When is a nub, not a nub?

There’s a lot to learn in EVE, that’s for sure.

Maybe we are not noobs anymore when we can teach most of the time intead of learning most of the time.

A noob is anybody who hasn’t done a highsec gank yet. Until they have completed that milestone they don’t understand what Eve is or what their place is in it.

When he can fly all the T3 ships in the game and use all the large t2 turrets with their omega-only ammo.

In my experience, people who throw out the word “rookie” as a pejorative are n00bs (not to be confused with “newbie” or “nub”).

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I’m not sure how relevant the length of time is. 20 years means 20 years of old information to sift through and work out what is still current and what has moved on.

That being said CCP has clearly defined new players as players who remain in the protected new player systems. Any other definition is opinion until CCP release an update on their definition.

If people younger than me cannot use Google effectively, well, we may as well wrap everything else up :smiley:

We need to put Eve tutorials onto TikTok :laughing:

That’ll reach the younger generation

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Still on a campaign to convince everyone you aren’t a boomer?

Any subject you Google you are going to have to sift through an amount of information that has been generated by numpties talking about things they don’t understand. The internet is riddled with miss information some of it out there quite deliberately. I once read a Wikipedia page that said a prominent and still living celebrity had died while being run over by their own car when reaching out the open door of said moving car to pick up a baked potato he had dropped.

It would be better if newbies were able to rely on information in game than have to Google.

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Sadly I am not. But the whole the younger generation can’t use Google/Youtube to figure out EVE is pure hogwash.

The barrier of entry to EVE is much lower than it was before, due to alphas and the internet LOL.

Again, if the younger generation can’t parse info on the interwebs about a game, which they grew up with the internet as well, surely the world is doomed LOL.

If I did with web crawler, they can do it with Google LOL.

They only grew up with it if it was part of their experience/exposure. It’s also not about understanding the information it’s about knowing what is current, who is telling the truth. No one has a magic ability to tell a lie from the truth no matter how much you believe Tim Roth charachterisations on Hulu,you can only use your best judgement and sometimes you don’t have all the information to get it right till you try it for yourself.

“Todays kids have it easy because I used this and of I used this then they can use this more modern tool…” is the equivalent of “in my day we walked 5000 miles, up hill, in the snow, chased all the way by dogs and the four horsemen of the apocalypse”

I grew up before the internet, before DOS and Windows and mobile phones. My experience is about as relevant to kids nowadays as the Victorians experience was to those growing up just after world war 2 in that context.

However kids born after eve was conceived still only come across eve when they come across eve and it would be better that they had a reliable source of information on the game than rely on people who have an agenda teaching them about the game.

There is tons of reliable info out there. I very much doubt they will have a hard time getting it.

How are you not getting that it’s about knowing what the reliable info is and what isn’t?

Go look up level five missions for example. People who run them post all sorts of crap about them to put people off running them, while other people who hunt the mission runners post information that benefits them such as encouraging people to run them in marauders and rattlesnakes. The reality is the only reliable way to find out about level five missions is to try them yourself.

LOL not really.

It really isn’t this hard to parse the info.

Reddit also exists :smiley:

Trust me. Almost all the info on EVE is readily available thru the internet.

Nubs have no excuse as to not know basic EVE stuff.

Yeah looks like you are either not understanding what I’m saying or are being obtuse about it.

Not much else to say here we will just have to agree to disagree.

No, I completely understand. The truth is, there is tons of reliable info out there.

You’re making like these new players are literally incapable of using Google to find said info.

To put your mind at ease, I’ll make a thread with de good links :smiley:

Then you don’t understand. As I’m not saying there isn’t reliable information out there. I’m saying the issue is knowing what is reliable and what is not.

No I’m saying the issue isn’t Google, again it’s knowing wether to believe what they find on Google. Again you missed my point.

And why would they believe the information proffered by you over anyone else, what makes you innately trustable?

That is the point…

And that is very easy to ascertain LOL.

ROFL. A bit paranoid there eh bruv?

I get the point you’re trying to make, but again, there is a ton of reliable easily found info out there on EVE.

The nubs don’t get the excuse of not knowing :smiley:

My take on this is that yes I agree, but only for absolutely mandatory basic informations that should be available and aren’t. And there are not many of these. What comes to my mind is a map replacement. Both old and new ingame maps are absolutely terrible and unusable. To me anyways, hence I must use dotlan which has regional maps in simple 2d format.

But things like npcs resists, or how mission spreadsheets with how many of which class of rats or what the wormhole codes means. That should not be given to players on a silver platter and it would be dumbing the game down despite the informations are available on player-driven wikipedia or players are sharing them between themselves in form of character bios, corp bulletins or ingame emails.

Also. Never argue with Gix.

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I shall collect all the resources I use and give them to the nubs to set his mind at ease :smiley:


One doesn’t argue with Gix, one puts forwards cogent simple statements to which Gix says rofl proffers a number of emoticons and says something that has tenuous baring to what you said in the first place. One is however bored in a meeting that drags on.

Agreed not everything should be on a silver platter but there should always be a way to find that information within the game even if it’s by going there and doing it yourself. A basic example I gave recently that suprised a forum veteran was that warp scramblers stop you docking at upwell structures. It’s basic functionality of a module but the guy had no idea they had this power and there is nothing in game that would have told him.

Outside of that finding reliable information is about knowing who and what to trust. Who for instance is teaching you how to do something based on research and practice in game, and who is just selling on information they picked up elsewhere as their own.