there is no option to do this
Ah… You might not qualify. It should tell you what you need.
yes but i had it for some days
I guess the only two that im missing is, Likes given and maybe number of communit flags, which i have a somewhat large amount of.
I dont think im ready to give out likes so easily yet.
Do all of the qualifications still show up in your file?
Unfortunately i dont see it anywhere there either.
i dont know , all i now is that i had it and now i don’t
preferences, then activity, then badges should give you the list of what you need. Did they take something away?
Maybe too many flags or something.
Maybe you were flagged too many times, and were too naughty.
Its the same reason why I will never be chosen for ISD even though I keep reapplying.
maybe i say ■■■■ to much
Who wants to be a veteran anyway, they all drink bitter.
I just wanted a tag next to my name that said “A really nice guy, thumbs up!”
Okay, I know that you can see all the badge descriptions here. Most specifically state what you need, but some are more ambiguous (like “Did a Thing”). The summary page also provides details that are relevant to the earning of various badges. Are you talking about something else? Where is it exactly?
Thank you!
i want a Biggus Dickus tag
That is offensive.
You are an offensive man.
Nice guy Sol does not approve.
Nice guy Sol is dissapoint.