For me its something along the FactionCruiser/HAC lines when flying solo or in small gangs. Mainly because you have to have extreme knowledge about basically every shiptype, fleet comp and environment in the game if you want to push them to their limits.
There is lots of stuff that can still catch and hold you if you don’t know exactly how to get rid of it efficiently and also lots of stuff that can curbstomp you into the ground by sheer firepower if they manage to get you. Still there are ways to fight outnumbered pretty well if you are a good pilot and use the combination of your tools wisely.
I love my Raven. May not be the most powerful ship in Eve but it looks suitably mean, can manage 4000 alpha shot, 1200 DPS, lots of EHP, and best of all it fires missiles.
Drekavac is good, but the spool up time means you’re not really getting full DPS right away, and the absence of any fall off for weapons means you cant go 1 inch out of range.
Raven is pretty good, getting 800EHP/s passive regeneration without implants is easy, while Tengu need 4b investment to get the equal EHP/s. (4b on cruiser is not a pvp ship option imo, the lost hunts, im not gonna fly one myself.)
Battleship solo pvp is super cool, and I am especially enamored with the armor Tempest, the shield Maelstrom (with a neut, of course), and the Quad Plated PolarTyFI. I am way too poor for this though, especially those 1b+ later options.
You should try the 5b T1 frigs that some people fly around FW space. Succubuses and Hookbills seem to get this treatment frequently. Even my turbobling Polarbill only clocks in at a measly 500m by comparison (Not including abyssalization of the expensive mods. I have never flown anything near this pricy except those two Daredevils). The standard Polarbill is ~50M and the cheap one is about 35M.
While I have the most kills by far in T3s, my endgame ships always used to be HACs.
Until they nerfed the sig bonus, then I went for my favourite, the Machariel. Amazing ship but it has a really hard time getting fights. Forcing fights is often not a option with battleship scanres, so you really have to find players willing to undock for it.
Last week I downgraded to a max speed hyperspacial Typhoon with great success.
The Proteus is another new apex in this enviroment.
36 miners turned into Killmarks on this one. I peaked the Ibis to become Derelik’s most deadly hunting ship last autumn, the particular one on the screenshot peaked into the 70s killmark range of before I decided that even if the T3D drifting at the NPC undock is just obvious bait, “it’s worth a shot”.
70Killmarks is nothing compared to what some people’s tackle frigates have, but the Ibis nevertheless is an awesome ship to blow up miners with
Originally had two t2 scrams and a damage control, but with that fit I couldn’t take a barge because it can’t tank the drones, so I installed the green scram and a MWD in the second mid, which enables the Ibis to move fast enough for their drones to start trailing behind the Ibis, at which point the railguns can hit them reliably.
For Ventures on Dscan (no visual identification on their fit), in general an AB is better then a MWD because the drones do insignificant damage and a Venture might be baiting and combat fit, in which case it has a scram to turn off the MWD.