War Dec Abuse, Driving Small Alliances and New Players Away

They are using the war dec system within its rules, there is nothing wrong with that.

Yes. In EVE you have tools to use as you please. There are no “matchmaking player count limits” and that is what makes EVE great and unique. Corps can have hundreds of war decs, player battles have no limits and you can have thousands of participants. That is the beauty of the true sandbox. If you desire such arbitrary limits, you can play literally any other MMO.

Yeah, that is EVE. It is not for everyone and that is fine.


That’s what war dec fees do - they make CONCORD let you settle your differences undisturbed.

Yeah, EVE is not for everyone and that is fine.


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If eve were meant to be a 100% combat oriented predatory game, it wouldn’t contain such a variety of activities. What’s the point in having all these options? If people are so bored with the game that they need to manipulate the war system in order to prey on a larger number of new / alpha pilots, and can only derive enjoyment from disrupting someone else, how is that not a sign of degeneration and toxicity?

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So join a more active alliance.

You seem to be confusing a game with real life. I should seek the help of a qualified therapist before it’s too late…


Where is the manipulation? If you have money you can pay for more wars. It’s a pretty simple concept that you appear to be having a hard time grasping, and frankly the repeated banging of your head against the desk was at first amusing, but now it’s clear that you’re simply being obtuse.

Additionally, inviting all your friends and alts in here to blindly like your OP isn’t going assist in facilitating any change.


You can also put wardeck bounty and all that PVP ■■■■ on me and my corp: it is Lady Sylvanas Guard, or LSG feel free to put wardeck bounty or own your personal venndeta. I plexed enough ships omegas and equipent so I wil l hardly notice it and you will feel soo big and important.

See how am I good and big person and how small you are …

This game is about murdering each other. It is only a game though. I want to murder you too, as many posters in this thread. But only in game. It has nothing to do with our real life personalities. It sounds to me like you just don’t understand the game you are playing. Just embrace it and go shoot people in the face! Or don’t, just stop whining, please.

All PvE activities are there to make money for replacing stuff you lose fighting other players. Yeah the tutorials won’t tell you that but that’s how EVE is. Get over it.


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Eve is not all about PVP accept it and get over it…


it is sort of cute when a new player posts here with righteous indignation about some “obviously broken mechanic that needs fixing RIGHT NOW!!”, not realizing that said mechanic has been a part of EVE gameplay for at least the past ten years. Examples include scamming, wardecs, ganking, awoxing and bumping.


Safer now than it’s ever been, but then that’s the problem with entitled types… give them more and they’ll keep wanting more.


Page 22.


Hmm… Does a poster who’s only argument is to keep repeating the same argument time and time again remind you of anyone ?

eta: Sorry about the multiple responses, it’s just that this OP is making me angry. For the sake of my blood pressure I’ll hide this thread…

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from wikipedia: “CCP hf, doing business as CCP Games, is an Icelandic video game developer based in Reykjavík. Novator Partners and General Catalyst collectively own a majority stake in the company.” it does not metter what has been last 10 years, if CCP do not start to produce profit it will be in deeeeep trouble !!!

Last ten years they spend lots of money on busted project and now time has changed so your argument “last ten years …” is irrelevant now


I think that’s a fair question, and the interpretation that you provided is an option, but I don’t think it’s a good one. As a base level, a player corp is not very different to an NPC corp, other than that it’s a smaller group of people. A player corp can do things that are different than an NPC corp, like anchor a structure, or join an alliance, but until you do those sorts of things, I don’t think you should be vulnerable to a wardec. IMO, a player corp’s mere existence doesn’t represent something that requires counterplay.

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Why do you respond to yourself?


Why haven’t I seen this thread sooner? Already 118 replies!



My first corp ran into a targeted wardec. From what I remember, about half of the people in the corp left the game for good. Whether or not you have distain for carebears who live in highsec, from a purely financial standpoint, I think CCP should look at the mechanics.