War On Corona Virus!

Maybe stop reading into it would be your first step. For example, you said “the sisters didn’t have any symptoms prior to dying” yet the for symptom is not even mentioned in the story.

Back when they died, testing was just starting to ramp-up hence the true cause of death is just now being looked into.

Also, if there is an error in the multiplication of cases counts,
it is possible the one person spreads it to 3 persons instead,
because, either the first 2nd person already had it, and , didn’t get it twice from the same source, or, there was a 3rd person nearby, from tracing, was on the camera, as if traced from the camera, but not really…
Then, and maybe not only then though, the 3rd person spreads it to 2 person normally, and the first 2nd person who didn’t get it, or, if 3 got it, maybe a 4th, after the 3rd, from the first person, and , the 2nd person , which didn’t spread it to 2 more, balanced it out to the usual 1 solved case for 2 new cases ratio scheme thing.
No, but, if 4 person, then, the other 2 new cases from the first one didn’t get 2 more after, but only 1 each, since the first one had 4.

Like, the first one to 2 is not 1, but 2, one for the first one, and 2 for the first 2 other cases which is 3 total, not 2 or 4.

Mhh, why does my bank account also looks like that?

MIRA Safety ParticleMax P3 VIRUS FILTER Review #Coronavirus

24,120 views • Mar 15, 2020
166K subscribers

Particle Machs Various (filtered).

Now, of course, decontaminant from decontamination shower probably
use other chemicals than water only in it, so that it can decontaminate.

Some decontamination may be used for removing radio-active isotopes from exteriors, to reduce the level of radio-active risk, for when removing the protective equipment.

There is a new issue involved with the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

Keep your kids and yourself protected at all times, hands, eyes and mouth or mouths.

The Perfect Storm of the Pandemic

How many politicians and law makers have thought about the other end of the pandemic spectrum?

Until there is a vaccine, there will not be an end date to pandemic.

Remdisvir is not the cure or vaccine to SARS-CoV-2. But because ignorant people will push rem as being the cure, more and more people become infected as ignorance grows beyond exponential.

Older people will not live into their 80’s or 90’s. The mortality rate will drop to around 70 or 75 if not lower.

So where is that Social Security reform for age 50? Because based on the way things are going, most people won’t live past 70.

Those who were infected at an early age and survived will most likely see increased health issues as they get older.

Younger people will dread getting older for fear of dying in a bed due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

As the Republicans push getting back to work and more people become infected due to the experiment using “Herd Immunity,” more Americans are likely to see increased health issues the older that they become.

They might get better but in the long run, those infected and who survive today, could be the countries next big die off in 30 years.

Even if there is a vaccine that is created within a few years, within those few years, based on herd immunity, 60-70% of the U.S. population will become infected as the hopes of herd immunizing being used used too slow or stop the virus infects nearly everyone in the U.S.

When that 60-70% of the population that has been infected due to the grand experiment of herd immunity grows older and starts dying, the explosion of the infection and pandemic in 2020 will result in an explosion of death.

The exponential infection rate of those being infected now will carry down the years to become an exponential rate of death that will see 25% of the population surviving.

Just like a wave, the pandemic is rushing over the country and infecting people. At the other end, when the wave recedes back into the ocean the number of dead will be epic.

A looming and gigantic disaster of epic proportions.

Therefore, the only remedy to ensure that a total collapse in the future does not happen is for all citizens of the U.S. to receive a $2,500 monthly stimulus check to keep the economy going, rent and utilities need to cancelled and all non-essential businesses shuttered until a vaccine has been developed.

The younger generations might make it through the exponential waves due to be being young, but when that old age wave hits, the ship will likely do down with all hands causing an even greater economic collapse then we are experiencing right now. The ship has a huge gash in its hull and is sinking but the engines are still functional, just enough, to steer the ship out of the way of the iceberg, dead ahead.

US makes ‘big bet’ on vaccine company that’s never brought a vaccine to market

1,712 views • May 1, 2020
9.5M subscribers

Sorry, but, if I was to limit the benefit to society of my work to a Social Security Reform for age 50, when I am 53, and less than 2 years short of 55, although that this 55th year will be ongoing for a year, if I am alive that whole year, it would not be as good as I can bring and , benefit from the fruit of my work, including the parties who sought fraudulent interference against that benefit from my work, to be credited to my credit , rather than fraudulently embezzled and extorted to other parties, who could not use it, since it was not designed for them to do so in that way.

Most people already don’t live past 70, especially not males, except for up to 73, in average.
That means that, everyone over 80 and 90 makes that average under 60 and 50 for others.

I’m not going to study sociology because it’s easier than psychology or psychiatry, but, even though it’s harder, the problem against my incomes lie there, including business profit, due to propaganda and other related social reasons, and, political reasons, including economic warfare and , economic boycott.

I really have no right to associate with those actions, even if those doing it control a lot of police firearms and related security, even if with discriminating actions.

Too bad they don’t have an hospital to “transfer” them to, because, it may cause more problems than war crimes.
Nothing worst than to hold a sick prisoner in the worst place against the Geneva convention, unless, of course, the country forfeited their rights, or, if they rather interfere against opinions of Americans or, their descendants…

It may be better to be out of contact with reality, than to be mislead out of contact with reality. That is all relative, and it depends though. It’s not guarantee that it’s worst.

A possible real cure.

“The Scissors Maneuver”

The task of the Intruder is kill SAM’s.

The reason why SARS and MERS petered out was because it was a too aggressive virus. Rather both viruses were heavy assault units for the main body of SARS-CoV-2 which is fast and light in its maneuver elements but not as aggressive.

Therefore like SARS and MERS we have to be aggressive in countering the rate of infection of SAR-CoV-2. Shutting down all businesses across the planet that are not Core-Essential will cause the majority of the SARS-CoV-2 virus to burn out completely.

Separating those who have been recently infected from the rest of the population is also needed. Instead of Herd Immunity we have to use Herd Isolation or isolating all those who have been infected from the rest of the population to keep the virus from spreading any further.

The video below talks about how SARS-CoV-2 uses sugars/glycans to disguise itself to get past our immune system to then infect a cell. Therefore destroying the sugars on the SARS-CoV-2 is the keep to pulling back the veil to allow our immune system to kill the SARS-CoV-2 virus

# Sugar-derived molecules kill viruses in groundbreaking new treatment

The vast majority of existing antiviral treatments don’t actually kill the bugs – they instead slow down their growth or reduce their ability to infect cells. While this can be an effective method of staving off illness, viruses evolve quickly, so they often mutate new defenses against these drugs.

What’s needed are new virucidal treatments that will do away with viruses properly, and ideally work against different types. Now, researchers from the University of Manchester, the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and EPFL have managed to create a promising new virucidal drug.

The team started with molecules called cyclodextrins, which are natural derivatives of glucose. They engineered these molecules to attract viruses, then cling to their surface and tear open their outer membranes, effectively destroying them.

The researchers tested the new treatment on several types of viruses, including herpes, HIV, hepatitis C, Zika and respiratory syncytial virus, and saw strong results across the board. The molecules were tested in lab dishes of the viruses and tissue cultures, as well as in mice, and were found to be effective. Importantly they didn’t harm cells in the tissue cultures or the mice, and other tests showed that the viruses weren’t able to mutate resistance to the drug.

“We have successfully engineered a new molecule, which is a modified sugar that shows broad-spectrum antiviral properties,” says Samuel Jones and Valeria Cagno, lead researchers on the study. “The antiviral mechanism is virucidal meaning that viruses struggle to develop resistance. As this is a new type of antiviral and one of the first to ever show broad-spectrum efficacy, it has potential to be a game changer in treating viral infections.”

The team says that this molecule could be useful against viruses that have developed resistance against other treatments, and even future threats similar to the emerging Coronavirus.

The molecules have been patented and the team is currently setting up a spin-off company in order to bring it to market. The eventual goal is to develop them into ointments, nasal sprays and other treatments.

Followed up with Remdesivir the SARS-CoV-2 won’t stand a chance.

The U.S. is 0.0178 people away from the 0.1 mark of a person being infected every 1.07 seconds.

192 days until the U.S. reaches the mark of 1.00 person in the U.S. being infected every 1.07 seconds.

give it a week before we hear the CEO said “nice things” about Trump and he then whined to get them the contract

1 Like

After spending over 5 trillion on it, I really think Trump should start a medical school, and, if the teachers are good enough for him, he would even be able to graduate, even if he decided to remain in research and not otherwise practice with a license, before he dies.

…Which reminds me, I have a glass of red wine left.

Kim Jong-un is alive, North Korean missile reports.

COVID-19 · 1 hour ago

Leaked intelligence dossier does not provide evidence that coronavirus was made in a lab

You got to make sure you don’t leak the virus, because, it’s very contagious.
The same goes for spreading it from a leaked liquid or vile, or , lack of containment from a research lab, which came from another research lab, with the costs associated , listed in bank accounts, just when my account got hacked, and , someone said they made a mistake.

It’s not exactly how it happened, but there are many other diversions, besides marginalization, which, I wouldn’t have the right to try to associate with against others either.

That’s also why I have to report them , despite misleading accusations against me, with the exact same misinterpretation of the facts, in hopes of controlling powers and justify the restrictions, while enjoying more resources and sharing those with those they want.

This seems good news, since, they published this after their findings of the arrest from the US researcher.
That means, that, it may not have been developed, and , was only studied, and, if what was sold was not contained, may not have been produced from other systems, including terrorists, but, rather as some medical accidents, or, uncontrolled substance at the time.

My systems is stalling a lot though.
Most definitely would work a lot better if I had another newer computer to connect to the internet, even if I transferred data from this one through some other methods.


Coronavirus: Russia reports record daily increase in cases

Moscow’s mayor says 2% of the city is known to have the virus. Read this and more:

:earth_africa: Updates: People in Spain walk and exercise outside after 48 days of quarantine

:united_nations: Public Health: Info from health agencies

:chart_with_upwards_trend: By the numbers: Data to understand the impact

:dizzy: Positivity: “Drive-in concerts” and more


Russia now has second-highest rate of Covid-19 spread as other countries ease restrictions


A huge spike in Russian Covid-19 cases announced today, suggesting the curve is far from flattening: 9,623, up from 7,933 yesterday. Almost 2/3rds in the Moscow area. Mayor Sergey Sobyanin says about 2% of the city is now known to have the virus.

How will the second round of SARS-CoV-2 effect those who were infected in the first round, had mild symptoms and recovered?

Is it much more likely that they will become infected again and have severe symptoms causing them to die due to the first infection that they had?

How much more likely are people infected this time around going to become asymptomatic and cause the second round of the virus to spread?

Will the second wave be an entirely new virus that has split from the SARS-CoV-2 virus to become SARS-CoV-3 that has built up an immunity to any attempts at killing the virus?

What are the long term health effects for younger people and children who are infected and recovery quickly? Are they more prone to having serious and fatal respiratory related illnesses later in life?

How will infections in young people who get over the virus rather quickly effect their mitochondria? Will the infection cause an even more resilient version of SARS-CoV-2? Since mitochondria deal with everything from aging to immunity, one place to look to find the reason why the body isn’t immune to the virus is too see if there is a second virus associated with the SARS-CoV-2 virus that attaches itself to mitochondria.

Once attached to the mitochondria the virus would first learn the defense characteristics of the cell that it is wanting to infect. The virus cell then conceals itself with immunization that keeps the white blood cells from attacking normal cells that are supposed to be in the human body.

Differentiated podocytes, a type of renal glomerular cells, require substantial levels of energy to maintain glomerular physiology.

The excitotoxicity of glutamate plays an important role in the progression of various neurological disorders via participating in inflammation and neuronal damage. In this study, we identified the role of excessive glutamate stimulation in the modulation of angiotensin-converting enzyme type 2 (ACE2), a critical component in the compensatory axis of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). In primary cultured cortical neurons, high concentration of glutamate (100 μM) significantly reduced the enzymatic activity of ACE2.

Basically by introducing high concentrations of glutamate the enzymatic acitivity of ACE2 can be significantly reduced. If the ACE(2) is less active then when the SARS-CoV-2 virus attaches itself to the ACE(2) receptor, then transfer of the viral RNA into the cell should not be as active either. Using high concentrations of glutamate could only last for a short time to keep from causing permanent damage to the cell being defended.

Basically the process would be similar to using a Black Bird(EvE Online) to EMP a ship. The ship, the virus, is still able to move around but can’t lock onto a ship, the ACE(2) receptor for a certain amount of time. Within that certain amount of time the virus itself could be attacked by a cyclodextrin.

Cyclodextrin are natural derivatives of glucose. The engineered molecules attract viruses, then cling to their surface and tear open their outer membranes, effectively destroying them.

Basically the Black Bird comes in and EMP’s the virus and locks it down while the Assault Frigate, Cyclodextrin, moves in and webs (slows the virus down from moving to another ACE(2) while pulling the virus to the Cyclodextrin. The molecule then guts the SARS-CoV-2 virus from the outside in.

I was reading that SARS-CoV-2 is not like any other viruses of the Coronavirus family. Therefore creating broad immunization for SARS-CoV-2 and future SARS virus that stem from SARS-CoV-2 would be like attacking a Borg Cube that modulates its resistance to an attack.

When defeating a Borg cube, often times the best guess was to attack non-essential systems of the cube that caused the cube to shut down or go to sleep for preventative maintence.

Attacking a non-essential system of the SARS-CoV-2 such as the envelope protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus would be like attacking the Death Star’s thermal port.

Coronavirus envelope protein is a small membrane protein and minor component of the virus particle. It plays important roles in virion assembly and morphogenesis, alteration of the membrane permeability of host cells and virus-host cell interaction.

Why does Soap work so well in killing SARS-CoV-2?

Soap dissolves the fat membrane causing the virus to fall apart like a house of cards.

Therefore if only the compounds associated with the amphiphiles in soap are released into the body, the amphiphiles will compete with the lipids in the viruses membrane.

Not alot of amphiphiles would be needed, just enough to loosen the “glue” between the virus and the skin.

So what we have is a three pronged attack.

  1. A drug is entered into the body to keep the ACE(2) receptor from not being as active. This type of drug should help reduce the infection rate of SARS-CoV-2 that do succeed in attaching itself to the ACE(2) receptor.

  2. Cyclodextrin is used to attract SARS-CoV-2 that haven’t attached themselves to an ACE(2) receptor yet to gut the virus from the outside in.

  3. Amphiphiles are introduced as a secondary and primary form of attack to slip the skin of the virus while it is attached to the ACE(2) receptor or while the virus is roaming around.

  4. A neutralizing agent would have also to be administered shortly after the main pill or pills are taken to neutralize the other three drugs from causing adverse reactions within the human body.

Human milk might work to kill the SARS-CoV-2 virus as well.

Here’s something I don’t get about the virus.

On January 21st,2020 the first case of SARS-Cov-2 was discovered in Washington State.

Patient 1 in Wuhan wasn’t diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 until January 31, 2020, ten days after the infected person traveled from Wuhan to Washington State.

New York didn’t have its first until March 1, 2020.

After the first case in Washington State, we saw a very rapid explosion of infections across the U.S. due to people being infected, not knowing and then traveling and infecting others.

Wuhan is considered the political, economic, financial, commercial, cultural, and educational center of Central China.[18] It is a major transportation hub, with dozens of railways, roads and expressways passing through the city and connecting to other major cities.

Yet, unlike the U.S. which has a lot of transportation hubs like Wuhan, there wasn’t wide spread transfer of the virus, which there should have been.

China should be going through exactly what the U.S. is going through right due to all of the travel within China to and from Wuhan.

If Patient 1 in the U.S. was diagnosed with the virus 10 days before the first case in China was diagnosed that means for two weeks prior to January 21st, 2020 other people would have been infected that had traveled to Wuhan from other regions in China and then went home. Therefore 24 days before the first person in China was diagnosed there should have been rampant out breaks of SARS-CoV-2 all over China.

Yet, we don’t see wide spread infection in China like there is in the U.S.

If the virus wasn’t purposely released and certain Chinese knew about it and reacted based on a pre-determined plan, there should at least 2 or 3 million infected Chinese at this point.

The two hospitals went up really fast as well with all of the necessary equipment to contain the virus, almost as if the Chinese knew exactly what was happening.

With as many street people in China that there is along with the Democratic protests right before the outbreak, there should have been numerous regions in China that were infected and are still infected instead of only Wuhan.

The Chinese have freedom of movement like Americans do so an infected person, not knowing they are infected who was from Wuhan visited a friend twenty miles away and infects them causing the virus to spread. Yet we don’t see that type of spread in China.

Every nation, other than China, is experiencing massive spikes in the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Yet, we don’t see that type of infection rate at all in China. which we should. China should be experiencing the same problems like the rest of the world.

What we do see is a controlled infection rate that was contained very quickly in China though. To quickly in fact to have been a random encounter with an infected pangolin or bat.

Right , those facts have to be verified.

There was an investigation from US intelligence, and I don’t know what those reports are.
I also don’t know what the data is.
I don’t think we can at this time, since, it is obviously sensitive information.
Medical doctors are also obligated to certain level of secrecy, nevermind privacy.
Privacy is related to ethics, secrecy is related to science.

As for Wuhan, there was a Mr. Wu who was a leader of a country and hired Sun Tsu, as military advisor, and , intelligence official, from there.

Seriously lilsteel, wtf is your major malfunction?


  1. In December of 2019, China was reporting a cluster of 40+ patients with a mysterious pneumonia.

  2. Jan 7, 2020 - Chinese scientist identify a new coronavirus

  3. Jan 11, 2020 - the first known death due to Covid-19 occurs in China

  4. Jan 12, 2020 - Chinese scientist globally share the genome sequence of the new virus

  5. Jan 20, 2020 - the first recorded case in the US is in Washington State

Your timeline looks like it was pulled from one of those conspiracy websites that never fact check themselves.


You’re attacking me.

It seems, if I did have a malfunction, I would want to make sure to keep evidence of how it happened and why, and if there was attempt to forfeit the evidence, how, and which other collection of data system I would need for in cases there would be other collections against me.

For some reasons, I do so have other medical data and yes, I would rather invest to study it and research it somewhere else for it.

I certainly won’t have to be friends with parties seeking to attack me and to justify those attacks. Slaving people into that may seem viable , but, if you double check, you can find a little problem to associate with it.

China isolated the virus and are working on isolating it, and keeping it in quarantine.

Those who recuperated may infect others who didn’t get it, so, are they allowed to roam freely.

Additionally, for some reasons, Chinese citizen who try to leave their country in case of conflict find themselves to be refused the use of the automated information system, and, if , as you mention, it is the same freedom of movement as American, it may mean that American would also get their use of automated information system to leave would be interfered against , or, equally refused, which I don’t think is the case.

So, there is misinformation in regards to this.

Also, since I may end up with a major malfunction according to you, I would want to make sure that my family is somewhere safe enough from those potential major or general malfunction, especially if I’m going to have to take a university course and get a university degree which a general there can use for the data.

I think someone hacked him.

Like, tried to steal state secrets, or, above top secret.

For some reason, if the collection refused to get evidence, I may be well advised to keep track of those refusal and find out which interest they try to get from it, and while trying to so refuse it, especially if it is directly related with my income to do so clear and keep finances with such financial institution organized in a good way and not illegally supporting them, while they try to forfeit evidence , except those against me, and, only so.

It’s not like if I’m ever going to have any use to be associating with them after.

Apparently , they even paid police to try to incriminate me for bringing evidence of how they try to refuse evidence to try to get me to surrender to those attacks, like , if my system was not able to function if embezzled and was target of fraud.

Notice also the focus on malfunction rather than the positive from the functioning of the system.
It is in line with the other intentional intent to intend to intend it.

Oh wait, wait, it’s not scientific enough, no amounts of studies can justify it or prove it.
Only through approved government research can it be proven, and , to which extent, as approved by judges and so on, even if that goes against science.
Not too much though.

I don’t see them stopped to interfere against diverting from my marriage to be completed from our engagement in the last 8 years once, and it’s certainly not going to be good for my wife then, nor was it before, and the same for my child if we ever get one with all those delays.

Not only that, but I even got evidence of how they even tried to make me seem like if I would be the one to cause those delays they already are attacking me with and causing me.

It seems to me like, if there was any of the suggestions occurring, that I would be more than well advised to use it against the source of the parties intending to cause it to me, and intending for me to appear as if using what they try to put in my hand, to appear as it causing it to myself, while they themselves pull the trigger, while putting my own members and associated parts in it.

If I do get rich and get enough security, I don’t see how it would be from them, or, how it should be from them, even though it should have been, and I will have to get other collections to deal with them with other diplomatic systems instead, due to the same war they tried to interfere with and against, even during and before that COVID-19, and certainly after.


If I was to rely on the amount of misinterpreting of my words in courts, and how the interference against me from bringing evidence in courts is being used against me to do fraud against me in courts from courts official, I would never do business with them.

I probably don’t and won’t.

That’s their own business.

Just because they want to justify to keep me in prison like North Korean do, doesn’t mean that I have to agree with them, neither that I have the right to, and neither that it’s good for my family or for moral reasons, or, moral rights.
They can spy all they want.

Just because one party does wrong, doesn’t mean that the other party is not paying them for it, and try to make themselves seem like if they disagree when they in fact lie about their association.

More than 300 employees test positive for Covid-19 at Missouri pork processing plant

A total of 373 employees and contract workers at Triumph Foods, a pork processing plant in Buchanan County, Missouri, have tested positive for coronavirus despite showing no related symptoms, according to a press release from the Department of Health and Senior Services.

“We continue to work this weekend contacting these asymptomatic patients and have initiated the process of contact tracing with those determined to be close contacts of our positive cases,” said Dr. Randall Williams, director of DHSS.

The department encouraged anyone experiencing symptoms to reach out to their health care provider, the release said.

The latest numbers come after the the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services announced Thursday more than 120 employees tested positive for Covid-19.

Remdesivir being touted as the miracle cure which it is not.

Some patients still died even though they were given the drug.

Remdesivir treats the COVID-19 disease which is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Remdesivir does not kill the virus itself. Therefore people can still become infected and will get infected as long there isn’t a vaccine for the SARS-CoV-2.

Remdesivir sounds like a mind numbing drug to make people believe they are getting better but can still die from the virus.

Basically its a placebo drug and not a cure or vaccine.

Resting hopes on fake cures is just as bad as calling the SARS-CoV-2 virus a flu and hoping that it goes away, just like a miracle.

Tuscaraws County Ohio has 111 currently infected patients.

The number of infected has increased nearly twice the amount of 50 of just a week or so ago. Thus virus is spreading at a much faster rate than it was before.

The average age of the infected is 38 years old. Therefore the SARS-CoV-2 is not linked to infecting and killing “Old People”

With a majority of the people in Tusc Infected being between the age of 35 and 40 the likelihood of the same age group being infected in counties such as Stark, Mahoning and Summit would also come from the same age groups.

With more and more middle to younger middle aged people being infected, the likelihood of the virus spreading through the same age group when the state opens back up for work is guaranteed.

Therefore companies in Ohio who’s workforce has a median age of 35 to 40 should see this age group effected more than the younger age groups of 25 to 34, thus companies with a predominant age group between 25 and 40 will be in severe jeopardy of seeing mass infections.

Global National: May 3, 2020 | Canadian biotech company recalls rapid COVID-19 test

80,585 views • May 3, 2020
Around 10 or 6 hours ago.
Global News
1.62M subscribers

I don’t get and won’t get pension checks due to fraud and extortion, while, others get more than they are supposed to.
There are many cases, which makes me get more facts from fact finding and data gathering, even as they try to forfeit those records, claiming it is a threat to their security.

What good is that kind of security if they would die, even as we’re at least twice as nice to them than they attack us?

A message for the Spring break students who ignored the Coronavirus ‘social distancing’ rules

302,139 views • Mar 20, 2020
2.1K subscribers

Some people thought it would be over after 30 days, it’s much stronger than that.

That’s only the symptoms phase, not contagion.

It will take at least 3 to 5 months to build stronger
immunity against the first strains, if not too many are going around at the same time.

10 hours later:

Edit 12 hours later:
They mention the 1918 Spanish flu, even though it is not the same.
Obviously, there are good reasons why it is not, and why it is mentioned when it is not.

11 hours later, and after fixing a bug, transferring data :

Coronavirus outbreak: World leaders hold virtual summit to raise billions for COVID-19 vaccine

6,703 views • May 4, 2020
Global News
1.62M subscribers

Due to states re-opening the virus is advancing again and will continue to advance well into the 5,000 infected a day when Summer officially starts.

I have also been reading comments about Right Wing supporters on Face Book who are not scared of being infected nor are they afraid to the pass the infection on to someone else.

Numbers of Ohio Today

Stark County

Stark County will see 500 infected on daily basis by the end of this week.


When the numbers start building up, expect the states that have re-opened and relaxed their social distancing standards, to start dragging their numbers.

Dragging Numbers is when a days total infected population does not fit in with a political agenda. The numbers are skimmed from the days total, dragged across future days as new results that are lower than normal where excuses such as lapses in data, are used to cover up the failures of the Back-To-Work agendas.


I’ve been offered a job in Silicon Valley, however, I would need a waiver, which I thought was from Canada, but, for some reason, I was not informed before.

Of course, for employment and business purposes, it’s always better or at least, it can be better (if not always, I don’t want to burn my options before running out of them, here nor there…), if the reason for not being informed, or, not having been informed is a good reason.
It can be hard if that info would not be confirmed, which could lead to errors and problems, as it creates uncertainty, which, if unnecessary, can create inaccuracy in the system, or, in the information, and, create those unwanted errors, not limited to clerical errors, or, deliberate errors of omissions, such as in Errors and Omissions professional liability insurance.

On another note, if and when I do so happen to find that business offer for employment back again, I’m sure I know a government would could use the tax for some medical system namely being used for security among which is a new November 1993 command, again, for some reason, which, although better, is not without problem, or, shares of problems, warranting to cause it.


Coronavirus: Human trials for experimental vaccine begin in the US

Pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and BioNTech confirmed the start of human trials for a potential coronavirus vaccine. If successful, the vaccine could be in “emergency use” starting in September, officials say.

:earth_americas:Updates: 15 NY children diagnosed with syndrome possibly tied to COVID-19
(Oddly enough, the party putting those globes on their twitter accounts, uses Americas for Europe, and Africa for NY children. It must be good to go on a trip to Vienna from there…)

:united_nations: Public Health: Info from health agencies
(At least we may get some public info even if most is under secrecy for medical reasons… Not that this could not delay anything, depending on the needs for focus in some conditions, but nice.)

:chart_with_upwards_trend: By the numbers: Data to understand the impact
(Also data to compare with the facts is very useful, and it can also be very useful to prevent too much impact from causing death in certain circumstances)

:dizzy: Positivity: Turkish sheep take to the streets

On a more positive note, since I graduated in that field , and I’m offered work there, I can also work for it from the moon and mars, or, both at the same, in the reverse order, and , even contract with Elon Musk for it, even if the business offer was or was not from him.