War Dec Abuse, Driving Small Alliances and New Players Away


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I genuinely pity your lack of intellect.

The wardec fee could be considered to be the equivalent of a letter of marque; historically pirates operating under a letter of marque are not pirates but privateers or corsairs.


what is Eve will decide ccp owners : Novator Partners and General Catalyst , not ccp , not you not me !!!

Only to the government that issued the letter. English privateers were not welcome in Spain, governments who did not participate in privateering would openly hang such individuals as… yep, pirates. Someone who abuses the war dec system should face the similar consequences, not knowing which authority figures will tolerate them, and which will fire on them.

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All you do is insist you’re right and vomit out nonsensical insults, and then claim intellectual superiority… are you 12? “yoloswag ur a fucktard I win” great point.

Then why do you come to the forums and cry for changes? Please take your own advice

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That’s actually what you do. I’m just telling you what is actually the case, just like everyone else. You’re just too stupid to get it, instead insulting everyone else and then crying a river when you’re insulted back.
Classic entitled millennial behavior.

“I know you are but what am I?” Seriously? You can’t see how pathetically childish and transparent everything you’ve posted has been?

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In this particular instance the letter of marque is issued by the ultimate authority in hisec, that being Concord.

So yeah… you’re wrong. Merc corps are not pirates but licensed practitioners of murder and mayhem.

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Except since Concord isn’t a government, but rather an inter-faction police force, they should not be open to pirate manipulation, as the system sits, it’s easily manipulated in this way. Each empire faction could sell you a privateer license, that’d make sense, concord selling it would just be blatant corruption.

You are craying that Eve is perfect and have growth in numbers, so sad it is not a true.

I am just presenting a cold fact that Eve ‘as is’ is unsustainable.

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There are people who want things they like to grow, others are content to watch the thing they like sit unused until it’s an empty shell.

this thread delivers

  • Nitshe is doing his usual dance
  • Op and his alts are being whiny little non-adaptative shites

Adapt or die fam
game won’t change over your glorious salt


I have alts? Do tell hun. Sad behavior like that is reserved for people like you who are trying to defend the abhorrent.

Which is extra amusing because by my reckoning he’s now become the prime insulter, after wading in and calling anyone who disagrees with him arrogant and entitled, when in fact he’s promoting himself as most entitled of them all.

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Oh dear lord…

Are we in RP territory now? I only ask because I haven’t ironed my codpiece.

Nice said, but Eve and ccp have to adapt, this is not world from 15 years ago, world has change and Eve and ccp would have to change.

You toxic types do love high fives from each other, utterly simian. I really do pity you.