with bookmarks and different ships. But a lot of new players will go there in a Venture, mine, spawn the target, kill and scoop him. Now, until very recently, they could easily remain on station and continue mining that lovely kernite without much thought. NOW, they have to have a deliberate intent to maximise kernite recovery and know not to hand in the naughty assistant until they have been back with a properly fitted ship, to a bookmark, to get the rest of the rock.

All a bit much for a new player. That is my argument. I know how to cope with it, but I know what I am doing. I am not a new player whom CCP wish to retain.


Some players want to speed through things and miss out on stuff they would have got had they taken their time.

But I am, that’s why I replied to your comment ( with respect due ) and I figured it out after the fourth Industrialist career mission. I wasn’t so sure I would still find the Kernite at the bookmarked location but I gave it a try, I already had the assistant so the mission was secure.
I checked the composition of Kernite and checked the market on it, that’s how I found out I wanted to mine all of it and leave none, about 6,000m3 in all.
That’s good isk for a training mission.

Well, I am genuinely delighted that you overcame the obstacles CCP so thoughtfully strewed in your path. I fear, however, you may not be typical. Anyway, hope you enjoy the game and find it worth continuing.


True enough, I never liked following the herd.

I like it a lot. Only a few QoL things bug me, like for exemple the hacking windows could use a resize option, and a few other things but they’re far from being game-breaking.

CCP outdid itself with the “reduce cognitive overload, more streamlined UI, better UI experience” again: I just searched for a character’s contract history.
I searched via the Show Contracts from the Character’s Show Info window. Styxx is the character. This required me to confirm the character, which is normal (actually, I didn’t have to confirm it twice, so yay!). However, then I switched to page 2 … and had to confirm the character again. then I switched to page 3 and had to confirm it again. Page 4 and again. Page 5 and again. This is an amazing experience. Then I tried another character and it did not ask me to not confirm the char search in any step.


this is supposedly not a bug, but as i’ve been told part of the game mecanics, and is being used for high sec ganking.

Dread Assault: Blood Raider

I’m not sure the exact cause, but sometimes the sites will not allow you to cap the dread even though the timer preventing it has expired.

Also I’ve observed that if one character leaves the site, possibly unrelated, it again locks up and prevents you from capping the dread.

If you’re part way through and another person enters, it also breaks the site.

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Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Is this a thing now?

Why is the skill Capital Ship Construction not seeded by NPC corps, but Advanced Capital Ship Construction is? This is yet another example of inexplicable skill availability inconsistency. Surely this does not help to make the game easier to play, give it a more streamlined experience and reduce cognitive overload.


Colored Neocom icons are back! :open_mouth:

And in good CCP coding tradition I cannot close the window of that icon because it does not appear on screen when I click on the icon. There’s no right-click option either.

Still can’t trash more than 10 items at once


{Is this a new issue or just something about wrong text in the information box?}

{When Jumping into the clone inside the same station you are docked in should not trigger the cooldown timer like how it is written in the information box, refer screenshot for an issue that really bugs me when this happens."}

The Ship was left at the wrong station and before the clone jump, meaning no issue other than…
…We are the Frostpacker, high expectations are futile


There is a broken mechanic with FW pilots and neutral support.

It has been reported that FW characters in a non-FW corporation can receive remote assistance from their corp members in Hisec, while not flagging the remote supporters. This is broken and is being abused.

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Where has the ability to assign the login rewards to a character gone from the character selection screen? I’m on macOS is it a macOS only bug?


Looks like CCP’s picture server is slow again. The item has to be reloaded several time to make the picture appear.

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Hi, one small issue but very misleading:

But the feedback on the fitting tool:

Not sure if anyone saw it too.


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Is this the right place to report this issue?

When using some glasses the hair on the other side of the lens is disappearing
(use [Women’s “Mirelle” Upwell Executive Spectacles*] in this case).

Please fix so that the hair is visible


Thanks CCP for resolving this bug with the notch for macOS users.

But now introduced a bug which opens my mac clients on a non-notch display always at full resolution instead of my preferred resolution.

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