Where are the positive changes though?

omg were is the 3 kill the in fi del

You don’t understand. It’s not a prediction. It’s a statement of what has been happening for the last 10 years. Player numbers are dropping and dropping. Despite free to plays and stupid free skill point things to get people to just log in. It’s not an opinion, it’s a very clear fact.

People get more alt accounts, alpha players dont have to pay, but their life is becoming a lot harder every game update. The end will look like that: ruined reputation for f2p players, while omega getting bored of doing everything themselves with alts. With another CCP nerf to their activity they invested many years and alts, they are quitting the game.

Please stop lying, kid.


Was the days in a system. On the dscan 20 frigate skillpoint farmers. The numbers may not fall, but what of these numbers are still real players? How many of them are omega? How many of them are not alts?

I don’t see what I should give a crap about what you just said.
If you think they’re bots, report them to CCP.
If you think they’re alts, who cares?

Then just keep your mouth shut.

How about trying to say something that’s relevant and on topic to the discussion?

At the moment there is not really anything positive change.
I wait and see how it turns out.

Not sorry your feelings are hurt by these changes.
I think they’re fine and look forward to seeing how they work once implemented.

The answer is actually quite simple.

Everyone who dislikes having a harder time making ISK is leaving the game.
That’s the most positive change, but it’s not directly noticable, or at least not in the short-term.

I was never clear on why these easy isk guys cared about making isk. They seemed to just amass more and more wealth without ever doing anything with it.

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I’m not interested in ISK per se, but that I can’t get anything positive out of all the changes. I understand the necessity of some CCP decisions, but I personally don’t like the way they do it. But as I said I will chill and wait.

Sometimes things have to get worse. Later things may get better. :slight_smile:

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That’s because they’ve been raised into believing that money defines them as a person. It’s systemic. Capitalism works best when everyone loves spending money. People believe that, when they have lots of money, they’ve accomplished something as a person. They also believe that having lots of money buys you social status.

To get people to spend money it requires need or desire. At some point in history some really smart people figured out how to create these desires in people. From then on it just kept, and still keeps, escalating.

So, I guess …

Money is Freedom …
… and Freedom is Slavery.

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Ive been trying to find an angle to explain that when I had three carriers I was bored and tired and not interested, but now I have 1 Heron I feel much better about playing. I may be mad but I find I have more fun when I just take a junk heap, do a run around and get home alive.

I mean, surely its a scale thing? Like, you could get a Gila and do a Abyssal, but if cash isnt the objective, is that better than getting in a Maller and doing something else instead?

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I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.

Yeah this is the thing Im having trouble expressing.

Okay, so I want to use PvE vs rats as an example just cos its easier to describe what I mean.

What is the base difference between taking an expensive, high meta, high cost, high performance ship like a Marauder to a difficult high level PvE zone and taking the same hull type cheaper battleship to a less difficult PvE zone apart from cost and reward?

My theory is there is very little difference. If there isnt a quantifiable difference that is signifigant that isnt cost or reward then there is no point in using the more expensive ship (unless you just happen to like how it looks).

Does that make sense?

(editted for an attempt at clarity)



Shorter dicks have bigger cars.

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Heh yeah, I guess thats certainly a way of putting it :slight_smile:

I like my Fiat 500 basically and I dont want a limo.