What ship do you aspire to fly?

To be completely honest, I want to fly every ship in the game. Each ship has its use. I meant I guess the coolest ship would be an Erebus!

A velator.

The friendship, because I want friends. :frowning:


Not to be totally critical of your dreams, but if you are going to train for the maelstrom, do yourself a favor and train gallente battleship as well so you can fly the mach. The maelstrom is a bit underwhelming. It is quite slow and doesn’t have a projection or application bonus, so ACs don’t do that well, and artillery is basically cruise missiles in turret form.

At this point there are no ships I aspire to pilot. I have no desire to pilot any capital. I don’t worry about meta changes. The only skills I don’t have trained to 5 are tech 2 weapon specializations.

I think the most satisfying skill to finish training to 5 was command ships. The sleipnir is so great.

UM VARGUR!!! drops mic…flipmoe leaves in limo…with bumper sticker, other mode of transport is VARGUR!!!

eh nothing really
there arent many ships actually worth flying in this game

Which means the balancing team probably have done pretty good, since most players want to fly what OP or FOM since it is out of balance.


lol im gonna take your post as sarcasm and give you a +1

Time ago, when I just started to play this game, I was aspired to fly Black Ops Panther, Gila and Straitos (and never was focused on T3 :). Not long after that I just realized that many other ships can do the same functions more “cheaper” and sometime more effective. Every ship is good and have its very specific purpose. I learned one of the main lesson of EVE:

“You should be able to fly any ship which will serve the best your current purpose.”

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Machariel. Because Machariel.

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I want to fly them all! Most DPS subcaps anyway.

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Go ahead an unlike that due to your poor assumptions.


oh ok
so you think its better to have a few op ships while the rest are in the trash

Coming from DUST 514, the balance in EVE really does seem splendid IMO. In EVE pretty much every ship is used and can be used well. In DUST 514, any Heavy that wasn’t the Amarr Heavy was bad. Any Assault that wasn’t the Minmatar Assault was bad. Any Logistics that wasn’t the Minmatar Logistics was bad.

Not at all.

then how have the balancing team done a good job
when most ships are in the trash

Another bad assumption me thinks.

nope theyre in the trash

I believe a sensor boosted phobos will be fine…covers lots of angles.

Maybe someday a Polaris. :grinning:

–Gadget - Not this day

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