I think that’s what’s always annoyed me about this game, the players who do nothing but gank, or nothing but gate camp, or nothing but hub hump, or nothing but… hell, anything, and insert mining and other industrial/trading stuff here too. Players that just restrict themselves to the same thing day in day out. Of course they’re going to get bored, they do it to themselves. This isn’t the game, though, cuz it’s not like there isn’t plenty of stuff to do, plenty of PVP to be had if you go looking.
This mentality is everywhere in the game:
- Intel-“bots”, ping lists and channels, op schedules, (to some extend) arranged fights and public fleets…
- people unwilling to do more than five jumps in a row or never move away further than that from their favorite trade hub, the wide spread preference of semi-afk ativities for Isk generation (sub-cap null-ratting is probably the laziest way to generate Isk in the game), people generally unwilling to adapt to new things or change their routine (we all know those guys doing nothing but missions for years)…
- almost all activities are laid out in guides and videos, fittings are easily available, tools and web sites assist greatly in many activities…
- profit ganking, merc business and targeted warfare degenerated into random terrorism and trade hub camping…
- And CCP is supporting this mentality: the Agency suggests you what to do, most of the time you have an event running - often with a set of tasks telling you what to do…
This mentality is also to blame for the lack of “good fights”. Those rarely happen in somebody’s comfort zone and even fewer people like to leave theirs.
Yeah, I agree. Even though I didn’t really participate in PvP ship battles, I still did a lot of other things in the game which actually kept me interested and looking forward to playing the game for a lot of years.
Granted my main career choice was Exploration and Missions but I also did Invention, Production, Marketing and Hauling, not to mention a little Mining every once in a while. Course in the process of doing those things I also engaged in a lot of stealth PvP, meaning Hide & Seek. Basically I’d travel and hide with cloak while others would seek.
‘Variety is the spice of life’ rings pretty true here it seems.
I personally have no problem with Guides or How-To Videos because it gives very important info that’s very much lacking in this game.
Now I understand and agree that having a specific ‘Cookie Cutter’ fit or just one specific doctrine to complete a task is both detrimental and causes apathy in the game. That’s why I don’t do Incursions or Burner Missions. That’s also why I don’t like to Cherry Pick / Blitz missions and exploration sites.
WHAT ? seriously ?
Don’t use autopilot. If you use autopilot and get ganked, you deserve it.
And for those players : well they are those players. I don’t understand how you allow yourself to judge them as a problem. They are entitled to play the game as they want, as you are.
If the game does not suit you, I don’t get how it is a problem. Move somewhere else. Come nullsec. Move to another game. Go wh. Move to another game. I really think that you should move to another game, like WH or NS.
And I really think you need to read what you’re replying too before you over-react to it. He said it’s very common. He never said it’s a problem. And he’s not wrong. Suicide gankers are a dime a dozen, because it’s easy. Complex to get it right at first, but once you get the training wheels off, pretty damn easy. It’s also the popular rebellious thing to do because watching carebears whine about it is fun. Lots of people enjoy the reaction.
I outlined the real problem, though, in my reply, and I suspect it’s due to laziness. People find a niche, fall into it, and stop doing anything else. They get no variety. Then they come on here and complain about how boring their niche is. When they’re niche gets nerfed, they complain about it.
People who get some variety complain a lot less often, because if one thing gets nerfed, they can move on to another. I have a lot of variety in the way I play, so I get to laugh at everyone who complains about whatever niche they’re in getting nerfed quite a lot. I err on the side of defending gankers because while they are the perpetrators of in-game atrocities, their ‘victims’ take things too far in the real world as a reaction, and that kind of behaviour is intolerable. I still laugh at gankers when they whine, though. I especially enjoy seeing someone fail a gank and go off the rails afterwards. And for all their posturing, I’ve yet to meet a ganker in toe-to-toe PVP who can beat me.
All that’s beside the point, though. The response you just posted is irrelevant to what you were responding too. I suggest reading it properly first, getting the context right, coming to an understanding of what he’s actually saying, then respond with something relevant if you still feel the need.
See, that’s the problem right there, your answer to the issue is Don’t use AP. I started playing this game in mid 2008 and using AP wasn’t a problem, even in a Frigate or Shuttle. Fast forward to a few years ago and now anyone doing AP is subject to attack in High Sec. Just proves my point how bored these so called PvP players are in the game.
And no, I won’t move elsewhere or go to another game, that type of mentality is what’s killing this game.
He exactly said it was :
YOU are over-reacting because I don’t agree with your narrow-minded “things must adapt to me”.
Just because you don’t like suicide gankers, doesn’t make a problem of them.
You are just whining because the game doesn’t suit your taste. You call problem the fact that something is not fit to your little personal pleasure.
Get over it, nobody cares that you are displeased by suicide gankers.
The AP mechanism was a stupid one since the moment ccp made it warp @10 . The fact that people were not abusing this stupid mechanism does not mean it was good. It means people didn’t realize how easy it makes shooting people.
I didn’t know HS players could become bittervets.
You invested too much into this game to be able to enjoy it. You stuck yourself in a zone and are unwillingly to explore other faces of the game. That’s sad.
No, he said the commonality of it was the problem, not the ganking itself. Again, try reading instead of quote-mining. I actually do like suicide gankers, by the way, and I’m pretty sure you’re just completely off the rails right now. This open unprovoked hostility you came up in here with is uncalled for. This isn’t Reddit, it’s the EVE Online forums. We try to have some standards here.
I haven’t whined about anything, this game suits my tastes just fine, and I am not displeased by suicide gankers. They amuse me often, and I have many friends in CODE which I look forward to catching up with again soon when I resub next week for the first time in a few months. I haven’t been able to play for a while because I’ve been busy getting my commercial ratings as a pilot.
You appear to be rather new compared to me, though, and while I admire your enthusiastic defence of a hobby you never seem to participate in (being you’re a +5 in nulsec and all), no one was attacking it. While it is, and has been for a long time, very entertaining, and something I’ve dabbled in myself in the past with various degrees of success (feel free to check my corp history, you’ll see I’ve actually been in CODE and been a CODE supporter since their inception), it’s not quite my style. I find it banal and mundane compared to what the game has to offer.
I leave the ganking for people who know what they’re doing, and have a real passion for it. The only thing that was pointed out was that it’s no longer the exciting act of rebellion it used to be. Gankers are as common as miners themselves.
Now, where you quote DeMichael as saying, “So that’s the problem with EVE,” actually had more too it. He went on to specify, “bored players not caring enough to actually make a plan…” etc. He never followed it with, “those damned gankers and their awfulness”. Again, more reading, less quote mining, that would be great, cheers.
Stop playing on words, you are boring. He said people ganking are an EXAMPLE of a problem. They are part of the problem. I say they are not. I say people ganking more now than before is NOT a problem.
I just mean, maybe there is another reason why those people gank more often ? Maybe haulers now haul more worth and thus have become completely worth ganking? Maybe they stopped tanking their ships ? Maybe they don’t expect to get ganked and thus make more mistake ?
You are not considering any possibility other that “the game is not fine for me”. This is not a constructive discussion, just a whine
but yeah, keep whinning, sure things will eventually adapt to your taste.
No, he didn’t say that at all. You just aren’t reading all of what he said in context. That’s on you.
Also, *whining. I can see now why you struggle with reading. It’s a general literacy problem. It’s why you also missed the part where I told you this game has been to my taste for a very long time now.
A little piece of advice: give up the aggressive macho routine as soon as possible, newbie, and don’t try to mischaracterise people just because you’re not getting your way with them. Try the mature thing on for size, admit you were wrong, learn from it, and move on.
yeah sure, keep whinning.
No argument, and then you think I will listen to your advice.
Keep your opniion, keep your advice, because when somebody shows you you are wrong, you are unable to stand it. you just wait your time.
And I’m not arguing with you. I’m explaining why you’re wrong. There is a difference.
you are not explaining, you are just whinning.
I’m going to give you my opinion, and my advice, which comes from over six years of experience with this game and being wrong many times, admitting it on every occasion, and deferring to higher expertise when it was appropriate. Right now, you are acting like a petulant child and projecting your failure onto me. The bottom line is, you screwed up by not reading what you were criticising in its complete context, and you’re wrong. Deny it all you want. You’re just wrong.
The only person I see here whining is you. Whining about being called out for behaving like a spoiled brat.
I didn’t come here to have your explanation. I came here to laugh at people who think they KNOW what “gf” is meant as. And then I see people complaining about the game’s suicide ganking and seriously, I think those people have been so butthurt that they need to show it everywhere.
Please show me where the suicide ganker touched you. BUT in a correct thread, not here. There are already tenths of threads on suicide ganking. It’s fun to read, go add your part please.
But sure, when people can’t understand HS is not supposed to be safe and profitable (though it actyally is) I can understand the fear and frustration. Just. You are wrong, and so nobody cares.
You came here to give your opinion and you didn’t expect someone to offer their’s in response?
Yup. You really need to get a grip on reality, and get over yourself, mate. I’ve actually never been ganked. Never. Done a lot of ganking, though, which you’d know if you’d read more than two words of my above posts. Not that hard to look up my corp history and see what page I’m on. But you’d rather believe I’m on the opposite side because it’s just not possible that I might be on the same side and disagree with you.
That was sarcasm, by the way. Your behaviour is becoming reflective of that seen by the communist infection known as antifa now. At the end of the day, you’re going to have to get used to the fact that you don’t have the monopoly on opinion, you can be wrong, and people will disagree with you and prove you wrong frequently. Especially with your literacy (or lack thereof).
BTW I stopped reading your post, they are just arrogant “I am right and you are wrong, because I think so”.
Was fun in the beginning, but now it’s just annoying, like a young kitten that actually starts pooping everywhere in the house. And I’m out of cleaning tissues.