What is causing Eve to die… lets get this convo going again. Ill start a list of topics.
*Anti-PvP game mechanics.
*Big block control of the CSM election cycle due to shared vote lists between opposing sides. (Oh you thought your vote mattered?)
*Only specific nullblock CSM even get the attention of CCP (The best have no voice)
*Upcoming plans for changes in game being given to nullblock CSM reps months in advance of all others. (you wondered why they always seem to know what to buy and sell before you do?)
*War Hqs used to enforce only the power pyramid that exists with full power and zero ability for competition to grow from it.
*Horribly one-sided structure mechanics for smaller groups to no have chance to win.
*Holding corp abuse. Example: Brave with null sec and highsec entities using holding corps. Only promoting nullsec wars and directly siphoning off the base of highsec growth.
*Censorship, community flagging, and useless off-topic ramblings on the forums due to lack in interest by CCP to do the job. (thank you to the ISD’s who try)
*Multiboxing and Skill Injection/Extraction. (I have over 100 toons, 30+ Omegas at once and you can do it too for FREE forever after an initial deposit usually paid for by Visa.) Please consider how unfair of an advantage this is economically also. <<Multi-trillionaire here, easy money. (I can pop your Astrahus by myself)
*CCP promoting website/NES combo sales for the specific intent to toss wealth at Visa swipers while promoting the idea using streamer like OZ. (Smart man but I know who your friends are)
*Back-Door emails with CCP to get plex at lower than market rates.
*Plex prices soaring and the effects of using it as a currency for micro-transactions making it worse. (Plex should be used ONLY for game time… greedy CCP with no concern for inflation)
*Low payoff and rewards for solo players to gain isk.
*The absolutely unsustainable financial state of new corps to even break into the green due to CCP’s inability to understand what the issue is. (used to make you dependent on Visa)
*Forced peace periods and structure reqs for wars. (Let the CEO decide, not CCP)
*Align times are too quick considering that lock times make it even worse. (server ping should not be a defining factor in a fight)
*Ships designed with mechanics to avoid combat as opposed to create PvP… SoE.
*The wealth disparity between the rich and the poor.
*There is no ladder for success of major competition due to the shoring up of all power to nullblocks.
*Lack of CCP interest in supporting niche playstyles or streamers.
*CCPs enforcement of streamers to be a shill or not be supported. (leads to most content being about only the top events which streamers will only cover due to personal profits, no hate intended)
*Factional warfare bonuses being used to give special bonuses to specific entities only.
*The economic push by CCP to intentionally hand power and wealth over to the few at the top of the power pyramid by way of game mechanics.
*Trillions funneled to specific groups by use of AT ships.
*Trillions of known exploited ISK not being confiscated when CCP chooses to let it slide
*CCP inability to be a neutral third party and promote competition (Does the opposite)
*Lack of accountability for botters, macro commands, and ICE users. (Third-party cheating)
War HQs - War Hqs - War Hqs (The method used to enforce the single power pyramid. Its not about protecting the small guy, its about enforcing the will of the blob and minimal effort to do so. They lied to you.)
Thats enough for now. My bad for the crappy format. Windows+Shift+S , it will be flagged and removed imo.
Player driven content should be the standard and most important goal.
Merry Christmas gaymers!
I agree with many of your points…however you do need to make one distinction
Simply having multiple Omegas is not necessarily the same as multiboxing. So restricting Omega accounts should not be the path to restricting multiboxing. Many ( like myself ) simply like to have multiple higher SP lives in Eve and give them separate paths. I multibox once in a blue moon…and am not all that good at it anyway.
The one area where multiboxing is essential is scouting.
Personally I think alot of the loose ends from previous eras of EVE, not well thought out concepts and as others have noted concentrations both directly and indirectly have caused alot of problems.
Currently I think another huge issue is actual “player inflation” via how many accounts one player has. EVE was sold in the past as a social experience, now with alts involved at almost every level this has diluted into a much smaller player base and with it major problems when such circles contract down.
I know CCP is trying to get more people into the game, but the PR for this game is absolutely atrocious. EVE not only has a bad boy reputation, but a pretty big “No Way in Hell Join this Game” whisper campaign going against it. CCP can spend as much money as they want to market it, but if the potential consumer base is already negatively aligned against it. It doesn’t look good.
It wouldn’t hurt to change a few of the ads, which seem pretty negative to the game itself in inference. Like the “This game you are not ready for this.” ad.
EVE has so much potential still untapped in my perspective, but some of the problems is a lack of vision and direction. (Or chasing the latest trend)
But I think any attempt to fix issues is going to be met with MASSIVE Resistance of the more established player base.
It is pretty telling that you do an excellent post with some brilliant ideas like that and I scroll down and see no one tell you that or even respond to this post. It is very telling indeed.
My issue with CCP is that they do not have a clue what they are doing, what they did to medium structures is the best example, but bringing back passive moon mining is another. This is pandering to the only people that they expose themselves to, for example the medium structure nerf was because nullsec FC’s could not get people into fleet to shoot them as there was no kill mail on two of the three fleets, so they then make it super easy to headshot small alliances staging that made them unable to deploy effectively. Well played CCP.
Active moon mining had people in space mining this and doing indy, it attracted a lot of people to go out there, now those people have no reason to be there, I just went through a large number of systems that were empty with these moon drills just chugging away there and no other structures and no one in space, and I was like LMAO at CCP, well played CCP!!!
Trying to keep up with this thread even if I am not CSM this year. I appreciate the input and agree with some of you, disagree with others, as you might expect.
Funny none of you have mentioned ‘old age’ both for the game and the player base.
Eve will die because you lose ships to stupid npc with warp scramblers. After 50 jumps looking for an actual pvp fight, the fun ended at the first highsec system where npc ended all hope.
Age of the game has been mentioned a fair number of times already, and “age of the player base” is mostly referenced in posts that point out EVE isn’t attracting or retaining enough new players.
While age is a factor, it’s not an excuse. Other old games manage to improve over time and retain high populations, some even grow. FFXIV would be an example.
Honestly, in many ways CCP/EVE has held up well over the years, especially for a game that has such limited crowd appeal and so many “chase people away” aspects. However it’s my strong feeling that current populations rely way too much on multiboxers, bots, RMT and accounts which are simply left logged in all day.
Regardless of game age, and regardless of the fact that many consider EVE’s setup to be an ‘old persons game’, we can’t escape the trend that over time the playerbase will steadily fade away unless CCP takes some fairly bold steps to advertise to and retain new players.
And by ‘bold steps’, I don’t mean cheap psych ‘gacha’ game ploys, mobile game UIs, login incentives, or email campaigns saying “Hey, we see you haven’t played in 5 years. Did you know that for only $299 you can come back now and receive all the SP you missed while you were away?”.
Even though most of your posts come across as simple “carebears must die, make ganking great again!” rants, with little to support them… you did at least point out some valid issues in this post. It would be nice if you could back them up with more than single-sentence snippets though.
If you didn’t insist on breaking 2 or more forum rules in almost every post, fewer of them would get removed.
Agreed, but just a reminder that ganking/gate-camping/ambushing/wardeccing aren’t the be-all and end-all of ‘player-driven content’. CCP needs to add some broader tools into the game for players to create content that other players can engage with. Corporation Projects was a good start, but EVE needs more. EVE Pandora has some ideas/tools that CCP should be looking into as well.
Actually, you’ve got a 2-year-old account with a stream of cheap Venture losses in lowsec and some lame ganks in high. And a history of bragging, angry ranting and getting removed. Shouting “I am the master of the universe, all must listen to me!” doesn’t really create credibility.
Try explaining any issue that you see and providing some references/data/support for it, and maybe even proposing some fixes beyond “kill carebears, crush Null, make ganks easy again!”. Discussion and debate will give your ideas more exposure than soapbox ranting.
The forum tends to divide between those who argue about ‘data’ and those who argue about ‘this is my actual direct experience of the game’. Broad sweeps of meta data really don’t tell you as much as people like to think, and are too often open to mis-interpretation or even downright manipulation. A classic example being concurrency, with people simply not realising that it is not a direct measure of active players.
I’d rather listen to those who are actually undocking and playing the game. I really don’t care that Statistic A fell and has now risen to a pre-fall level…as the reasons for it rising again may have nothing to do with the converse of why it fell. It is only in-game experience that tells you what is really going on.
You can theorize from your ivory tower all you like…and you may even be right now and then…but you’ll find most of those who disagree do so because your conclusions do not accord with their actual in-game experience.
And that dichotomy is the cause of just about every Eve argument on the forum.