War Dec Abuse, Driving Small Alliances and New Players Away

“Counterstrike has been a game where you shoot each other for 10 years, but it’s making no profit now so we need to change it to FarmVille!”



Alpha accounts were a 2-week trial for 14 ■■■■■■■ years, you moron. Longer than you’ve been alive, judging by your entitlement attitude. The game population is dwindling because CCP is making retarded decision after retarded decision. Among those are dumbing the game down to accommodate people like yourself, while also transforming it into yet another themepark carebear paradise.

Unlike you Mr. “I’ve been playing this game for 4 months”, I’ve been here since beta. My opinion is more relevant than yours. Now get off my lawn. Twat.


Bussines is cruel, but life is like that …

EVE makes them a lot of profit. And it us running fine for 15 years now. Somehow hundreds of thousands of players managed to deal with this game and the fact that there can be PvP everywhere and that even as s industrialist you have to defend yourself.

So what is the problem here? It is clearly you who somehow thinks he is so special that game mechanics who are there for over 10 years have to adapt to him than and not that he has to adapt to the game as everyone else managed to do just fine.

The reason why this new players quit is because of this spineless corp who makes them dock, does not teach them how to behave in a war or even tells them to not play until the war is over.

If they had any sense they would embrace the war someone else payed for, put up some cheap insured t1 fleet (which costs nothing, you lose a few million ISK.at most) and try to pick on the enemy or build traps. They would have a good time, a lot of fun playing and they would stick.with EVE for a long time.

Sadly that is not what this corp does. Instead it damages the new players. This corp has to be eradicated from the game!


Why don’t you go play FarmVille if you don’t like Counterstrike though? Why demanding changes for a game you don’t like playing?



Why is relevant, it is old way which lose subscribers and do not generate profit so game have to move FROM YOU to much profitable players,

bye …

It is better for EVE to die rather than become not EVE. All the other games are not EVE, go play those and stop this nonsense.


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Much like your uninformed posting is also irrelevant. EVE has been making money hand over fist. EVE has found a solid niche in the MMO market and turning it into Hello-Kitty Online will only alienate much of the existing player base.



If you don’t like the game, then move on to another game that your peanut-sized brain can cope with. EVE doesn’t have to change just because you are too stupid to play it.

I’m personally going to wardec and hunt you now until you quit. Entitled kids like yourself have no place anywhere near EVE. I’ll do the game and the community a great favor kicking you out.


That is your opinion and as we say before itis NOT RELEVANT, cold numbers will make path to new Eve.

Your pitty insult can not change numbers how much you try so we will see what will happen with ALL MIGHTY ( slightly unprofitable ) PVP EVE …

How is your opinion more relevant? Do you even have a Mining Permit?


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If anyone wants free targets, join the corp “Eternal Bonfire” in-game. Corporations can apply to “Black Marker”. Wardec against mimi45’s corp goes out tomorrow. Time to make them all quit, for the betterment of the community!


My opinion is NOT relevant, your opinion is NOT relevant … , cold numbers will bring decision of EVE new path.

It’s just that the numbers say that losing ships to another player is the main factor that people keep playing. So don’t get your hopes up.


Which numbers? Number of carebear whine threads on the forums? I don’t think so. But as you’ve said, my opinion is irrelevant.


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The beatings will stop when morale improves!


I found mimi45 for you.

She is at Inghenges IV - Moon 5 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory station in the Inghenges system, Jonenor constellation of Sinq Laison region.

It’s open season.


Dream on baby … :kissing_heart:

For this kind of discussion first you have to learn some math try something like this:

You are welcome :heart_eyes: