What is the CSM

Omega accounts can vote
Ccp will post the link when its time and you’ll sign in with your omega account and pick in order your top 10 choices.

Thank you @Geo_Eclipse_Oksaras
Is it safe to say that the Alpha players have no representation in the CSM?

No. The CSM represents all players, including alpha accounts. There is unlikely going to be anybody on the CSM that only holds an alpha account, since they can’t vote, but most CSM members probably have one or two.

Hi, Brisc. Thank you for replying.
I’m sorry I don’t mean to be argumentative but I’m trying to understand your reply.
Do you agree that there are two levels of “citizens” in the game, Alpha and Omega players?
If the Alpha players cannot vote for their representatives, how are they represented?

Sorry I’m confused. How are the representatives holding Alpha accounts represent the Alpha players if the Alpha players didn’t and can’t vote for them?
I don’t want it to become a big issue on this thread because it isn’t an issue with me and I don’t need to be pushed around for asking though. I’m just curious how a group of people are represented when they don’t vote in the first place.
Thank you, sir.

Ccp doesnt allow alphas to vote mostly because where they are considered “throw away alts”. Where as unless you already run multiple omega alts, you arent gonna take the time to create a bunch of alphas just to vote.

That doesnt mean however that you arent represented or treated differently just cause you dont subscribe to the full game.

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Probably because anyone could create any amount of alphas to vote for their CSM candidate of choice. Votes would be meaningless.

I guess it might also be counted as incentive to go Omega too, a perk, though maybe CCP wouldn’t mind giving voting rights to alphas if it couldn’t be abused, or maybe they would consider it a perk that encourages going omega, it could work either way.

He meant represented not in the sense through voting thus elected representatives. He meant as in the CSM also consider the interests of alphas and advocate for them even if they can not vote.


Because the CSM represents all the players.

Think of it like any other representative body (even though it really isn’t one). Maybe you can’t vote for a variety of reasons - age, citizenship status, criminal conviction, etc - the folks elected for that area still represent you.

Alpha players can’t vote because it would be too easy to game the system with thousands of free-to-play alts to game the election.

When folks who were alpha came to me with issues, I took them to CCP just like I did folks with omega accounts.


Thank you @Brisc_Rubal @Uriel_the_Flame @Geo_Eclipse_Oksaras for kindly explaining. I appreciate your time, gentlemen.
I don’t want to stay Alpha anyway because it looks like all the fun ships and ammo are for Omega. I needed a bit of time before I subscribed.

I would argue that I am a decent rep for the Alpha players as I spend a lot of time in Rookie Help Chat talking to the newbros.

Now long term alpha folks probably not so much but I am always willing to talk to players regardless of their account status.


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You’re welcome!

Don’t worry about your clone status. There are plenty of things you can do as Alpha, while some are Omega only so if you plan to do those things you will need Omega eventually.

While it is a limited and disadvantaged position you can even successfully PvP as Alpha, especially if you do it as part of a gang.

I personally play since 2017 and the only time period I went Omega for (by PLEXing with in-game ISK) is to train the Expanded Alpha Skillset (full approximately 20 mil SP woth of all Alpha skills) on my main, that’s it. Never needed any of the Omega features so I’ve never had a reason to go Omega.

So as usually the case in EVE: it all depends on the circumstances.


I have seen you there, sir. And your videos are great, you’re very sympathetic and they make me want to vote for you.

Thank you.
I saw a good reason to go Omega though.



So last month (August), my community ran 86 fleets. Not one of them requires alpha to join in and have fun (except the headquarter incursions – they do require you to upgrade after you’ve been in so many fleets).

  • 68 incursion fleets (high end PVE)
  • 3 mining fleets
  • 2 lvl 4 mission fleets
  • 4 home front fleets
  • 3 ratting fleets (wormhole and triglavian hunting)
  • 3 classes

Fun is relative in Eve. If you find a bunch of people that you like hanging out with for a few hours and you can put a little isk in your pocket at the same time, does it matter that you can’t fly a fancy expensive ship? :grinning:


Is there a day set for voting for CSM?
When is the election?

Voting will start on 17 October and go until the 24th.

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