For you this is personal.
- You come appear.
- You do the same irrelevant ■■■■ as all the others.
- Nothing is going to change because of this thread.
- You leave eventually.
- I win by default. You never had a chance.
For me it’s just business as usual.
For you this is personal.
For me it’s just business as usual.
I simply said natural to differentiate it from having to create a different corp from scratch if you want to do more adventurous things. It would just be a part of corp mechanics.
I genuinely pity your sad little mind, and I hope with all sincerity for something good to happen in your life, so you can let go of being such a mean spirited angry little creature.
ofc, like Hrafnkell Oskarsson I am currently learning french
Oui !
Research by CCP shows that the most important factor if a player sticks with the game after the first 90 days is if he was killed by another player during that period.
I know you think you help new players by protecting them from loss, but you actually do the opposite. Most new players are looking for an interesting game to play that involves spaceships and explosions etc. You just take them one step further away from that interesting content that will make them long term players.
See above.
Its come to this…
The Glorious Devils poster boy, doing the cheap Capital Nazi on the Grammar Nazi for likes???!!
There were days I’d spill my morning coffee laughing at your well thought out droll humour.
There was magic in those posts.
Whats happening at home?? The Morts mojo??
Research by CCP shows that the most important factor if a player sticks with the game after the first 90 days is if he was killed by another player during that period.
I’ve never heard of this. Can you please cite your source?
There’s a difference between “killed by” and “interacted with” that ccp doesn’t differentiate. A new player who is randomly killed by another player without any further information input isn’t going to have an experience that’s any different from being killed by an NPC, it’s the social interaction between the two players that creates the incentive to stick around, not single kills lacking in context or real content.
Research by CCP shows that the most important factor if a player sticks with the game after the first 90 days is if he was killed by another player during that period.
How often have you spammed this Ima. Like a withered fig leaf to cover your guilt/conscience??
How many times has it been deconstructed??
Sure, the first video in this post should jump right to the important part: High Sec Ganking
It is not the only study CCP has done. And they always came to the same conclusion.
That study was so good that employ done that research is no more at company …
Oh look another arrogant long time player who thinks the game wouldn’t die without Alphas.
How is the game surviving with alphas? How much are alphas paying for the game again?
Interesting. Thanks for the link! I also think it’s interesting that he immediately goes onto say that while getting killed is the number 1 factor in staying with the game, joining a corporation is number 2, with small and medium corporations being the best for new players.
I think my first corp was a great example of a positive corp for new players. We were small, and we did frequent roams out in Black Rise, where some of the older players taught us new guys the ropes of PvP. That corp no longer exists because a targeted wardec that we were helpless against due to our size and skill (both player skill and SP) demoralized us and eventually we imploded. If I remember right, about half of the members left the game for good.
Dude, I was never a poster boy and that one was deserved…
Omegas don’t seem to like challenges, or genuine risk, they do like routine, and prey they know they can handle. If the game were full of evenly matched players, fighting would almost never occur. CCP realized this, so they made Alpha accounts permanent instead of trials, to increase the overall amount content by giving Omegas more people they aren’t scared of to go out and fight.
Sure, but you could use this argument to justify any behavior, and obviously some behaviors are not tolerated by CCP, either in game design or in the EULA.
I guess. But no, I raise it to make the point if you are going to claim that a certain activity is driving people away, you have to look at all the players involved, including those that subscribe to participate in it. Simply declaring a certain in game thing is bad because some players are don’t like that gameplay without looking at the big picture - such as the players that do like it - isn’t informative. Pretty much everything is disliked by some player or potential customer.
Come on Morts, you are still Ralph’s fav young son.
Omegas don’t seem to like challenges, or genuine risk, they do like routine, and prey they know they can handle. If the game were full of evenly matched players, fighting would almost never occur. CCP realized this, so they made Alpha accounts permanent instead of trials, to increase the overall amount content by giving Omegas more people they aren’t scared of to go out and fight.
What are you proposing to change the inequality?
If the game were full of evenly matched players, fighting would almost never occur.
Omegas are also differently skilled, player skill and SP wise, so your argument is irrelevant.
EVE is not about fair fights. It was not about fair fights before alphas and it is not about fair fights now.