War On Corona Virus!

No, I was saying that , the average of total infections across each county in the US type of statistical average was good to measure the costs of the medical work and other related systems.
That, compared to the federal costs from the country as a whole, because you mentioned in your stats analysis and results that you also measured it nationwide.

2ndly, even if you did try to make me seem like if I didn’t know what I do know and work on and register in the US copyright office, and report to the military about and I’m also in courts about,
it would be obvious that you did try to do that to me, and that I knew about it, even if you tried to make me look bad,
and that I would not work with your intelligence even if you tried to disrupt mine.
I also don’t log in EVE Online or invite anyone.

Also, don’t be surprised if the judge thinks he can get away with discrediting me in courts as you do, and , as he suggests you to do, because , I already have evidence from them that it’s no use for me to try to associate with them, and the Pentagon knows why.

No , in fact, don’t suggest this immorality to my family.
It does interfere against my marriage with my fiancée, and, even with 4 million in assets, interferes against my sister to be able to help me.
Yeah, by the way, that is 3 million over the 1 million mark of damage.

They do fraud and embezzlement against me in courts over in Canada, and, you’re mentioning about a cover up.
I don’t know about cover up , but I know they incriminate me on false charges to try to justify seizure and forfeiture, and make it impossible for me to associate with them.

It it is the case, they should investigate, and, if the investigator are corrupt or corrupted from others, and , don’t use scientific methods, the level at which they will be unscientific may reflects in deaths.
This virus is perfect for that.

So, the attacks against me are intended to cover and justify attacks, since, if they can discredit me, they can justify to justify attacks, since it would be fighting against wrong, and so on.
It would also be intended to justify to pay themselves and increase their real estate value, while trying to justify to diminish the real estate value of my family, by association with me through blood and being related to me.
Those are standard real estate factors for evaluation in that system as well as in Canada.
My brother-in-law is commercial real estate advisor, broker, and agent, and, does that for business.

That would also have to be investigated and verified.
I also found there were intent to create communication gap in regards to report of crimes, and refusal from me to do so, only then to try to incriminate me , when gathering evidence of those crimes which they refused, and then lie to me that I should have told them before, when I did not only do inform them before, but also, try to make me seem like if I didn’t, and try to hold me liable for reporting it .

Furthermore, they are not only immoral and spying, but I can’t get married with people like that, and we would be at war due to the first amendment if we were going to be in the US due to religious reasons from the Pentagon.

So yes, they would have to sort this out, including false charges and indictments against me from Canada.
I certainly have no use to hide any of their ■■■■■■■■ that they try to force me to be unable to inform other countries about under false contract of not being allowed to do so.

You mentioned they were not informed, they should have,
I think they did, and someone tried to make them seem like they didn’t and tried to hold them responsible, and think they can get away with it when the NSA has electronic records they use for this kind of communication warfare analysis to detect terrorist patterns of communication and other disruption of their intelligence.
In fact, the same logic applied against me in the information systems cases already with the Pentagon is interpreted with the same goals from you, and even hinted , against me, as if to create a double meaning .

If those who should have known didn’t inform those who should have found out,
and lied they were not going to do that, when they should,
try to get away with war , they will be muted.
Not because they didn’t inform them, but because of the war.
Credit will have to go where credit is due, and they won’t have to forfeit evidence.

On the other hand, I have my own company, and I don’t have to contract with millionaires who try to sell me their fraudulent assets and values to make me cause immorality against my fiancée, and even offer her $10,000 for her virginity.
A lot of that moral warfare is rather limited in morals from the courts authority involved.
They also abuse her.

It’s like if they try to sell me false positive values and, think that they can make me paranoid, and try to hold me responsible for being paranoid for it after that.
It’s better for me to register their false positive support, and how they lie to others about it, instead of being more realistic and more in contact with reality.

So, both the negative criticism, and false positive support is bad, if not equally bad.
There is no lesser of 2 evil. In fact, after that, there is nothing they can do.

There’s also the marginalization you try to get away against me which you would try to get against those you mentioned.
I can’t associate with either, either.
It’s illegal for me to do so.
It’s also illegal for me to try to hide others, including judges, and government lawyers,
who lie in court that they can try to justify this, because they are too stupid to know better,
when I have scientific proof that they lie about their intelligence,
and that they pay to disrupt intelligence.

I also can’t do that to my family or associate with system who lie and try to .

Then, after trying to embezzle money from my employment insurance, including integrity of my programs , and systems design, pay an integrity agent to lie and court, and try to make me look angry, as they try to refuse to accept communication of job search programs, which everyone can use, during pandemic to generate over 5 trillions worth of income.

Then, lie in courts, about me uttering threats of death to her, as she lies about me, and misinterpret mentions of damages caused by terrorists, as if I meant to do that to her, as she tries to associate with them, and, as she wants me to associate with her, and, as she tries to marginalize me, and commit other attacks to disrupt my intelligence.

Then, when reporting this to police, try to cover up how they refused report of crimes before, and try to charge me for making false reports of crimes, which reports of crimes, by the way, they are the ones making, and I would have no rights to work for their police or groups of chief of police, due to their crimes and fraud and embezzlement for trillions in damage, and try to blame it on those who don’t have the power to prevent to be falsely blamed as they abuse their powers and authority…

It would be like if I designed an information system and try to harass company to pay me while I lied to them about my skills, and didn’t include the fact that they ask for requirement for programming which are false, and pay kids at 15 more than I ever got in my whole life , with over 35 years of work, and over 25 years of professional analysis in my field, including studies. which, now, at best, university level, only give them 30% professional work in their field, while my studies on based on 100% or more.
And yes, I can achieve over 400% to 10,000% employment and profit.

Then, they try to make me look like a snitch, because they are too stupid to pay me before they die to solve their problem.

Some may even calculate how much they didn’t pay me and that they should have instead of even paying me 1%.
I wouldn’t be surprised they pay them 99% to do the fraud and disrupt my intelligence.

They expect me to settle with a judge who would like my work, and forfeit the rest of my work, like if I couldn’t sue him and his legal system and insurance and government for damage and acts of war.
I get a better deal from North Korea for registering copyright.
They’re also traitors.
Not only that, even goes to try to accuse their president of treason to cover up the refusal to accept the scientific data.
If I was to accept to be paid from a judge as they do pay others, I would be liable of the same fraud and may get awards for integrity, however, it would be less than the integrity I have now.
They also try to make me look like if I did not have integrity, which I have to use it against them as well.

If I were to rely on this acceptance of false judgment, as good, I would do fraud, and endanger other’s life, including police, which, they also do wrongfully accuse me of, even though I don’t accept those false judgment against me, since, they do so endanger other’s life, including police, as in capital murders.

I think they should make new COVID-19 head cleaner, to make sure it doesn’t stick in the floor in walls too long…

That happens, when, their idea of what is good is affected and influenced by hidden factors they omit, and, which also lead them to omit those hidden factors, which may be intended to happen to make them be out of contact with reality, when, for instance, they try to justify fraud by omitting facts, and, while omitting facts of crimes and attacks, and assaults, and break in, and misrepresentation, and communication warfare, and try to justify to marginalize, while not respecting human rights, and other’s rights.

So, then,
instead of doing the good they expect and pay themselves for,
they in fact are trying to associate to be mislead to secure their income,
while trying to cause a loss of control in others,
and referring to their actions as if they were in better control,
although, the way they are mislead causes them to be out of that control.

So, the good they think they do is not of good character in fact.

It’s also why when I have to discern that, that I find those trying to interfere against my discerning, causes me to have to design systems to monitor their intentions, and detect it, and register it, so others can get work, because they get paid for integrity, and it’s not as good as it needs to be.

They also spend a lot of money to try to forfeit evidence I would gather of those facts, even though they would not care for them, and would still try to attack me.

It’s not like if they want to pay me for anything, when in fact the info can be used to protect my work against their intentional embezzlement and other lies on bank accounts with their system.

How could have they not known when the exact same misleading and marginalization is intended to be done the same way before, and only be increased more.?

It’s also no wonder my family need a medical system and political system where we can protect our work and expose the propaganda done against the security of the benefit to society.

I gather evidence of how much they rather pay others at the cost of their lives, due to the economic warfare they invest in, as they try to waste my time, as you do, and suggest , with false suggestions that I only attack what you say, while you try to divert from attacks against me, as any other agents from your political systems are, blatantly, and as they plan to do so to others in acts of war against them.

I usually get attacks from police officer who try to use their $60,000 pay checks to abuse my work while I am unpaid and spent over $300,000 in, and try to make me seem like making no-sense, and cause other extortion with the use of force in extortion and of their firearms in armed conflicts, and try to lie that it would be ok for them to come and see me when I already know that they will always abuse as their descendants are and that I will never associate with them, even after I sue them for the attacks against my land and real estate, and register their attacks as acts of war.

Just because police and the courts doesn’t want to listen to science to try to get away with fraud against science doesn’t mean that it is not done with science of propaganda.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out.
It’s also obvious they try to force lies and fraud and crime and threaten with imprisonment when communication and recordings of those facts are done.
They refuse to let me register recordings of them when I go to the court application.
I would have to spy on them to inform other systems about their activity, and how they attack with false comments and demands, even if we gather military evidence against them.

So, what do you know about war?

Aren’t you going to come to the protection of your ally and try to make my scientific studies and work seem like it should be discredited as they always done 109% of my adult life, and even after their deaths and educate their descendants to do so, and hire immigrants to do so, even if it is against the army, and the US Army, or the military police, or is it just some kind of fake war for fake news you are referring to?

Or wait, better yet, try to make me seem like if I didn’t inform them before, so that, when they charge me for informing them before, while lied about that I didn’t, I would be charged for something else, to try to make me seem as a threat, while they are the threat and can’t see it, and die from it because they can’t listen and can’t analyze scientific facts if it is not going to pay them $60,000 a year , protected with firearms threats against others.

It would attempt and seem to detect those who try to waste my time and make me seem like if I wanted to waste my time by agreeing with them, even though I would get evidence of their methods to forfeit evidence of the fact of how they try to waste my time and attack my family’s security, and interfere against me to get married, like if I was not going to use it against them in moral warfare and get military support for it, even though it is an act of war for them to do so.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, explained

259,826 views • May 12, 2020
8.08M subscribers

In fact, when they made false claims the criminal charges were not related to the military, it would have forced me to change my name.
Now, I have to change my name with the aid of another system of holiness due to the severity of the evil administered as security, with false intent, and in fraud.
I will then be able to marry with my previous holy name from the military, which, people who can’t recognize it, because they are not allowed, tried to argue in courts, and , force me to have to sue the court and the prosecutor and the government.

There are big differences between companies who advertise changing offers with skills not met, when my company will never do that, and that I even design systems to prevent that, due to attacks against my integrity, as they try to continue to put money in their pocket by marginalizing and mislead.
There is no doubt they would lie to my son, as they lie to my fiancée.

Like, here

They use terms like untrustworthy in the context they want to use to benefit them, and to create the sense of finance they want, not be objective , and accepting scientific facts, as they do towards abuse, by supporting the same treason they get paid for 100% of the time, while trying to justify to not pay me for me, and discredit me for in courts, like if I can ever associate with them after that.

You know what, I will forfeit your trillions, and then, come and try to associate with me when I lie to you that it wasn’t an act of war and that the military police even confirmed with me that it is , and that the lie don’t change the fact of the damage it caused to society, like now, and after , and before, because of it.

They also make false insinuation that it’s legal to associate with them as they refuse to admit the facts and how they try to attack, even more than 100 of the time.
They also always try to hide it, and deny it, only to do it again, and try to blame their target for their attacks.

Even worst, despite lying 100% of the time, and always lying they will do something right, later, now, it’s not even possible for them to be right even 5% of the time because of all the delays to pay me enough.
I’m sure it’s already less than 1% of the time, and that they try to hold me liable even though the army has proof and scientific proof and that they don’t need the civilian courts to protect them in that regards.

So, even if they made over the record profit now , of 10,000% +, it would not be worth more than 1% of the amount worth 25 years ago.
It’s the same false sense of security and fraud they lie would be a service to my fiancée and family.
Those facts are ground for war.

Fauci’s Net worth, unpublished.
Even at minimum wage, it takes 35 years to get a million.
At $30,000 a year, that’s $300,000 per 10 years, $900,000 in 30 years.
That’s $15/ hr at 2,000 hours per year, at 40 hours a week with 2 weeks vacation.

At $60,000 a year, that’s $600,000 in 10 years, $1.2 million in 20 years.
That’s $30/ hr at 2,000 hours per year, at 40 hours a week with 2 weeks vacation.

I get less than $300,000 in 35 years,
at 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with no vacation.
That’s 8,760 hours per years, 306,600 hours in 35 years.
That’s 4.38 times more work, or, the equivalent of work of over 4 person, per year.
For more than 4 times less pay.
It’s worth over 16 times more.

You know, it’s possible that he can die from the virus.

Jesus may forgive hypocrisy to those who change their ways, however, he can’t forgive transgression against the Holy Spirit of hypocrites, and, if I did was even 1% as hypocrites as they are , he would not forgive me either.

It’s not because they don’t misinterpret me that they don’t pay me enough, it’s because they misinterpret me too much.
It would be like saying, I would have to do work which is designed to not be suited for me, and disregard my potential, and try to make me feel bad and guilty and so on, and lie it’s not psychological warfare, and lie that it not something that they don’t have the authority to do, and lie that it’s not something that they don’t do, so to try to get away with it.

Just because I can make report and analyse systems before finding how to solve problems of the system or find opportunities available to the system doesn’t mean that I have to take my work out of context and lie 1% of the others got paid for over 35 years.

Just because they illegally threaten me to restrict my freedom of movement before everyone else doesn’t mean that they don’t do it.
Don’t you find it funny how the only people able to travel now are those necessary travel, like, for my marriage, or, to move because of political reasons do to fraud and attacks against me intended to be covered as war against COVID-19?

Then I read propaganda about that those who report crimes against them do not succeed and don’t show mental strength.
I think I will take psychology courses to prove to them that it is stronger scientifically and that those who invested fraudulently into others who try to get away with those crimes by interfering against the reports of those attacks, to interfere against National defense and self-defense, and to make them more weak by force, since they force the use of force against them, so to get stronger mentally.

In fact, most of the money is in New York, which is the most affected place on earth, and it shows the exact direct relation and correlation with it.

It’s ok for them to enjoy sacrifice for them, but, when those in need try to get their needs fulfilled , so they can have enough, money or other, they can’t agree with it, and fight it in courts, and lie against the army, and cause death.

In fact, the main reason they will never pay me, is because they omit it in acts of war and fraud and embezzlement and charge the wrong persons for it since they are the ones protecting those from the Canadian government doing it, who send those they protect to work with the UN and get interfered there, and act like if they couldn’t help, without describing what the actual help supposed to be , and omit the money extorted.

Other false excuses for psychological warfare, besides how they would try to defraud my son, despite measures invested in to prevent their attacks against him and misleading, is, with their encryption methods, and how they try to control information.

This is not limited to, transaction methods, which, I can not only design, and implement, but , I also have proof of how they were intended to be forfeited , and attacked.

It’s more worthwhile to analyze how inefficient their systems are , because, they design them to be inefficient, to prevent damage to it from enemies.
The systems are changed to malfunction more often, and are easier to malfunction, and to be made to malfunction.

Other false suggestions and claims of non-sense are also used to attack the work, and justify their marginalization.
It is not only a good idea to build databases of them so that they can be further analyzed and data related to them be found and correlated, but, it often leads to how they intend to defraud further and hide use of automation to do so.
It’s also why it’s better to design information systems which don’t rely on them spying using their own systems.

Like now, I remembered one of the way they try to cause some of the psychological warfare, but, forgot, due to interference against the hardware, and electronic problems.
They usually try to cause the same communication problems, and attack, and lie it’s not, and divert from the fact, to create non-sense, and attack their target of the non-sense they try to attribute the target or victim, whether in acts of war, denial, discrimination to protect their income and interfere against their target income, coerce them into crime to do so, and other acts of war and organized crime.

$400,000 a year income, so, under many doctors in Ontario, claiming over $1 million a year.
May sister made $160,000 a year in the 1990s, and now, over that.
She is not a surgeon, and does not do half his work though.

The New York time may or may not be banned in China btw (by the way).
Trump had the brilliant idea to ask one of the reporter why she was not asking the question about the testing to China, who, they just had a trade deal with, after sanctions, like, boycott.
I mean, it would be a good idea if she did actually ask China , because it may help them to come and help us, when they see we die more .

Since 2001, the content controls have been permanently further relaxed, and all three of the sites previously mentioned are now accessible from mainland China . However, access to the New York Times had been denied again in December 2008.

### Internet censorship in China - Wikipedia


Coronavirus: Brazil set to become new global hotspot for pandemic

The Latin American nation saw its deadliest day yet as it reported a record 881 deaths on Tuesday while its number of confirmed cases passed Germany’s to become the seventh highest in the world. Read this and more:

It’s not reopened too early propaganda, it’s because they didn’t do it before type of propaganda.
They should have done it before.

So, if Germany is the 7th worst , and , I’m going there, that means that it’s going to be a lot worst, but, I have no choice to get married, and yes, they interfered against my engagement in marriage, and yes, they tried to make it seem like if I was the one responsible for the delay, even though they are the ones to restrain my freedom of movement, and yes, it is worst than unfair to us, and yes, it did endanger our life before, and yes, they are liable, not us, and yes, they don’t want to help, and yes they can and lie they can’t , and yes , I have scientific proof of it, and yes, they lie they can’t help, fraudulently so.

It is very much too late for us, and to log in to a program to make claims of diversion from my rights certainly is not going to validate to silence me, not before, not right now, and not after.
It’s going to have been too late, and I’m still going to have to be against them after and I’m still not going to be in this country, and certainly not force my fiancée to be threatened with obligation from organized crimes the courts are too ill intended to solve.

It would be better to swear on oath to be official enemies instead of trying to hide the hypocrisy and economic warfare.

:earth_americas: Updates: Top US health official discusses reopening in Senate hearing

:united_nations: Public Health: Info from health agencies

:chart_with_upwards_trend: By the numbers: Data to understand the impact
The data is a lot more than to understand the impact by the way.
You need that to build a “medical” database , to find remedies , and for diagnosis , and for prevention.

:dizzy: Positivity: 113-year-old Spanish woman beats the virus

My grand-mother will be 104 on Thursday, May 21, 2020.
Although , she didn’t recover yet, as, they didn’t go out.

CDC: Frozen raspberries were culprit behind 2019 norovirus outbreak on multiple cruises

The study identified frozen fruit – namely raspberries – used to make smoothies as the culprit of a norovirus outbreak that infected hundreds of passengers on multiple cruises from a single company in 2019.

Good deal.
It’s the same misinformation and misleading done in regards to attacks against my inventory program, and attempts to make me seem like if I didn’t make sense and ramble,
while those attempts from police to tell me that are recorded and registered in the courts and in the inventory program , because, I also have the intellectual property rights to use it to benefit society instead of letting it be used to be a public mischief and common nuisance from police trying to engage in organized crime in the hopes of catching terrorists, by misleading society.

It’s very simple, and it records transactions of costs for items that are brought into the inventory, not limited to time, virus, medical tuition costs, and other court costs for patents and so on.

It’s good to get tested once a day.
It’s good to get tested 3 times a day.
It’s good to get tested when at risk, all the time.

However, it’s not good to test people not at risk, or, who couldn’t help others,
or, who already know they have it.

Test to diagnose, as a diagnosis test, is not something I should know, even if I learn it.
The point is, the doctor still has the authority over the diagnosis, and , I should not interfere against it, or, try to change it, before, during, or , after.
Also, doctors can make errors in diagnosis, it’s quite normal, and there is nothing wrong with that, as long as it’s within limits.

Also, test kit also have margin of error, which, each error can increase the accuracy of the margin of error.
100% margin of error means the test failed 100% of the time, and, was a test as good as if you didn’t take one.
200% margin of error with a rate of 200% error is worst than 1% of error with a 200% margin of error.
You take the test and 2 other people get the virus.

I really don’t think people have to accuse others of crimes for crimes to happen.

I mean, sure, if their right to accuse others of crimes once they commit the crime, without actually coercing them into crimes, even if the accused tried to coerce, it might be illegal, and , even if accused, refused to be prosecuted for the crimes committed, but who knows, maybe the accuser did worst crimes, although , maybe not.

When murdered get out scot-free, that’s when you begin to see how much fraud they are going to do.
Their sense of basic law is basic.
2nly, it’s not the injury and punishment that is important, except , in so far as it may serve as a deterrent to discourage others to offend the same way, but, to protect society from the misleading caused by the crime, regardless of it is is done by misinformed and mislead police, if not by a false snitch, unwittingly misleading them, or, interfering against property rights such as real estate fraud, and over inflation of value with support for omission the evidence is intended to be forfeited and rejected from being accepted , as well as the communication of it also refused, even if abusing military security, due to lack of intelligence, and, disruption of IQ by making the receiver and intelligence paranoid.

People can use distance school, and , upgrade computer systems, like I can upgrade computer systems, to get better testing for it.

Coronavirus: WHO warns ‘this virus may never go away’

A top World Health Organization official cautioned against hoping for a vaccination that would end the pandemic, noting that populations around the world will have to learn to live with it. Read this and more:

:earth_americas: Updates: The Federal Reserve warns the US could face lasting economic damage

:dizzy: Positivity: Drone footage shows life returning to Paris

The Pandemic Standard as of 5.14.2020

The U.S. lost 407,316 service members during WWII.

The only reason that the numbers appear to be lowering is because people are staying at home and no other reason. Without a vaccine the numbers of infected and dead will sky-rocket vertically.

By the first year anniversary of the pandemic, 409,165 Americans will have died due to the Covid-19 pandemic. More dead due to the pandemic in a years time then U.S. service members that were killed due to combat related deaths during the four years that the U.S. fought in WWII

As it stands today the U.S. has lost 1,121 Americans per day for the last 75 days due to the pandemic for a total of 84,119 dead.

On average, 220 service members were killed in combat per day during WWI. We are losing 5.09 times that amount per day due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

For every day we lose 1,121 Americans to the pandemic five days worth of GI’s were lost due to fighting in WWII in just one day. Think about the numbers people.

Within the next 17 days an additional 19,066 additional Americans will die to the pandemic bringing the total to 103,185 dead in the U.S by June 1st.

Based on the leveling of the number of dead at 1,121 for the entire month of June, America will see 33,630 more dead Americans for a total of 136,815.

By November 3rd, 2020 and if the current number of deaths remain the same per day relating to Covid-19, 276,940 Americans will have died from the pandemic.

By the time of the elections the U.S. will have suffered more than half of the total number of causalities in 11 months that the U.S. suffered during the first two years of World War II.

By this time next year, in 2021, the U.S. will have surpassed the total number of U.S. service members killed in World War II over four years that the U.S. fought during World War II in just little over a year and a half to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

The Covid-19 is definitely a killer pandemic that we cannot simply throw bodies at for herd immunity nor force Americans back to work without expecting to see 5,000 + dead per day.

How can any President or politician seriously consider their actions in re-opening the country for business as being patriotic or a must when we are losing more Americans to the wisp of a phucking breath then were lost to the enemy that Americans phucking fought against for the freedom of the world during WII?

Those men who died every day to bring freedom to the world and the worlds economies during WWII are saying Trump is a worthless piece of sh*t.

Throwing meat at the pandemic isn’t gonna do sh*t to defeat the virus.

Going to war against the virus with the army you have and not the equipment you need is the goddmned dumbest old time religion shoe box full of sht records you can spin on the 45.


While it is partly, true, there are obviously more details to this.
In China and South Korea, they had officers in the street to restrict people from going out.
Armed guards for it.
So, if they can afford that, they can afford to distribute supplies.

You also know other info vaccine you omit.

Are you a doctor who studied police science and is putting it in practice, or, did you retire from medicine?

Right, however, this number would be less if we had more help (like, from China).
Also, what number was in WWII, compared to WWI ?

(South Korea helped us, but their scope of security is not the same , compared to China, or us.)

That data I mentioned above was right after , and I didn’t read it before.
So, 1,121 divided by 5 = 224.2 per day, but GI were not the only ones.
Also, more staff than fighting staff died in WWII, or other wars.

That we can find out about by verifying to compare.
We can also verify what the potential was, and compare both.

Right, or more, since , if the current number of deaths remain the same per day, it doesn’t mean that more won’t die, when more would die, even if that number of deaths per is the same from day to day.

Also, you know one thing, once everyone dies, and the money is gone to the wrong person you wanted to , or, liked to, and hoped for, when not paying me before, when I did offer, and when it would have been better, will make the money worst, even if paying me more, due to the deaths before , while not paying me, and paying others, to try to justify to not pay me, like if I was not organized to register this, and analyze this, and find out.

The Spanish flu may killed more people , including soldiers or military personnel, than both first and second World War of this Contemporary era, even if, in the USA alone.

You know vaccines don’t make people or herd immune, and that, it only works to create antibody for certain strains of the virus, even if that includes more than one strains.
There was a solution against the small pox found, and that would be a good indicator to compare.

I don’t know, but, if they have to prove it, they might as well.
Also, if they have to stay at home, or be in lockdown, and let only certain people go out, to care for those in lockdown, and solve the economic problems, by increasing work at home, and increasing programming at home, and increasing design at home and analysis to find how to adapt faster and better, then they should, and prove it.

If more people die due to reopening, when it’s not reopening, and more training should be done to go around, so to avoid more problems, and more techniques be trained, and so on, then, they will learn it.

You can’t compare the 2, and the military has global authority, which Trump doesn’t.
He does have a certain amount of global authority, whether he is a the US president or not, however, that is not all.
Also, if they know better, then, they should solve the problem.
I don’t see why they should blame the president for it, if they can do better.
Maybe they can also do better than blame the president to help him too.

On the contrary, or, au contraire, it would feed the virus, not defeat it.
That is how the virus increases and multiply by duplicating itself.
It doesn’t multiple in the sense of creating a life-form, because all duplicates are the same strain.

No, but I obviously can’t join that religion if it is against mine.

Also, you shouldn’t fight the war against the virus by going to the virus to clean it without proper conditions to avoid becoming infected with the bio-hazard, which are printed on many cans, including those causing new genetic defect, which we didn’t have 5 years ago.

Those genetic defect also are caused by inhalation.

Either that or people are not doing their job right, or, didn’t have the time to do their job right, or, didn’t have the time to learn how to read Safety Symbols yet.

Also, due to electronic warfare, which is not worse anywhere else on earth than in the US, 2nd UK, my system takes over 5 minutes to save 1 image.

This is the new sign used for genetic disease and hereditary problems caused by inhalation.
Then , because not informed, and , the courts lie, try to interfere against my engagement.
You know what, I don’t have to live there, and the army knows, and can fight right now to get rid of Trump and anyone else in the god damned face of the earth.

Longer term health hazard such as carcinogenicity.

Carcinogenicity, get the picture, this city has car which are cancer and you can ■■■■ yourself with.
It’s like going to the drive-in and smoking grass from 3 large garbage bag on top of the ladder of the giant screen.
Please do not smash the lights on your way out of the park.

Woody Woodpecker intro with Billy West’s “guess who” and Mel Blanc’s laugh

9,179 views • Apr 2, 2019
Frankie 513 Zaremba
5.58K subscribers

Dangerous for the Environment.

Reproductive Toxicity
Respiratory Sensitizer
Target Organ Toxicity
Aspiratory Toxicity

50 States and Capitals

411,250 views • Nov 13, 2008
482 subscribers

:joy: this thread

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Kidney damage is the newest ailment of the pandemic.

The cost of the next stimulus relief package is nothing compared to the kidney related issues that might be long lasting in patients infected by Covid-19.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus is not a flue. When is the last time that a flu damaged your kidneys and required a ventilator as well?

Another reason to stay at home during the pandemic and not get infected more than ever before.

Kidney Injury and Children

Kidney injury seen in more than a third of hospitalized COVID-19 patients: U.S. study

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Over a third of patients treated for COVID-19 in a large New York medical system developed acute kidney injury, and nearly 15% required dialysis, U.S. researchers reported on Thursday.

They found that kidney failure occurred early on, with 37.3% of patients arriving at the hospital with failing kidneys, or developing the condition within the first 24 hours of being admitted.

Among the more than 1,000 patients who needed to be placed on a ventilator, about 90% developed acute kidney failure. That compared with 21.7% of the 925 patients who developed the condition but did not need mechanical breathing assistance.

We do not have to return to work due to the proven fact that an infected person is likely to develop kidney related issues. Children who are infected with the virus but get better could very develop kidney related diseases later on in life that they would never have developed if they hadn’t come into contact with the virus.

Therefore those pushing for people to take off their masks and return to a carefree work place and not vaccinate are pushing the nation into a future of kidney disease related medical issues that we the American citizen do not have to subject ourselves to.

Cases of new Covid-19 infections and death continue to rise in Ohio contradictory to the wishful notions and outright lies of those from Rush Limbaugh and Trump.



Yep, you’re definitely a surrogate/bot, Nana

Coronavirus: CDC posts new reopening guidance for US schools and businesses

According to Johns Hopkins University’s Coronavirus Resource Center, there have been over 300,000 recorded deaths related to COVID-19. Read this and more:

:earth_americas: Updates: Brazil reports new one-day case record of nearly 14,000

:dizzy: Positivity: Bees flourished in Rome, Italy, due to the lockdown

14,000 new cases from 8,800 cases yesterday, is , 60% more, in 1 day.

Some states went death and new cases went down, but, that is not a good reason to let more new infections cause more deaths.

Also, what logistic are there in place to move patients from overloaded states to other states, and are there restrictions to move states and hospital due to the risk of infection.?

It seems that it is already complicated enough for untrained personnel to use protective equipment without infecting themselves when removing it, due to the greater risk then, then the problems additional prevention would be required to move overloaded hospital patients to other places.

damnit :robot:
@discobot help me!

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Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Your gud for nothing @discobot. :stuck_out_tongue:

1 Like

I have no idea how anyone could think you would ramble and make no sense! Unbelievable!

This thread is so over the top it breaks the site in my Firefox

A spreadsheet comparing Pandemic related deaths in the U.S. to U.S. G.I.'s killed during WII.

Well, they’re crazy thief, that’s why!
That’s also recorded and I also worked in a mental hospital.

So, how does COVID-19 work in a mental hospital?
It doesn’t work, it’s crazy!

Does anyone know the number of death in WWII during the first year?
Or, per months?
Or, what are the other factors related that those numbers are based from?
Just some relation with those numbers shows the large margin of error in increasing, not decreasing.

In other words, it becomes less and less scientific, not even to mention accuracy,
than the other way around, if it would gain and work to develop a more accurate margin of error, and, increase the accuracy of the data,
including the level of certainty for prediction(s), which predictions level of certainty and accuracy can only be efficiently compared with accurate scientific analysis and not garbage from courts used only for propaganda purposes and goals.

Ah, yes, so, from what I read from those numbers,
the total numbers of COVID death from 99 days are compared to total number of death per days, in average , of War casualties, or collateral damage.
Like, compare casualties in Hawaii, when the Japanese attacked, to the rest of the war, in average.
Certain factors causes more deaths which are not acceptable to military personnel, with all the investment put into them.
What about when the US Army loses ground, or, rights?
What about when they win ground, or rights?

Also, if 100,000 men die on one day , or in one week of fighting, and, are averaged out over 3 years, it will make the 400,000 men average be irregular and more inaccurate , even though the average itself will be accurate.
The reason it is inaccurate in this case , is because that the average is based on days which are not equal in outcome or, results, and includes those changes in average in the total average for the calculation, without mentioning it.

1 more thing, they can’t except me to do studies and not get paid for it, when they paid others 5 trillion and failed.
That would be a high risk of failure, and , I could even do it deliberately, to get my first 5 trillion back.
If that makes me the richest man on the planet, and the world ceases to exist, and the money is good and so on, I can even give at least $1 more than I get back to the planet, and so, be 2nd richest and so on, even if I do it twice on the same day, for $1, or $0.99.

I’m certain that there is data out there on the web that breaks the deaths of G.I.'s down into regions and monthly causality reports.

Due to the irresponsibility of the following three men,McConnell,McCarthy and Trump, Covid-19 was able to breach the U.S. and has since caused irrevocable deaths, loss of jobs, and a furtherance of future medical issues related to kidney failure in a 1/3 of all infected people and Kawasaki Disease in children that would not have been so, if Trump McConnell and McCarthy had been diligent in their assigned offices which they had been elected to or placed into, the Covid-19 pandemic in the U.S., is Trumps fault.

Mitch McConnell on Obama’s Playbook after he had said that there wasn’t a playbook at all.

“I was wrong,” McConnell said in an evening interview with Fox News’ Bret Baier. “They did leave behind a plan. So, I clearly made a mistake in that regard.”

Here is the Obama Plan for Pandemics that Mitch McConnell and Trump said never existed.

If Trump has used the playbook instead of downplaying it then a lot less infected and dead would be statistics.

Because Trump and McConnell lied about there not being a plan left behind by Obama for pandemic, McConnell, McCarthy and Trump downplayed the Coronavirus Pandemic as a flu because down playing the the flu was the “cheapest” test and mitigation effort that Trump could afford himself to spend politically.

Could SARS-CoV-2 have come come from a bat fungus / SARS-CoV-2 interaction where Covid-19 nested in the fungus of a bat for a few moments, picked up new RNA and then mutated into the SARS-CoV-2 virus after coming into contact with the 1st human victim?

McConnell - " I was wrong, They did leave behind a plan."

Obama did in fact address an airborne disease being a potential issue in five years that Snopes has checked and has found to be True.

Video in which Obama discusses preparedness for diseases in the U.S.

How many videos are there , prior to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic’s outbreak, do we see McConnell or Trump, Kevin McCarthy, Rand Paul or any other associate of Donald Trump, political or friendly in nature, addressing the same issues that Obama addressed in the video above?

The GOP owes America the six month to a year $2,000 a month stimulus check because McConnell and Trump have outright lied to the U.S. before and during the pandemic that has has not only caused great economic upheaval in the U.S., but loss of life and even the possibility of future illnesses, such as kidney disease, as a result of not adhering to the Obama administrations playbook and outright lying about the Obama administration not leaving behind a playbook or any knowledge of a future potential of a pandemic that the Trump administration could have a foundation in planning for.

What we see below, based on Trump and McConnell’s own admissions, is that both men have lied on numerous occasions regarding past and future directives toward detecting and mitigating the threat from an extremely infectious disease. We have all been witness to Trumps numerous downplaying of the pandemic of a hoax, or a flu as well as continuing to lie about the nations preparedness level regarding a pandemic that President Obama clearly addressed in a video during his presidency and planned for.

What none of us have been witness too is the Trump administration addressing a pandemic in any video prior to the pandemic.

Here are Trump’s comments or comments from Trump administration officials during the pandemic regarding direction from CDC strategies and using the Obama Playbook.

03/25/2020 - Continued response relies on a Federal Playbook laid out by the CDC

Trump’s deputies also have said that their coronavirus response relies on a federal playbook, specifically referring to a strategy laid out by the Centers for Disease Control.

05/07/2020 - Trump will not use strategies laid out by the CDC.

The Trump administration will not implement the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s 17-page draft recommendation for reopening America, a senior CDC official confirmed to CNN Thursday.

05/11/2020 - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell alleged that the Obama administration did not provide the Trump administration with any information about the threat of a possible pandemic.

“They claim pandemics only happen once every 100 years, but what if that is no longer true? We want to be ready, early, for the next one. Because clearly, the Obama administration did not leave any kind of game plan for something like this,” said McConnell.

05/14/2020 - McConnell admits to knowing about Obama’s strategy regarding the future possibility of a disease and possible pandemic.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell conceded Thursday night that he was wrong to claim that the Obama administration had not left behind a plan to deal with a pandemic in the US.

“I was wrong. They did leave behind a plan, so I clearly made a mistake in that regard,” McConnell said during an interview with Fox News’ Bret Baier.

President Obama has been out of office since 2017. It was the responsibility of Donald J Trump and McConnell to investigate, detect and mitigate any pandemic during the Trump administration, not Barrack Obama. Almost four years into the Trump administrations presidency, Trump and McConnell are still blaming Obama for data that wasn’t Obama wasn’t responsible for compiling but the Trump administration in fact was.

There is no reasonable expectation that the Trump administration or Trump’s allies can be expected to discharge their duty during the pandemic to provide accurate and truthful statements that will flatten the curve of the Covid-19 outbreak where extreme loss of life and economic strife has occurred during the pandemic.

We can and should expect increased and continued loss of life, sickness and potential future debilitating diseases as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic that the Trump administration has already proven that they had no interest in preparing for or even acknowledging prior to the Covid-19 pandemic like President Obama addressed but is only addressing now, nearly five months into the Covid-19 pandemic that has cost great loss of life that will continue to cause great loss of life in the future as well.

The $35 steak that beat Trump’s flashy steak metrics

Trump’s comments are nothing more than advertising gimmicks.

See how Trump is doing nothing more than using advertising gimmicks to make his decisions regarding the Covid-19 pandemic?

When Trump makes the comment about listening to 35 people, after he puts his finger to his head, is an earmark to Trump’s supporters to make bold and flashy Face Book comments that make the statement appear to be wonderful which is reference to the flash that Trump used for promoting Trump Steaks. Steak Comments that ultimately fail, just like Trump Steaks that lost out to a $35 steak prepared by a guy name Luger. Thus Trump pointing to his head or the Luger in his own hand.

Just like the gimmicks of Trump Steaks where the flash card cost over $1,000 itself, the flash card of Trump in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic have been just the same. A lot of flashy claims but in the end have not been true.

America, you do not have to return to work given the unreasonable and exceptional lies that Trump, McConnell, along with other Trump friends have constantly told as Trump tried to wrap the Covid-19 pandemic in Trump Steak advertising.

ok, ty, I will verify today.

Oh yes, 5 trillion + 3 trillion = 8 trillion in my book, but, that is only general without specifics.
Also, notice the date, even though the new 3 trillion is potentially DOA before implemented.
I said notice the date, because of the mention of paying me , in diversion to pay others, in diversion to others.

I also have to check the part you mentioned about the receptors.

Also, my sister has to read about data on whether the babies she works with as obstetrician are born with COVID-19 or not, and , whether they get it after, because, they don’t know.
(They know, but they obviously don’t have tests for that yet.)
It’s also easier to test dead babies, imho.

I will also save it for in case the data gets tampered with.
Also, do you speak an oriental language using


Bloomberg Opinion



You’ve probably heard that each infected individual transmits the virus to between two and three others on average. But the important point, which is often missed, is that this is just an average http://trib.al/wHSoU43

No, but, there is a time period in which each infected individual transmits the virus between two and three others on average.
And , the important point, which is often missed, + missed every time , is that the time period in which each infected individual transmits the virus …
… between two and three others on average is not included in the average, and is omitted, and is misinterpreted as courts misinterpret and gets paid to misinterpret.

Reinforcements inbound…

Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Face and Body Deactivation Cream.

We know that hand soap de-activates the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Therefore there should be a way for a skin care company to develop a skin based cream that when applied to the face, neck and arms, will inactivate the SARS-CoV-2 virus when the virus comes into contact with the cream that has been applied to the skin.

The lotion would have the same chemicals in its chemical composition that hand soap has that inactivates the SARS-CoV-2 virus while washing the hands.

When SARS-CoV-2 De-Activation Cream and Masks are worn out in the public and in the workforce, the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine will be eradicated from the U.S. within two years.

Unless the rest of the world complies with the above measures of eradicating the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the virus will continue to spread exponentially, however.

Anti-SARS-CoV-2 suntan lotion would also have to be developed as well.

Just give the lotion companies until the first of the year to develop the anti-Covid-19 cream.

After testing has proven effective with the first few waves not being infected, then the retaking of the Earth from Covid-19 can be begin sometime by the middle of next year.

1 Like

Yes, as long as you don’t have to take the cream of your face, or, take it off the wrong way, and spread it on your pillow, or something like that.
It’s harder to take off the PPE safely, than to put it on, and, it’s harder to put it back on, if it was used before, and was not disinfected.

COVID-19: Brazil becomes world’s fourth biggest hotspot

The Latin American nation surpassed Spain and Italy, once epicenters of the pandemic, in number of confirmed cases as it reported 14,919 new infections on Saturday, taking the total over 233,000.

Aren’t those soap , disinfectant and cream only to be used to prevent transmission, and , not to cure the disease, or, to stop the virus from changing into a disease.?
In other words, it would work to stop transmission.

The workplace are becoming more important due to value.
Also, the values will change, as is shown by negative interest.


498,520 views • May 15, 2020
496K views - 1 day ago
Graham Stephan
1.92M subscribers

22 hours later:

COVID-19: More than 60 nations back Australia’s call for an independent inquiry into the virus origins

Countries including India, Japan, Britain, Canada, New Zealand, and all 27 EU member states are backing Australia’s call for an “impartial, independent" probe into the origins of the coronavirus.

:earth_americas: Updates: Japan dived into its first recession since 2015
:dizzy: Positivity: Endangered baby turtles safely cross a beach

You see, this is why you don’t put comments in systems design and programming after.
This is also why you pay me to put my comments in programs and systems design during my work and before since I have the time, since I have to prepare my work to code before, since I had to graduate without a computer at home.
This is also why if you keep paying them that it will make more people sick and that it will cost you more to heal them because you will have been making them more sick by not paying me enough to solve your problem and financial problem of not paying me enough.
I can also add some insult to injury if you feel addicted to it, or , like to use this as excuse for not paying others, with graphical display schemes instead of keeping it in a more professional written format.