What makes EVE feel like a joke of a game to you

And both give up the change at tax time.

Because it’s the rules.
And whether or not you bothered to find and read the rules (tax law can be a real quagmire to wade through) you follow the rules or pay the consequences.

–Gadget saw your quarter get ganked

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Well, it is pretty well laid out in the [New Pilot FAQ]:


Eve has been purposely designed so almost without exception, you are put at risk to the other players no matter what you do. It’s kinda the core idea and what makes the game work and applies equally to everyone.

Given everyone is at risk to everyone else - actually that is supposedly where the name Eve (Everyone Vs. Everyone) comes from, I’m not sure where you get this victim idea from. I mean sure, there are “victims” and “criminals” in the in-game role-playing sense, but there are no real victims in a pretend spaceship game just like there are no victims (or criminals) in poker or football or Monopoly or Counterstrike or Risk or any competitive sport/game. Just people playing a competitive activity some of which win, and some of which lose.

But yes, telegraph it far and wide: Eve is an open-world, full-loot PvP sandbox game. It has been like that from the start. That means very little is done to balance PvP encounters which therefore results in many one-sided fights. I wouldn’t say the mechanics are designed to produce that, but they certainly don’t get in the way of bringing overwhelming force (or number of friends) to an engagement making the outcome largely a forgone conclusion.

After 15 years you think everyone would know this by now. I guess not.


This is the truth. It’s been the truth since day one. It’s been advertised as the truth "it was CCP that said “be the villain”).

And yet, also since 2003, you’ve had people who totally hate how EVE is, totally think it’s unfair that people can shoot at other people anywhere in EVE and honestly think that they game would be better with some kind of ‘totally safe’ zone…for the sake of the kids, I mean “new players”, of course .

It’s never made any sense to me. If you don’t like how a thing is, and that thing is optional (like a video game), it’s stupid as hell to keep playing it. If you are so sensitive or hapless that random people on the internet screwing with your internet spaceship bothers you, the problem is YOU and your choice to play an open world pvp game.

It’s an odd thing what happens here. I don’t see it in other pvp type games. I never had someone ask me “why did you kick me” when we were playing Street Fighter , because it was freaking street fighter. No one askes “why did you carjack me???” in GTA online…because its freaking GTA.

But in EVE? Every 3rd post on the general forum is a complaint about someone being mean to someone, in a game where it’s explicitly allowed.

WTF, mate


It’s honestly quite a shame that you don’t appreciate the razor’s-edge balancing that ships, modules, skills, ammo, etc. exhibit. Whoever does the balancing is a freakin’ beast. I go to “break” a ship or module sometimes and come away scratching my head because . . . I can’t. It’s too well balanced. There is quite a lot of number crunching, qualitative analysis, and theory-crafting done to balance PVP encounters.
I don’t agree with the balance, but it’s not an accident that PVP encounters tend to unfold the way they do. A warp scrambler can nullify 3 ship modules and pin you to a grid. That’s not an accident. That’s a game balancing decision. An expanded probe launcher gimps your ship’s CPU. That’s not an accident. That’s a game balancing decision. A regular cloaking device is very difficult to use for stalking and ambush because of its effects on your sensors. That’s not an accident. That’s a choice the dev’s have made to cause gameplay to unfold in a certain way.

A design is intentional. If its primary outcome is unintentional, then it is a failed design. It doesn’t work. If I design a car and it doesn’t roll down the road in the direction I want it to go, then I haven’t designed it properly.
I think CCP has designed EVE’s mechanics properly. What they did not design was how people would choose to use those mechanics nor did they design how people would attempt to influence the further evolution of those mechanics.

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Its not supposed to be clever, as the person who is claiming that new players have things they cannot easily replace isnt clever.

Tell it to Alpha Slow. He seems to think that stuff blowing up is something to get so upset about that it hurts.

They tell you right at the end of the scripted tutorial mission you spawn in that you will be killed.


The fact someone can just continuously choose from a near infinite number of ships and assets on the market to reship with, or that a booted alliance can simply relocate and rebuild in under a month, or that you can have your own cap pilot on day 1 if you got the cash for it.

Just, the general cheapened experience of the game by ■■■■ decisions and poor game management and design ideas from CCP, is what makes Eve feel like a joke to me.

2006 ex-player, bidding CCP farewell.

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It’s a game where the weak die and cry.

It’s been like that since day one

Kill or be killed, adapt or die :wink:


A twelve year good-bye?

And I thought I posted too much…


-Gadget still wants your “cheapened” stuff

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Oil tankers are not going up against Destroyers with 2inch deck guns and harpoon missiles. And if they did, they would be powerless to stop them. Much like Eve… funny how that works.

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Biomassed my mains along with all their cheap stuffz a few months ago already.

Sorry, but what this game needs is a purge, in every sense, and not more piling up of crap.

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A week late on that reply… This is Eve not RL. I was simply stating that the defense of the oil tanker vs inflatable boat pirates is proportionate to the threat posed. If transports died all the time and the cargo lost so frequently a redesign of the hulls would likely come about. Eve is the crucible of conflict and would not the transports that travel the wreck strewn lanes of Eves trade routs also have been twisted into more violent versions of themselves over the millennia? Its just something i though was odd.


But your stuff!!

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In WWII, transport ships were lost every day of that war just trying to cross the Atlantic.

And Eve does not compare to Somali Pirates in rafts vs a Tanker. It is closer to a U-Boat vs a Liberty ship.

Even back in the 17th century when sailing a trade ship was dangerous anywhere NEAR the Bahamas. Most trade ships were unarmed and under crewed. Pirates back then used to make millions capturing those ships, Captain Jack Rackham, Teach, Bartholomew Roberts, and Vane come to mind as HIGHLY successful pirates during this time.

Why were they successful, because of greed. Not their greed, but the greed of the merchant ships, taking risks by running unarmed, with less crew, thus increasing profits. In Eve you have the same thing. A hauler is designed to carry cargo. You can sacrifice the cargo capacity for more tank or better speed, but then you cut into your profits. Or you can use a ship that can use weapons and then you again cut into your profits. Or you can just risk it and fly with some sense and make more with less.

Probably the behavior of so many players, whether it’s the insane miner who gets ganked then issues death threats over the internet or the ganker, when they act like an :edgelord: when they are just pathetic, or the insistence that you have to hand over full APIs to strangers to join corps and the whole 2nd job aspect that follows.

Basically the game got far too serious, infected a great many of the players with this srsns, and became toxic. I guess that is the joke.


I’m pretty sure you could sink a destroyer with just a bass boat and a crate of dynamite.
Remember this: USS Cole ?

There is nothing preventing an oil tanker from being equipped with powerful radar, anti-ship missiles, surface guns, torpedoes, depth charges, mines, marines, etc., etc., etc.
Just sayin’.

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True. I use a deep space transport or Bs to move my stuff around myself. Bs have tiny holds compared to their size, and I believe that is intentional. A Q ship in eve would be interesting.


First the Cole didnt sink. Second, you have that now with Stealth Bombers.

And you can put all of that on a transport ship, but it takes up cargo space, which in turn hurts its primary job of hauling stuff. And again YOU can do that in EVE… take a ship like a Horder put 2 guns on it, and you have an armed freighter.


I question that. I’ll do some research, but even if these weapons are allowed on a civilian ship - there’s always the costs. Missiles ain’t cheap.

US Law allows armed persons aboard civilian ships, but that’s us. the ship may very well not be allowed into certain countries’ territorial waters.

Like I said - more research. Back later.

–Curious Gadget


So . . . 2 bass boats and 2 crates of dynamite? How 'bout 50 or 100 or 1000, just to make sure it sinks?
I’m not sure I’m clear on what your’e getting at.

Stealth Bombers are pretty expensive and pretty damn combat ineffective against . . . everything. Seriously, what CAN’T kill a stealth bomber? I almost killed one with a Venture. A MINING Venture.

lolwut? That’s pretty absurd. We both know what the result would be. Why would you make such a suggestion?

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Last I checked, haulers only have 1 turrent slot. If your lucky you can squeeze in 1 medium gun but with no bonuses you might get 15 DPS? Yea…absurd.

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