Walking in stations?

I mean you’re free to believe that if you like, but disagreeing won’t magically make it so i haven’t played the game sadly

I mean, you literally helped me in the reply that was in, again living in denial doesn’t change the facts :slight_smile:

Its not my present, i’ve responded to all the ideas people suggested and pointed out why they were not great ideas or why they wouldn’t fit within EVE, you’re free to read them and propose reasons why you think i’m wrong, i doubt you will though

Oh people are allowed to like terrible things, and i’m not going to tell them to stop likinig them, i am however going to point out why their idea doesn’t work and why it won’t be happening :slight_smile:

Like i said i’m not anti-it i’m just telling you why it doesn’t work and why it won’t be happening here

Really Miss Skalski, showing off your home movies just like that :heart_eyes:

He is a miner, probably just got ganked.

Someone once very aptly described eve as a chatroom with an optional spaceship game attached.

It’s rather a shame we no longer have an actual room.

No, on most occassions you say “its stupid” or point out why you dont like the idea without any substance.

I think you are wrong because keeping things limited and unimaginative is boring.

Its not my fault that you cant think of anything but the status quo, but it is on you as to why you feel compelled to piss on others fun and derail their threads.

Like you are continuing to do.

Thats all you ever seem to do here.

Yeah but you are though. You can try and minimise your loathing for it, but “Im just” doesnt begin to describe the amount of time you spend turning threads of “Wouldnt it be nice if…” into “You suck for even thinking about it.”


I disagree, i’ve said why gatekeeping content wouldn’t work or why it would amount to just a social space with no real content which is why most people wouldn’t use it resulting in it just being a waste of resources

Yes and the solution is clearly to add features 99% of the playerbase will ignore after 10 minutes because it will massively slow down every game action and provide very little in the way of actual useful content

And its not my fault you guys seem to be unable to come up with a compelling reason as to why anyone would want to use this other than your desires to play space dress up, like i’ve said come up with an actual original suggestion that doesn’t suck and we can hash it out, the issue is nobody has yet managed to

Where have i told anyone they aren’t allowed to like avatar gameplay exactly? i’ve told them why it won’t work here which isn’t even remotely the same as telling someone they aren’t allowed to like something

Yes because we really need a thread every 6 months asking for something we’ve already had and removed due to a lack of interesting or actually useful ideas for it, and its not a “wouldn’t it be nice if…” thread, the OP is literally just asking them to re-add a feature that was dropped due to a lack of interest and usefulness, so i came here to say why it was removed and why it won’t be coming back :slight_smile:

You’re free to not like that and you’re free to keep responding all you want, but in both cases there isn’t going to be a change in your favour

Strawmen are fun to create, I agree but conpletely off topic.

So much straw

Again, just because the reasons are not compelling to you does not give you liscence to destroy a thread.

Its the entire purpose of ypur rants and you done it several times in this response alone.

So the more people ask you to stop telling them they are stupid for talking about something, the more you will troll them about it?

I dont know what compells you to knock others for wanting to discuss what theyd like, but it would be nice if you could actually consider that others are allowed to like things you dont are allowed to talk about things you dont like without being hassled by you and that you might actually sometimes not know something.

Being a forum gatekeeper isnt a good thing, so please, pretty please, if in your mind its not going to change anyway, stop telling people what they are allowed to discuss.


Hardly, one of the often proposed ideas was minigames or content that provided resources you couldn’t get elsewhere in order to attempt to encourage people to participate, but its good we agree that gatekeeping any content behind WiS would be bad

I mean, it literally happened and its extremely easy to prove even without WiS

The UI was slower to perform simple actions like opening the fitting UI or the market UI or the contracts UI or literally any UI on account of you, at a bare minimum, having to press another button to enable the menu and unlock your mouse cursor, in the worst cases having to literally walk between consoles to perform functions would be vastly slower than the current system where you only need move your mouse and have the ability to have numerous station actions open at the same time

You can call it straw but it was literally the case and would still be the case

They weren’t compelling to anyone other than the 2 people who want WiS, you seem to forget just how much of a minority you guys actually are in the EVE community, not to mention that the ideas would need to be compelling to people who wouldn’t normally want the feature, how would you expect the feature to grow without compelling enough reasons to use it

Now who is grasping at straw :stuck_out_tongue:

Please point out where i have called anyone stupid for wanting WiS

Yeah thats not how the world is or should work, we’re not here to pat you on the back and tell you everything you think matters, free speech goes both ways and its not mine, or anyone elses job to make you feel like your ideas are amazing and without fault, if you can’t handle people pointing out the flaws with your requests, well, i can’t help you with that issue

Where have i said you are not allowed to discuss it?

I’ve pointed out why bad idea is bad, if you don’t like it then feel free to not read what i post, i mean you’re the one opting in to responding, if your arguments were so sound you wouldn’t need to keep defending them eh :stuck_out_tongue:

No, thats just you creating a paradox where

  1. you claim theres no content
  2. if there was content you call it being gatekept.

Your substanceless bias again.

Its the same as saying “no one would drive a car now because youd have to gand crank it” when electric starters exist. Its a strawman and you know it.

And again,that doesnt give you reason to tell them to shut up.

Why? Are you saying now thats not what you believe? Because again this entire conversation has been about that. I dont know who you are attempting to convince otherwise.

Whats not? This is your biggest strawman yet.

You cannot invoke a right to free speech as a reason for you to shut dow others conversations about something you dont like.

We all know your bias.

Must you repeat it constantly?

Yes, because you are a troll. Its the only explaination why you must trash threads. Im sure you think continuing this is funny too. You have no logical position, just bitterness and dislike.

Nooe, thats you, every single time a thread about it pops up.

Now you are trying to tell me I cant point out what an i substantial one note case you make.

We get it, you hate the thought of not everything being spaceships. No idea why, but there you go.

Get over it.

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I think his point is that:

  • Currently people can play EVE on a potato
  • introducing walking in station would raise the bar for machines (my older desktop sometimes lags out when opening the new character sheet now that we’re forced to see the character
  • If EVE is supposed to be as accessible as it is today, content cannot be gated behind a part of the game that requires better computer specs than the rest of the game, or in the best case is accessible but takes longer to do so than ‘just open a new interface tab’ like the rest of the game is

So now you get a dilemma:

  1. gatekeep people from content by putting it behind a part of the game some people will not be able or willing to access, or
  2. make the content in WiS accessible outside WiS too

Neither option is good. In the first case you make the user experience for many players worse by making them take longer to access part of the game at best, impossible to access it at worst. In the second case it means there is no meaningful content in WiS.

I too would like to see WiS return, but I also understand why CCP wouldn’t do it. It would be a nice addition to EVE, but is far away from the core gameplay of the game which is having a spaceship in space as your ‘character’.

If I want to walk around in 3rd person view in a spaceship setting, I play one of the games that specialises in 3rd person gameplay in spaceship settings, like Warframe. No matter how much time EVE puts in a side project like WiS, there will be games where WiS is the main gameplay that do it better. Let EVE focus on what it does best too.

But its a fallacious point, as you dont need a superspec machine to run it, unless its made that badly.

If his argument is it cant be done, its hokum.

But theres already many many aspects of the game already “gated” out for people for various reasons.

At the end of the day, any argument that “its not possible” or that having a dress up lounge would ruin the game for others is pure fantasy on his part.

“Meaningful” is a handy word to use in an argument because defining what “meaningful” enjoyment is for a person is pretty subjective.

It boils down really as far as I can see to people who enjoy using creativity, and those who just want an optimised grind.

I don’t think the point is that WiS is impossible, we all know it’s possible - I mean, we had WiS in the past!

The point is that developing and maintaining WiS may not be worth the costs, which was the reason it was scrapped last time.

Which is used to claim it was too resource heavy. So it follows its possible to make it without it being so resource heavy then? The problem is that removes one of the pillars of the anti-non spaceship argument.

Ah, now note you say MAY. Im not arguing against the possibility of CCP cocking such an endveavour up and costing them money. Im arguing against the position that he has made that its definately NOT worth the cost.

If it is done right, it would be profitable.

But really, the problem I have is not even that, its simply him swanning in and shouting how wrong everyone is to even talk about it. Then claiming he has free speech on his side.

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I intentionally said ‘may’ as I do not know the costs and benefit involved. CCP may know better but even they don’t know for sure.

I don’t agree that it will be ‘profitable if done right’, as there is a good possibility that there is no ‘right way’ to do it that is profitable.

I dont know how you come to that conclusion, but like I said, Im not arguing that.

Seems pretty straigtforward to me, but Im at least glad you are open to discuss it.

Hardly, i think you’re misunderstanding what we’re referring to with gatekeeping content, items or resources that are exclusively locked behind having to partake in WiS, ergo you could never have an exclusive store selling things you can only get by partaking in WiS, we’re not talking about your little dancefloor and social spaces that nobody really cares about

Except when it comes to cars they are improvements to the speed of the experience, in your case the features you want added would be the reverse of that and infact make the experience slower than it already is

And again, state where i told anyone to shut up

What i believe and what i call people are too different things, i can think someone is an idiot but without saying it i haven’t actually called them an idiot, so again, tell me where i called someone stupid please :slight_smile:

OP posted a question, OP was given an answer, you not liking the answer doesn’t mean i shouldn’t have told him said answer, if you’re free to post about wanting a feature (which you are) i am likewise free to point out why said feature doesn’t work, it goes both ways :slight_smile:

I mean, we know your bias, you still like to repeat that constantly aswell, if you get to do it so do i :slight_smile:

I never said i wasn’t opting in to responding, i am however perfectly free to do so, like you’re perfectly free to respond to me, the point is you’re expecting me to not share my opinion on a feature request because it disagrees with how much you want said feature

I don’t “hate” it no, i have just yet to see anyone actually propose a valid reason for why it would actually need to exist in the first place when it literally serves to slow down the core parts of the game, eye candy isn’t and wasn’t worth the costs involved in adding it when it had no compelling reason to exist

If you’re a fan of feature creep with no real end goal may i suggest star citizen

Thats a lot of words for “Im right because I said so, shut up”.

What a boring existence you must lead.

If you ever decide to actually discuss something instead of simply decide it, Im sure there will be people willing to do so with you.

Until then, looks like we will have to put up with your wilful childish disruptions. Im sure youll want to let everyone know your opinion a few dozen more times in this thread alone before you are done.

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I mean, i’m right because that actually makes sense, like i said there isn’t any real benefit in terms of gameplay for WiS to actually be worth spending resources on, CCP clearly think the same thing given they removed what little was there instead of supporting it

Thats the thing, WiS isn’t a discussion, its a statement of facts because its fate has already long since been decided, you are free to disagree with why it was removed but at the end of the day, no matter how much you want to champion it, its not coming back

Ahh yes, the old resorting to attempts at insults when you’ve run out of arguments, classic move :slight_smile:

I’ve already said if you can actually come up with an actual good idea for what WiS could contain i’m happy to discuss it and point out its flaws, but you’ve yet to actually take me up on that offer and instead went on a rant about how i’ve apparently called people stupid and told them to shut up

Sheesh This is more active then i ever thought

Walking in Stations to discuss a peace treaty?