What makes EVE feel like a joke of a game to you

Sorry mustve misread you. I thought you meant in high sec. A cloud of cats is hard to miss


Every day watching CCP in action is like watching dark humur comedy. :psyccp:


For me its offset by the “Hype Train” in one of your post.
I still laugh when I see that vision in my mind. Its one of those moments I wish to never unknow.

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You mean this train?

It ended badly


Where the heck are you getting that? I’d just like to see some equity to SG and throw-away alpha catalyst metagame isn’t it.

All this talk of “oh, you got ganked because you didn’t fit a full tank” is complete ■■■■■■■■.

All you need is more catalysts and you can kill almost anything you want in HS. You are completely at the mercy of players who are taking no risks and paying no virtually no cost for beating up on non-combatants and newbs. The high sec meta game is all about how many catalysts they can throw at you. Also, pay2win. Its trash.

You end up looking the clown trying to defend the things that make EVE a joke of a game. Why is it so difficult for you to acknowledge ■■■■ gameplay?

How about the fact that players can fly into your high sec mission and blow up your mission objective before you have a the possibility to retrieve it, causing you huge a huge standing hit for mission failure? Whats your practical solution to this trash?

Oh, but it doesn’t happen very often so its not a problem, right? :smile_cat:

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Ah that little diatribe sounds familiar.

Could it be that Ridiculous Cod has himself a new alt?

I’m still hoping for a Jonah clone myself.


This would be you seeing things that aren’t there. Learn the rules as they stand, find the counters, and use them.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
Many of us would rather see work on things that matter -ship balance, finishing tiericide, making large battles actually work, etc.
You’re still harping on intended game play. Maybe it’s not your cup of tea, but it does work, and it is doing what it is supposed to.

That’s some really fancy flying by your rival. That pilot would need to know what mission you’re on, find the target, lock it, and then kill it - before you retrieve it? Pay attention to your surroundings, and if someone warps in - take a risk and get the mcguffin first. Or don’t spawn it and wait the guy out. If he spawns the target, then YOU kill/collect it.

Or get some catalyst friends/alts to remove the annoyance - y’know since catalysts solve all problems, neh?

BTW - competition is exalted in EvE.

Pay to Play, and it’s fine.

–Gadget can sell you some Cats


I can do it for less :stuck_out_tongue:


Threads like this QQing about aspecs of the game that have been there since the beginning

Adapt or die

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Want to see what competitive EVE “pvp” looks like?

A complete joke.

How many catalysts can you press F1 on?

Sweet game, bro.:+1::ok_hand::kissing_smiling_eyes:



–Gadget jokes (or does she?)


Bring it…


The joke is on you, that multiboxer isn’t ganking.

He’s mining; despite the pixellation the cargoes of ore and the strip miners are fairly discernible.


Exactly this :smiley:

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Not to mention the fact that the majority of screens actually show retrievers


OMFG! :laughing::rofl::joy:

Thanks for missing the point. He is multiboxing several accounts at once and this will be done now more than ever with the prevalence of throw-away suicide gank alpha accounts.

That is hilarious. It is actually comedy . :smile_cat:

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To multibox alphas you need a machine, virtual or otherwise, for each account. It’s also a bannable offence IIRC, because multiboxing alphas is expressly forbidden.

The joke is still on you, because apparently you’re completely ignorant of any relevant facts.

Hi Rod.


The joke is your train of thought because requiring another machine still adds to pay2win factor and is in effect multiboxing. Forbidding multibox alphas and actually preventing them are two different things.

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I see you cant make up your mind which insult to use.

Must suck to be that much of a flake.


If they treat alpha multiboxing like they treat botting, we may see a lot more alpha multiboxers in game. :thinking: