War On Corona Virus!


‘Personality disordered control freaks with God complexes delude themselves that they can control invisible biological agents via achieving perfect, simultaneous immobilization of 8 billion people’ (Stacey Rudin.)



The ZeroCovid Movement: Cult Dressed as Science

Jenin YounesJenin YounesFebruary 21, 2021 Reading Time: 6 minutes
AIER >> * Daily Economy >> * Science >> * Crisis >> *


USA :us_outlying_islands: I cannot believe this. Watch as Anthony
Hopkins, fakes getting the Vax. After pretending to
inject him, the nurse squirts the Vax out the _car
window. This is so blatent now, I’m sure they want us to
revolt. This is insane :facepunch:

0:45 seconds audio-video.

2. - At 19:23, Mon Apr 19, 2021, 15 minutes later:
Thrombocytopenia is a condition characterized by abnormally low levels of platelets, also known as thrombocytes, in the blood. A normal human platelet count ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood.

Causes: Bone marrow not making enough, body …

Treatment: None, immunosuppressants, platelet …

Diagnostic method: Complete blood count

### Thrombocytopenia - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Thrombocytopenia

No matter how popular you want to believe you are or what title you believe you hold without actually obtaining that title, you were all wrong about the Covid-1 9 pandemic.

You followed your own metric because it was a fancy word that you heard on T.V.

As a result, most people will die of a Covid-19 related infection in their later years due to their apathy while being young.

The first against Covid isn’t over and won’t be over until the very last person infected with Covid is gone and replaced by people who are naturally immune.

The UK variant is the thrust of the sword of the King of the Coronavirus. Just like the Morgul blade of the Nazgul, if the blade tips you, that could be it.

From my iPhone:

2. - 31 minutes later, Tue Apr 20, 2021 at 18:19, from Desktop:
The ten points of the code were given in the section of the judges’ verdict entitled “Permissible Medical Experiments”:[6]

  1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
  2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.
  3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.
  4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
  5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.
  6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.
  7. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.
  8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.
  9. During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.
  10. During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.

3. - 11 hours later at 04:31 Wed Apr 21, 2021:

Appointments fully booked for AstraZeneca vaccine

27,063 views • Apr 20, 2021
30K views - 6 hours ago
CityNews Toronto
270K subscribers

India is close to the brink of collapse.


India is what an Apocalyspe would look like.

The collapse has started. If India can’t get its pandemic under control, India will have a Black Death issue on its hands as people being turned away either die in the streets or at home. Left unattended due to family members dying as well, disease will run rampant as mice, rats, cats and dogs gouge themselves on the dead.

Not to mention scavenger humans going into the homes of the dead to loot the home and thus become infected with any number of diseases associated with mass numbers of decomposing and unattended bodies.

Then the mass exodus from India as people seek treatment and flood other nations thus causing people to be shot and left for dead by army’s from the surrounding countries looking to keep their own nations safe.

Looks like the Troll academy has graduated to second grade this year.

5 hours ago 12:57 Wed Apr 21, 2021 New York time

Here’s why India’s Covid surge should worry you

The rapid surge of Covid cases in India isn’t just a humanitarian disaster. Global growth, international reopening plans, inflation, supply chains and geographic asset allocation decisions will all be impacted.

India has been so busy manufacturing vaccines that India is now in shortage of vaccines for their own citizens.

Nearly 270,000 new cases of Covid-19 per day is decimating India.

India, which has more vaccine-manufacturing capacity than any country on earth, has exported tens of millions of vaccine doses.

If India goes down and the surge in India reaches the rest of the world, Game Over.

No more Charmin Ultra Strong?? :sob:

4m (ago)
from 2 minutes ago
9 minutes 48 seconds audio-video.

What type of mutations can occur if Covid-19 gets into the lungs of someone who breathes in foul and toxic air at work and then coughs or sneezes?

Can particles of toxic smoke catch a ride with Covid-19 by becoming trapped on the surface of the virus through incidental contact?

How does toxic smoke and fume particles change the biological composition of the SARS-CoV-2 virus?

Covid-19 Arm Sticker.

I was reading that the NHIS has developed an arm sticker to detect cystic fibrosis in the sweat.

If Covid-19 is present, at all, in a person’s sweat, then an arm sticker designed to detect SARS-CoV-2 in asymptomatic people could help reduce the spread of the virus and variants.

Arm patches?

We need to imbed an updateable chip in peoples forehead that glows/blinks depending on the disease.

Forget COVID, get vaccinated, we need this for the sexually transmitted diseases ASAP :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Don’t fool yourself with that,
some workplace do have viral agents at work.

That would mix 2 viral agents virus together if and when COVID-19 gets there.
3 is worse then 2.
Some virus are less contagious, but, often, virus are contagious, some more than others.

As for detecting SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, anything that works is good.
Also, how it may interact with other systems, their sources, and so on.

Right now, we are still looking for new info we don’t know, and also,
increase certainty ratio we have.

While botched test may yield worse result than 30% false negative, and 5% false positive, good test do give this certainty ratio, which those exact same ratio of false results are just that, certainty ratio, also related to uncertainty, and the related uncertainty ratio.

So, yes, it’s possible to find other tests or better tests.
Sometimes, better is not always the solution.
Volume is also an important factor especially more so during pandemic due to global or greater scope volume.

2. - At 03:31, Fri Apr 23, 2021, 13 hours later:

Principle Two: Human Rights

Businesses should make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.

What does it mean?

Complicity means being implicated in a human rights abuse that another company, government, individual or other group is causing. The risk of complicity in a human rights abuse may be particularly high in areas with weak governance and/or where human rights abuse is widespread. However, the risk of complicity exists in every sector and every country.

The requirement to respect human rights, pursuant to Global Compact Principle 1 and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, includes avoiding complicity, which is another way, beyond their own direct business activities, that businesses risk interfering with the enjoyment of human rights. The risk of an allegation of complicity is reduced (though not eliminated) if a company has a systematic management approach to human rights, including due diligence processes that cover the entity’s business relationships. Such processes should identify and prevent or mitigate the human rights risks with which the company may be involved through links to its products, operations or services.

Complicity is generally made up of 2 elements:

  • An act or omission (failure to act) by a company, or individual representing a company, that “helps” (facilitates, legitimizes, assists, encourages, etc.) another, in some way, to carry out a human rights abuse, and
  • The knowledge by the company that its act or omission could provide such help

2.2 - At 07:35:

#Coronavirus #COVID19 #India

India’s COVID-19 surge has Canada mulling travel ban

109,031 views • Apr 21, 2021
109K views - 1 day ago
Global News
2.46M subscribers
CC with … Open Transcript (not loading on my end).
2 minutes 03 seconds audio-video.

0:25 For months cases dropped in India,
0:26 leading some to think it had achived a type of herd
0:30 immunity. A naive assumption for a mutating virus,
0:33 according to Dr. Prabhat Jha.
Center for Global Health Research
0:36 “…that since that, the first infection would take care
0:41 and immunize the population really hasn’t occured.”
0:43 Researchers are still trying to establish whether the
0:47 B1617 first found in India, and now in Canada, is more infectious.
0:54 “It’s undoubtable that the big spike that’s occuring now is
1:00 because of these variants. You see them occuring in younger
1:02 population, you see them occuring in different geographic area.”
1:06 Jha says it’s likely there are more cases of the variants in
1:08 Canada that haven’t yet been detected.
1:10 “I think that there are slightly over 100 such cases that we’ve
1:12 identified here in the UK.”
1:15 The UK is about to ban airport arrivals for all foreigners who’ve
1:19 recently been to India.




gerund or present participle: mulling

  1. think about (a fact, proposal, or request) deeply and at length.
    “she began to mull over the various possibilities”

UK to ‘test’ environment without wearing masks.

What the UK is about to do is the dumbest thing the UK possibly do. With the UK variant of SARS-CoV-2 being the most contagious and most lethal variant, why in the hell would you even conduct such a test knowing the outcome will spread the infection that much more.

What the UK is doing is akin to arming a nuclear warhead with a very sensitive fuse, then tapping on the point with a wee tiny tinker hammer.

Yes, not good and not best.


LIVE: CDC panel debates use of J&J Covid vaccine after rare blood clot issue — 4/23/21

182 watching now
to 199 watching now, to over 201…
CNBC Television
1.49M subscribers

2.1. - At 21:37, Fri Apr 23, 2021, 4 hours later:

The Simpsons doing their thing 2017.
Cat Flu is coming!

1 minute 43 seconds audio-video (cartoon).


6:28 AM · Jul 27, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

2.2. - At 21:38+:
The best they can do with that mass event is to test everyone and monitor the changes while keeping them in quarantine, which quarantine is to monitor, partly.

Additionally, to do it without medical sanctions may be against those Nuremberg Principles, which may be ground for war, even if you are not saying.

A lot of those laws and principles and codes in fact do not require saying the saying to say it’s not said or said, as in, I said so, or, told you so.

2.3. - At 21:42:

So, if you have all managed to agree that we are not in a pandemic any more then WHY are we still denied a normal life, WHY have you not repealed the Emergency Powers Act and WHY does Big Pharma still have a licence to experiment on us?



2.4. - At 21:44:

I just saw this on Facebook.
Science is dead.

2.5. - At 21:46:

Mass testing is a waste of resources which should be used on diseases like cancer

2.6. - At 21:47:

Vast majority of those dying from Covid-19 have one or more serious underlying conditions. 42% of these are aged 85 or over. 33% are aged 75 or over. Are we now repackaging natural end of life as something that can be avoided? The circus continues

So what I have been wanting to know on the J&J blood clot thing is not how many people got that vaccines, but how many women of child bearing age?

Calculating the odds and having those odds include men is kind of deceiving IMHO. Just feeds the mistrust.

Have to say in all the posts you have made you take the copy and paste without any input from yourself to a whole new level of wasted space!

Yeah, I know, you guys specialize on making my work be vain and as wasted as you say so.

Yeah, I know, you guys specialize on making my work be vain and as wasted as you say so.

As a matter of fact, why don’t you apply to work for my boss in electronic warfare, maybe they need someone for work in that field.

What people , and more so, doctors, need, is more details about who got problems and who doesn’t.

Also, who has the vaccine and that works for them would also be good to know how and why.

The reasons the doctors need the information about who has the problems with the vaccines and what their related health conditions are, including what other problems they have with blood clot, what kind of blood clot and the related problems with it, as well as the conditions those people actually do live in, such as who makes comments about them, and try to make them seem as if they take copy and paste without any input from the one actually doing the input, since they try to psychologically take facts out of context since they already sought to set precedent in courts by taking facts out of psychological context for the exact same psychological limits reasons as they are, and, even try to make it seem that it is as good conduct as they are trying to be , no matter how much falsification of report that is, in regard to the exact same intentional psychological actions about those exact same psychological facts.