thank you! Thank you, also, for taking the time reading it!
This time i really forgot about that thread, but it’s because i eventually figured out the likely best response and then my mind just skipped it. I hope the weather cools down soon.
I’ve brought politics into it, because it’s related. I’ve used real-life examples, to point out the similarities to what CCP does and the general trend that’s going on in the west, which is softening the people to a point where they can’t take care anymore of themselves, because no one stops the “visicious circle” i’ve mentioned.
We need to remember that the very people who want to play EVE the “modern” way, are the very people influenced by decisions made by politicians and CCP acts the same ways. I guess there’s a big pool of knowledge about this somewhere, but i prefer figuring things out on my own.
You really understand me, and thus the point. You understand the difference. You understand what actually got people hooked into the game and that means you also understand pretty much everything that’s wrong with how CCP operates now and how it slowly changes the player base.
When I’ve started the game in late 2009, I’ve spent a few weeks just reading up on mechanics and stuff, without ever logging in. When I’ve logged in, I skipped the tutorials and instead explored the UI, my options and just went ahead. Scrapping ISK together for a hauler, to haul npc goods through high- and lowsec. That got my heart pumping back then. I even went to the toilet first, before I jumped in the first time.
I feel like I’ll come across like Jenn aSide when I start with this now, but I’ve expanded on the protection button and suspect state in a post in C&P here with a better explanation further below. You can’t possibly miss it…
I don’t know if you’re interested, but I feel like making more people aware of what is actually going on would be helpful. At least before it’s too late and the population simply doesn’t care anymore.
On a personal note… I have a question.
I’ve actually always wondered why the Goons, of all communities, are just letting all of this happen. I have doubts believing that others don’t know what’s going on, especially because of all those players who’ve quit, because they’ve seen this coming.
Mooses, iirc, said that there aren’t many Goons around anymore. I don’t know why that happened and there’s always more than one reason, but maybe all of them share a few particular ones.
You know how the game worked back and I offer you an actual working solution to the problem, which attacks it at the closest thing to the root that we have available. I know that the modern goons aren’t like the Goons you know and I’ve only heard of, especially with corporations like KarmaFleet, which I believe actually helped making the issue worse.
My actually short question is:
Is there actually any interest in such political shenanigans, so we can fix the situation all by ourselves?
I mean … is there any interest in fixing the situation? From Goons, or anyone else you know?