Walking in stations?

So much “spase ships only, not anything else”.

Makes you wnder why, why they want no development or expansion.

Is it because they simply dont have any imagination? Or does change scare them that much?

Oh, you mean like all the Trig content that CCP recently invested a bunch of resources and money into? Or the Hypernet gambling stuff? How about all the resources spent on constantly redoing the UI and character sheet, or adding skill packs and skill plans, etc, etc.

I’m not an Alpha account that plays this game for free, I’m Omega and have paid a yearly subscription for over 13 years now.

No, I’m not asking CCP to create a new game nor do I see an increase in player log-ins from all the new stuff they keep wasting resources on. In fact it’s just the opposite, player log-in count keeps going down. Furthermore, you don’t know if adding Avatar content to Eve won’t bring in more subs.

Lastly, I really don’t care if you don’t like the idea of having Avatar content added to Eve. We’re not going to agree on this topic so there’s no reason to continue this discussion.

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This is me looking at how poorly the feature was recieved, using logic to look at how little the feature would add and how little the feature would generate in income in relation to PLEX or subscriptions and the costs involved with creating a feature and maintaining it

They created the first WiS without knowing what it would make, the same as when nay game adds a feature that departs radically from how the game is currently played

Even at its peak the feature was what, 10% of the playerbase? granted that was after a patch that made it the default view, considering how radical a departure it was from the actual established gameplay and how much slower it made everything and the costs involved and the issues with getting it working at all, the project was scrapped and eventualyl removed from the client because even the basic maintenance costs were becoming more than the feature was worth without any iteration

He didn’t, he bet on a dream, and considering that even after all this time Star Citizen has yet to actually release, i’m not sure it really helps your argument

Lets also not forget that these games were built with these features in mind from day 1, so they chose engines and technologies that support those goals, EVE isn’t the same and the overwhelming majority of content for the game requires you to be in space, something which avatar gameplay doesn’t really benefit

I mean i get that you and a handful of others are obsessed with this feature, but its not coming back for obvious reasons that even you can realise when you look at the bigger picture

Yes in as much as the terrible orbital strike mechanics interacted, outside of that not a lot really interacted

And i wonder why that might be, could it have anything to do with the fact that they were pretty generic ideas that had already been done to death a million times over and were far more polished than anything CCP could ever create and that it would mostly end up as a sunk cost?

I doubt it, dust was very generic and not that amazing of an FPS in the first place, without players it was hardly going to grow, and even being free didn’t help when it was up against the likes of Planetside 2

Trig content wouldn’t really have cost them anything extra, they already had the artists involved in making new ships

The hypernet stuff probably didn’t really take much work to make given its almost entirely UI elements, the same with redesigning the character sheet, skill packs build on what already exists and won’t have taken much to add with a shopfront to sell them, its not the same scale

And that subscription went and goes in to paying the current staff along with server hosting fees and other operational costs, adding costs generally means needing to make more money to cover them

It won’t bring in enough to make a difference, remember that without avatar gameplay actually being core to anything in the game you won’t retain those players because once they realise they need to to spend more time in space than walking around they will lose interest and we will be back to square one but with a much larger cost and technical debt

Yet you keep wanting to have this discussion each time the topic is brought up :slight_smile:

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They didnt. They created avatar system with clothing, essentially just a character creation consisting of assembling textures and models, together with animations, and they gave it one room so we could see it around and do something like watch tv.

That was not even what they were presenting earlier on fanfest before the year it was released. What could be called WIS by them then was not implemented. Later it was just called CQ, not WiS.

They didnt explore the possibilities at all when it comes to actually releasing any additional content for avatars in EVE, but wanted to pursue WoD project even further until it fizzled out and $30M were lost in it fiinally.

Even CQ was a massive success in comparison to WoD, not WiS, just one room.

I would say they took a bite of something great, but they had no toothy managers being such a bad game company, so they couldnt chew it, process it, and then take energy from it, transforming into sustainable thing.

Then the perspective of choking on it in such a non passable pipeline made them spit it out and leave where it was.

CCP is to blame.


Most of your reply is just plain false, all based on an incorrect hypothesis about Avatar gameplay content due to your own prejudiced phobia.

No, it’s because people like you keep directing your BS replies to me. How about you direct your posting to the OP of this thread.


Real question is …
Wtf we going to to by walking … eat some sunflower seeds ?

Real question is … can we own a bar for for our corp… or barcrawling in npc pubs ? Can we find a drug dealer in the corner we can buy some exiles and boosters, need a shuttle service to pleasure hubs…

Can we punch the guy on the face in kanteena who gang our mining ship in space 5 min ago and dock up same station ?

Also i would like to visit biomass facility …

Well you were inside the station and walking around, you can argue semantics all you like but for all intents and purposes CQ and WiS (previously also known as ambulation) are one and the same “feature” so all shared the same death when CQ was removed

Because there really wouldn’t have been, i mean this has been pointed out numerous times before in every other thread about this, they couldn’t have had any unique content that gated anything to do with the spaceship side, so at best you would have some fluff minigames and multiple slow ways to perform tasks like buying things, fitting ships and talking to agents, which only really serves as visual fluff rather than actual content as its only just the same content as before with a new skin

So sure, you might have gotten more clothes but those aren’t really going to generate all that much income unless you want more $50 monocles, and we know how that ended, yes people sit there and going “oh but it could have been the doorway to dust/legion/whatever the current and eventually abandoned shooter project name is” but that isn’t really going to work as you would end up needing to launch an entirely different application to play that game anyway so there wouldn’t even really be a direct link between the two

Thats likely because as has been mentioned, in regards to EO there really isn’t any content, you can sit there and blame management all you like that you can no longer play space dress up, but at the end of the day there wasn’t really going to be much in the way of actual content for EO and anything even remotely meaningful would need its own spin-off game like the shooters they keep trying and failing to launch

I would say unrealistic expectations are more to blame, but thats not something i expect you to agree with lol

So bring up something new that you seem to think will save avatar gameplay, you just flat out refuse to accept the evidence provided because it doesn’t back up your desire to have them spend money and time adding in gameplay that serves no real purpose, suggest something new that hasn’t already been pointed out as pointless and you might have an actual discussion lol

All i’ve seen is the same ideas that have been floating around ever since the project was announced, none of which really serves to actually improve the game and only exists so that you have an excuse to need a /dance command to show off to the 4 other people who care about WIS

They could have made it, this what they mentioned in presentations, just not with the kind of people they had, with Hilmar and some unnamed managers we dont know, who were reported as incompetent by workers. All boils down to people who work on anything.
The realisation was possible, but they had to restructure if they wanted to grow, to make good decisions, managers should have been held responsible and even fired when not making results, new ones hired that had previous successes. Also WoD development at the same time stems from that decision to ovestretch resources, this was also higher management decision.

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Sure, and they could make it so all my ships are invulnerable and fire giant pink unicorn dongs at every ship in range for 5 billion damage each automatically, however that is an unrealistic expectation so i know they aren’t actually going to do it

People expected WiS to be something amazing when it never really was going to be, the core gameplay of EVE is spaceship based, anything avatar related would be at best side content that wasn’t required so most people would just ignore it, at worst it would just be CQ all over again which just isn’t worth bothering with, as CCP agreed

Yes and “we would like to do x” doesn’t always mean its going to happen nor that it will actually be any good

That was part of the deal when CCP merged with White Wolf, they didn’t meet those goals so now they are no longer working together

At the end of the day you can sit and whine about management all you want, but even if management had decided to invest money in WiS it was still going to suck, but by all means keep looking for the scapegoat that makes it look like WiS would have been a fantastic life changing addition to a game set entirely in space

PI isnt a spaceship

Hyperprism isnt a spaceship

Lore is not a spaceship

Project Discovery is not a spaceship

Therefore these things should be removed to keep this spaceship game pure.


Indy is how spaceships are made. You need shipyards in a game about ships.

You dont need farmlands. They are a useless part of the game.

Lore is especially useless.

No capital letters. Bad grammar. Terrible syntax. No punctuation. Lots of ellipses.


Is that you?

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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And you get PI is also a not needed part of the game.

Im glad we have this understanding.

PI is one of the resources used in industry, like mining. It also puts ships in space to haul the stuff, which is potential content just like miners, although I must admit as a PI Epithal pilot that the opportunity to get attacked is way too small.

I don’t understand why PI command centers can be installed from safety of tether at the other side of a system, rather than right next to the planet itself. I also don’t understand why CCP didn’t force players to get to orbit of their planet to adjust their planets, which could be another opportunity of content, rather than remotely changing it all from another system altogether.

PI can use some changes, especially those to make it have more interaction with the rest of the game.

On topic of walking in stations, I wouldn’t mind if it did exist but I’m glad CCP isn’t wasting development time on it.

Ships were built perfectly well before PI existed. Ships were given extra mats to need so PI would have a use.

Its a drain on resources.

Like the comic.

Its also not a spaceship.

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I know only CCP lost a lot of money NOT developing WiS and staying there on that CQ phase.

According to financial data on SC and other space games where you can walk around.

But whats there is in a blindspot for some people.


Yup the cost of developing the 3D models, that being said it likely pales in comparison to the cost of maintaining it over the course of its lifespan

And you keep pointing to other games like every game has to be the same and that every game benefits the same from having identical content lol

I mean, considering you seem to think that every space game needs to have walking in it, i don’t think i’m the one with sight issues

Yes, every space game, not spaceship game. Only some people see EVE as only spaceship game, which isnt true.

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