Well, then ya’rr not seein’ it. Not my problem.
I would humbly suggest you are not seeing it. Most goods have the property known as rivalry in consumption. If I am consuming it you cannot also consume it. It is most obvious with food items. If I am eating a cheese burger, chances are you are not going to want to eat it when I am done with it. But it applies to clothing. We both can’t wear the same shirt at the same time (unless it is a really big shirt and we like being in close proximity with each other). Yes, we could trade it back and forth, but that is a bit cumbersome and awkward…and if you have one account will entail contracts or deliveries in citadels…so my guess is most people will simply buy 2 or 3 items to cut down on the hassle.
So saying it is to “make money” is not really true, IMO.
But hey, go on believing whatever you want to believe.
Ya’rr one of those guys who keep talkin’ in the afk cloaker thread. Ya’rr literally the definition of insane and ya’rr constantly tryin’ to get people to accept that ya’rr right.
And just for ya: Insanity is repeatin’ the same ■■■■ over and over again expectin’ a different outcome eventually. That’s you. All it needs is checkin’ the afk cloaker thread. Take ya insanity where it belongs and stop bein’ a pest.
And that’s absolutely incorrect.
Every aspect of the characters body, including their head, can be customized and changed, from being a tall thin character to a short fat character.
CCP made identical apparel items such as Hats, Glasses, etc, gender segregated so they can make more money on MT sales.
How people see themselves is not relevant to what they are. Even if feelings do matter, facts are still more important by powers of magnitude.
Whatever dude…your just being a douche now.
Here we go…end of the thread…oh well, interesting while it lasted.
Avatars in EVE don’t have genitals. So nothing here is gendered and the assumption it was is wrong.
What you do in the character creation is to pick a shape of an avatar, either a male or female shape, and you then get gear, which matches the shape.
Any genitals you wish to have on your avatar you’ll have to add it to your BIO. I’ll put a note onto @Abaris_Fagimasad character, saying, she’s got a willy. You’re welcome.
Here is an interesting thought:
If your ship and your pod gets destroyed, how does your clothing survive this?
Answer: It doesn’t. If you buy one item of clothing in the shop, you buy an infinite amount of it, so it can be replaced, after you’ve been podded.
Solution: Make clothing produceable(doesthiswordexist?) and destroyable. After been podded you awake naked and have to dress up again.
Wanne bet, how many pilots will soon be seen roaming through new eden in their undies. It’s gonne be hillarious.
CCP wont make much money anymore, when they go in a direction, that conservative investors or players don’t like. But progress will come. It takes some times though. Maybe in the third decade of EVE.
This thread, like most in this subforum, got pretty derailed so I’m just going to ignore the comments that either veer off or involve a misunderstanding of gender I just don’t even want to crack open.
According to the fiction, people seem to go into them in only their underwear (since the inside of the pod is liquid and they need to have access to the ports along their spinal column) and the pods have a little compartment for storing clothes which can be put on when a person exits their pod.
However, I’d like to think we really just walk around in our underwear all the time and only put on clothes when we need to have a portrait photoshoot. That way we don’t have to think about destroyable clothing, which is an idea too horrifying for me to even consider…
Dammit, you’re right. I forgot that.
Blatant troll thread. I’d give it a 1/10, yet amazingly it got lots of bites, so 7/10.
Would not read again.
Tears of unfathomable sadness…
I could remodel, shape the clothing model so it fits male or female body model in game. Boots, hairs, dresses too.
Cosmetics have gender, so that you can show people whether you are a fat dick of a massive cuut.
LOL. no, you can’t make “tall” or “short” characters. All males and all females of all races are the same exact height. This was a design decission to ease the work of the realistic animation system that was to go with avatar interactions. Thus, there is only one male and one female body model, which can be deformed at certain contorl points, but that deformation is limited between a minimum and a maximum. Just ask any verokhior about how deformable are their eye sockets and eyelids…
Clothing adapts to the deformation in two ways: either it’s larger tan the maximum deformaiton (thus some chest pieces are larger than the largest bosom) or is deformed in the same parameters as the body model below (this is why tight shirts look horrible on large bosom characters).
The point is, the female and male versions of a piece of clothing adapt to different base models with different deformation limits. And then they are animated, lest not forget that.
Putting the same cloth model on both different bases would be ludicrous. FAI, the male body has massive chest and shoulder width, whereas the female body model is thinner. Thus the upper pieces for males are quite wider than the female version. On the contrary, the female body haves quite larger range of chest depth, thus they require cloth modeling that can cover the larger distance between back and nipples.
They are not the same thing. They’re two different pieces of clothing, adapted to each base model.
Seriously Michael… you should know that lads and lasses are not built the same!
Oh, and could you remove stuff too? (whistles innocently)