When is CCP going to fix ECM?

Russia jammed all radio traffic from the rest of the world and Cb can go 12000miles on a good day. Sooooo I guess if you go real far?

Better get a move on then

That’s presuming it does not have cap batteries fitted… Or cap boosters… And I presume you didn’t bother to factor in it’s cap regen either? Good luck neuting a megathron in 30 seconds with a single curse in a real fight. If he catches you, you’re also dead in less than 30 seconds, as it pumps out… like 1.1k dps heated? What’s the ehp on a curse?

Anyway, all of this to say, neut aren’t really “OP” … It has weaknesses.

Don’t repost this nonsense, read EVE Uni, be informed. The link is right above.

The only way people were completely useless is they were no prepared.

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Well why would you worry about any of that, because you know how ECM will just instantly jam you leaving you completely useless in a fight… right?

Fixed your post for you :slight_smile:


@Cypr3ss_Deteis what weaknesses then? Heh

Have you heard of sensor boosters? They’re like cap batteries against neuts

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I’m not asking literally what, I’m asking how you think that those were sufficient that they didn’t just let that ride?

Also with ECM it’s all or nothing, either their ECM doesn’t work at all, or you’re dead in the water.

ECM is one of those things that was a good idea, but got spammed to death. There was too much “I was locked up and the only thing left to do is sit there and wait to die”.
Nobody cried for ECM except those who used it to death. But that it was so used in that way was bad mechanics in the first place.

Would have been good at least to at least let ships strafe when they can’t lock. And provide ECCM drones.

At this rate, anything that is not taking 40 seconds to reload should be left alone lest someone “fix” that.

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the way i heard it you had frigs on alt accounts fitting ecm bursts perma run… and being dropped into large battles and everyone bitched about needing to counter…and if ccp wanted to apply a proper fix then the ecm burst itself should have been restricted as was its original intent to the scorpion battleship…the only ship ingame designed to carry it by description.
instead of this nonsense they pulled.

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Nope, it’s not.

And there goes your credibility. You should have read the Uni link.

On these forums what you say doesn’t have to just sound good, it actually has to match the game mechanics.

The fact is it is not all or nothing, it is a roll based on percentages that can be increased through fitting, skills and ship flight. On top of that the whole thing is recalculated on each cycle of the jammer.


You can’t reasonably go and fit 2 eccm mids on every ship incase you run into ecm otherwise you would be completely gimped for any other fight, if 1 low slot eccm module was enough to semi counter ecm then sure, but one eccm low mod makes literally no difference you will still be perma jammed in a retribution.

You are doing it wrong.

Eve isn’t real life.

Yep. they pretty much made 1/3 of an entire faction obsolete. YAY ICELANDERS!! YAY!!

ECCM is a script that relies on sensor boosters
You can pretty reliably fit a sensor booster and a eccm script and a signal amplifier low onto almost any ship, problem is that people think that it’s not worth it so they blame ecm on being too op instead.

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Show me a retribution fit that uses that fit plz.

Smaller ships suffer more from ecm, works fine for me. Battleships were underused anyways

You can’t really do a 80 jump roam in a bs it is not reasonable until CCP buffs BS warp speeds and align times which they do deserve would like to see some Bs’s out there.

Ecm benefit’s home defence/gate camps and kills small gang’s and solo roamer’s.

Ecm cannot go back to the way it was, rather think of a different idea to make ecm useful again and CCP will implement it, if you make it well thought out from all perspectives for all play styles, then there is a good chance it’ll be implemented.