War On Corona Virus!

It’s unfortunate, now, the communication gap when what we needed was not met, when we needed more hospital (we, as in the USA, even if I am not a US citizen, even though my family name is from there), and other measures, we are informed after the fact, is affected us more.

We will also need more hospitals as they did in China and, probably, South Korea, new hospitals with new beds, as they did in Cathedrals, and other structural system or organizations .

It’s unfortunate that we were not helped more, when we needed it more, until after it’s too late, and that, even though we may have helped others more before, that greed and vice is overcoming virtue to lead to those evil deaths.

Now, again, we have to do more than others to solve the problems, because nobody else helped us enough in time before it was too late to come to this.
Even now, a lot of the rhetoric relies on how good others are, and that, the reason they don’t have those problem is because of how good they are, disregarding the scientific facts of the differences in demographic which does create the differences.

A lot if not more of the online encryption is also done in the US, which I don’t need more proof to know and understand and use in practice, and in courts against attacks against me, in acts of war.
Again today, someone from Sweden made claims of losing brain cells communicating with me, while he himself was the one initiating attacks, and trying to disrupt my intelligence, to the point that he cannot legally try to repair it, as it would further disrupt my intelligence and attack the safety of my family.
Much war, not enough peace.

I don’t doubt that information is misleading one bit lilsteel. Try a bucket next time and make your comments echo.

What information is misleading one bit?
How would trying a bucket next time and make my comments echo not be disrupting my intelligence and attacking my safety?
Also, what proof if any, is it that it would not be an act of war against my moral and integrity, and that it is not moral warfare, if there are implied moral warfare with my name.?

Unless you try to attack my name, but don’t understand it, so that you’re mislead in moral warfare , as precaution, but can’t see it?

How is that positive? To who? And if so, why would it be negative to someone else?
I sense a disturbance in the force or police force, or some other police force than military police force.

Why would the Swedish guy of 27 years old try to mislead me, if he was, and why wouldn’t it be him instead?
Either way, I have to protect my family against those kinds of bucket attacks.

By the way, when I’m being mislead to be misleading , and others are mislead to be against me, and that I am mislead to be discredited and have to report it to Interpol , they don’t waste my time.
They know exactly which intelligence is doing it, how they try, why, and , they get yearly reports of their income for it.

I think, maybe, if he is losing brain cells due to attacks against me from others, is that he shouldn’t be wasting my time arguing against me and trying to solve problems caused to the extent to cause him brain cell losses, whether he is consuming drugs causing it, or, disruption of his intelligence by communicating with me, when the potential solutions are already covered to be attacked if created.

Someone should really study systems before making suggestions which create more problems, which require analysis to solve, unless of course, they are mislead to create more problems, which would require analysis to solve, unless of course, there are military measure morally taken against them to do so, to prevent more damage to happen 3 times worse.

Not the same solution apply to everyone the same way and in the same conditions.
Many conditions are different, and, if misrepresented, can mislead, and lead to errors and problems, due to inaccurate data.

The U.S. just hit the one million infected mark.

There is also reports of a Pug dog in South Carolina being the first dog infected with SARS-CoV-2.

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Coronavirus: US officially surpasses one million cases

There are now over one million confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the US. Read this and more:

:earth_africa: Updates: Canada says 79% of deaths are linked to long-term care facilities

:united_nations: Public Health: Info from health agencies

:chart_with_upwards_trend: By the numbers: Data to understand the impact

:dizzy: Positivity: Residents at a Belgian care home get a heartwarming lift

:spiral_notepad: Fact-check: Misinformation debunked

:memo: Lists: Accounts to follow

7 hours ago
Going to close to over 100,000 deaths as predicted by Dr.Fauci, at almost 60,000 today.
More than twice as many cases as Italy and Spain together, each 2nd most cases after the US.
More deaths than Spain and Italy combined.

8 hours ago
This map shows the only state with more than 100,000 cases is New York, so, over 500,000 to 600,000, which is 2 to 3 times more than Italy or Spain.
Vermont next to it, North-East, has less than 1,000 cases, as for the 3 other states West, MT, ND and WY.

The total number of global cases has surpassed 3 million, including more than 891,000 recoveries. More than 210,000 people have died. — John Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center

Global updates

:canada: Canadian government says 79% of deaths are linked to long-term care facilities and seniors homes

:fr: French PM unveils the country’s latest lockdown exit strategy

:de: Germany’s infection rate rises after government eases restrictions

:uk: UK pays tribute to health and social care workers who have died

:peru: Peru receives 10,000 molecular test kits from China

:ru: Vladimir Putin ordered Russians to remain under lockdown through May 12

10 hours ago

9 hours ago

12 hours ago
FRANCE 24 English :ballot_box_with_check: @France24_en · 12h

“We set a target to conduct at least 700k tests per week by May 11th” #COVID19 #Coronavirus

10 hours ago

Public health updates

:white_check_mark: Information on how to take care of yourself and others

10 hours ago

The 1 million mark of infected reached on 4.28.2020



Bill Gates gives best-case scenario for US economy

722,832 views • Apr 27, 2020
712K views - 1 day ago
9.47M subscribers

Copper has been know to kill the virus.

Copper’s Virus-Killing Powers Were Known Even to the Ancients

The SARS-CoV-2 virus endures for days on plastic or metal but disintegrates soon after landing on copper surfaces. Here’s why:

“One of the ironies is, people [install] stainless steel because it seems clean and in a way, it is,” he says, noting the material’s ubiquity in public places. “But then the argument is how often do you clean? We don’t clean often enough.” Copper, by contrast, disinfects merely by being there.

The first recorded use of copper as an infection-killing agent comes from Smith’s Papyrus, the oldest-known medical document in history. The information therein has been ascribed to an Egyptian doctor circa 1700 B.C. but is based on information that dates back as far as 3200 B.C.

Egyptians designated the ankh symbol, representing eternal life, to denote copper in hieroglyphs.

Thus the ankh symbol from the photo of Vega taken on 10.12.2019.


Heavy metals including gold and silver are antibacterial, but copper’s specific atomic makeup gives it extra killing power, Keevil says. Copper has a free electron in its outer orbital shell of electrons that easily takes part in oxidation-reduction reactions (which also makes the metal a good conductor). As a result, Schmidt says, it becomes a “molecular oxygen grenade.” Silver and gold don’t have the free electron, so they are less reactive.

Copper kills in other ways as well, according to Keevil, who has published papers on the effect. When a microbe lands on copper, ions blast the pathogen like an onslaught of missiles, preventing cell respiration and punching holes in the cell membrane or viral coating and creating free radicals that accelerate the kill, especially on dry surfaces. Most importantly, the ions seek and destroy the DNA and RNA inside a bacteria or virus, preventing the mutations that create drug-resistant superbugs. “The properties never wear off, even if it tarnishes,” Schmidt says.

Therefore drinking fluids that are rich in copper, such as coffee and taking copper supplements should help reduce the chance of infection.

If all else fails put a penny on your tongue to help kill the virus when it enters your mouth. Copper nose plugs with the ability to breathe wouldn’t hurt either.

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How coronavirus charts can mislead us

1,408,177 views • Apr 28, 2020
1.4M views - 1 day ago
8.04M subscribers

60,000 deaths out of 1,000,000 + cases, those tested, and , reported, compared to unreported and untested cases (many cases were tested and return negative, meaning, they don’t have it, but, can get it later, or, may have had it before, although that some tests may detect those who had it once or twice before…) = 6% instead of 7%.

So, the more cases there are, the less percent of people die from it, although, they didn’t recover from it yet, so, they may or may not die.
Those rates are not fixed, and only based on findings, after the fact, not in any way to be used as something to build upon without including probability for change, depending on the conditions, and , also depending on the people, since, people from the Mediterranean are also more prone to it.

The fact that copper items material is more safe and, better prevention against it, is also good news, and , it’s also good news that they used it before.

The 1918 Pandemic Lasted 3 Years, Only One Way to End COVID-19 Earlier

521,062 views • Apr 18, 2020
496K subscribers

3 hours later:

Hospital Technicians Ignore Copyright Law to Fight COVID-19

263,487 views • Apr 13, 2020

1 second ago

Ah, but you work for health, you may get a warrant to “acquire” the rights, to save lives. Companies don’t have rights to use copyrights to “murder” people. That’s what she said, but, she wrote it.

1 second ago

You have to respect trade secrets and other rights too though. Also, if it is to save life, the companies may be able to help you instead of, restricting your rights, to pay themselves. Anyways, I am in courts against them because they also do other frauds against me, and the courts also lie too, I have over 25 years of evidence of it which they try to forfeit for their own profit at my depends, including death.

The closing numbers for the Pandemic in Ohio, today 4.29.20

The number of infections nearly tripled today.

Since 4.20.2020 the numbers of new infections in Ohio has looked like this:


11,602: + 310 from the day before.


13,250; + 1,648 from the day before; up 1,338 cases from the day before


No Data recorded


14,581; + 1,331 new cases, down 317 cases from 4.22


15,587; + 1006 new cases, up 542 cases from the day before


15,593; + 376 new cases, down 630 cases from the day before


No data entered


16,325; + 362 new cases, down 14 cases from 4.26


17,303; + 978 new cases, up 616 cases from the day before

Now why do you think all of these new cases are suddenly showing up?

Asymptomatic Back to Work Protesters, Liberated Workers not wearing PPE at work or in public along with those who part of the “Liberate Us.” movement supported by Trump.

Ohio was flattening the curve at around 350 to 425 new infections each day, but after the little tantrum the Back To Workers and Trump threw, Ohio has lost the ability to keep the newly infected between 350 and 425.

Hears a hammer, get rid of that fly on your nose.

Idiots In Action.

Careless Customers and Careless Workers

Dozens of grocery store workers have died from the coronavirus, despite masks, temperature checks and capacity restrictions to keep them safe. So far, supermarkets have resisted the most draconian policy: banning customers from coming inside.

However, some worker experts, union leaders and small grocery owners believe it has become too dangerous to let customers browse aisles, coming into close range with workers. Grocery stores are still flooded with customers, and experts say it’s time for large chains to go “dark” to the public and convert to curbside pickup and home delivery for food and other essential goods.

“Careless customers” are “probably the biggest threat” to workers right now, according to Marc Perrone, president of the United Food and Commercial Workers’ union. The union said 85% of its grocery store member workers reported that customers are not practicing social distancing in stores.

If grocery store workers are dying despite the use of masks, temperature checks, social distancing and capacity restrictions, the same thing is going to happen to places of work across the U.S. when the re-opening happens.

My guess is that someone who was asymptomatic came in and sneezed or coughed that spread the virus all of the place. The workers and customers then came into contact with the virus, became infected and died as a result.

The same thing will happen in factories and offices across the nation.

Like I have said time and time again, those who mentally sick and like seeing people under duress and die from the actions of the mentally sick will in fact be purposely spreading the virus while at the same time not telling anyone that they are asymptomatic.


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Customers are not allowed in stores here, and have to wait outside.

2nly, those employees who died of it are in the 20% of the solved cases who die from it.

Others may be sick, but, may recuperate.

Someone at a food plant was tested for the disease and had a positive result.
The camera system was used to find who was near him.
Those were sent home for 2 weeks.
Mind you, they didn’t get tested.

The plant was closed for 2 weeks.
It reopened last week.
This can happen again, and, 107 times, for each strains.

Employees can get sick from many other sources than coughing or sneezing.
They can also contract it when not at work.

The fact that they wore protection doesn’t make them immune to contract the disease.
It only does increase the level of protection against it, and, diminish the level of spreading.


Pour diminuer le taux de propagation.

To diminish the level of propagation
& to diminish the rate of propagation / contagion
& limit those rates.

Additionally, despite the extra hospital , disinfecting measures, and so on,
when the rates go down is not the time for people to go back to work without prevention,
but, rather,
it’s when it’s the good time to start to do more tracing,
so as to get rid of the other cases.

Not, to let people go back to work, and let the only one guy who has the virus,
go and infect 2 other persons in the first week, so they can infect 2 each, 4,
in the first week, so they can infect 2 each, 8 in the first week,
so they can infect 2 more , 16, in the first week,
32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192; 16,384; 32,768; 65,536; 131,072;
262,144; 524.288; 1,048,576.
In 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
and 20, 21 and, 22 transmission of the virus, at 2 each.

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They don’t care. Workers are nothing but pine boxes to them lilsteel.

Trump wants people to go back to work and has even used and supported armed thugs protesting at state capitals to get what he wants.

The problem is that a lot of people aren’t getting tested, those that are are testing positive or negative when the opposite result is in fact the real determination. States really have no idea how many people are infected.

Most of the infected are going to be drug addicts who are scared of going to jail for popping positive on a drug test. Therefore drug addicts remain infected take their drugs and pass on the virus to other drug users and the general public.

The only response that the drug addict can give in return is their own ignorance in calling the virus or their symptoms a “hoax” or “it was just the flu.”

The real number of infected could be five to seven million in the U.S.

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Here’s what Dr. Fauci is concerned about as states reopen

21,728 views • Apr 30, 2020
22K views - 1 hour ago

25K views - 2 hours ago after 03:25.
9.49M subscribers

Bill Gates says US system produces ‘bogus’ testing numbers

6,720 views • Apr 30, 2020
48 minutes ago

9.49M subscribers

Hear Nobel Prize winner’s bold plan to reopen economy

76,402 views • Apr 30, 2020
9.49M subscribers

1 Like

Someone should smack that Nobel Prize winner in the face with a wingy bit…not that one, the top one.

Sent to the Governor of Iowa.

You do realize that the number of infected in your state is going to balloon out of control once you re-open your state for business, don’t you?

I have been keeping a spreadsheet of the virus here in Ohio since the first day of the outbreak.

Ohio had been keeping the number of new infections on a daily base to around 300 to 400. Then people get ignorant and being spurred on by Trump, they protested.

In the last eight days the numbers of newly infected in Ohio has gone from 300 to 1,600 back down to 300 and is leveling off at an average of 500 to 600 new cases on a daily basis.

Ignorance and apathy that is being governed by high school drop outs, rebels, drug addicts and the otherwise deplorable who are careless and have no cause for concern for others, at all.

I can guarantee Iowa will become like Ohio currently is which Ohio will eventually become like New York City.

There is really no safe measure for workers either. Grocery workers have died from the virus even though they wore masks, maintained social distancing and capacity restrictions.

The same thing is going to happen in large and small factories in Iowa like it will across the U.S. come Monday.

The careless and ignorant will walk in the public, infected and without the proper PPE. Come the middle of next week and towards the end of next week Iowa will see nearly triple the number of infected it has now.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus is basically the AIDS/HIV virus of the coronavirus family. Both are entirely two different viruses, but like the AIDS virus there is no cure for the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Like the HIV virus there is however a slight chance that plasma treatments and the drug Rem will reduce the effects of the COVID-19 disease.

SARS-CoV-2 like AIDS/HIV is extremely contagious. The only difference is getting SARS-CoV-2 compared to AIDS/HIV is, there isn’t any sex or blood transfusion involved.

If the U.S. really wants to see an apocalypse, keep f_n around with the virus like its a toy or a flu and you will.

Georgia’s Experiment in Human Sacrifice

The state is about to find out how many people need to lose their lives to shore up the economy.

I started a spreadsheet on Georgia today tracking its infection rate. Lets see how well Georgia fares over the next four weeks.

Georgia is about 8,000 cases more infected than Ohio is. What this means is that as workers in Georgia move around more the virus is going to spread more in Georgia and then work its way outwards as OTR truckers and people visit families in other states are just two examples.

All it will take is for one asymptomatic Georgian to venture into New Jersey, Pennsylvania or Virginia and the pandemic takes off again like a race horse.

The death cult needs its workers though…

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Let them march into the pits of hell then.

I’ll be sitting right here sipping lemonade and eating fried fish, when I catch some.

idk, but I rather move to another country and get another citizenship , and get another religion, and a new name from another religion, than be interfered against my engagement in marriage for 9 years, and told it’s my fault, so, they can waste my son’s time the same way, if we do ever get one, if we do ever get married, than march into the pits of hell to save them from the pit of hell, and all the other abomination written in relation to it, where it should be.

For some reason, I don’t have to be too rich to be able to help society more, and earn enough for the first time in 53 years, thanks to everyone else .

They’re quick to do the cursing, but slow to pay.
The reason rich people are rich is certainly not because they paid me for it yet.
I hear all kinds of judges lying about it, but, they would never protect me even if I did 1,000 trillion more work for it.
I even caught some of them lying they would, yet, don’t even pay a trillionth of that.

For some reasons, I get better support from other system who don’t use that kind of fraud to seek to justify delays and damage, and try to lie to everyone they want to lie about it to, so to protect their ill gains.
It’s not like if they were not planning to be that particularly friendly to me, while keeping ulterior motives to attack and try to get away with it, with the same false friendship.

Could the virus be infecting people who have died?

The article doesn’t say whether or not the sisters were infected prior to dying and died as a result of the infection. All the article says is that they tested post mortem for COVID-19. Articles like this need to be very clear, because the way that I am reading the article is that the sisters didn’t have any symptoms prior to dying and were infected after they died.