Why do people dislike people who gank

The forum account you’re replying to is less than a day old as of this message I’m typing. I can’t speak for the game account behind it, but there’s reason to suspect they’re very new as well. The reason you’re using here isn’t really an indication of much though. SAK is one of the NPC corps which a lot of new Caldari players start in, but not everyone, and not anyone in other factions. And more importantly, a lot of playrs kind of “tune out” the NPC corps and don’t really pay enough attention to recognise them in the first place. I’ve seen this to be the case for experienced players only slightly less often than new people, so not recognising a corp which isn’t a player corp, and may not be prevalent in the area of space a particular person is most active in, is entirely reasonable and normal.

Also, more telling about this person’s argument… they need to get their story straight.

This is a player admitting that they lose a lot of ships, enough that they wouldn’t be able to afford to cover costs if mining in more dangerous parts of space. It’s pretty clear about the fact that losses are being suffered and it’s costing them ISK.

This is the same player, in the same message, claiming they never lose their ships.

WHICH ONE IS IT, DEAR READERS? Vote now! My money’s on the frequent losses being the true story here. And just for full clarity, here’s a complete list of every player I’ve ever killed:

…you’ll notice there is no list. I may one day change that, but so far, my involvement in PvP has been market manipulation and trying not to be dead. I’m a miner and industry player. I collect resources, I refine them into production materials, and I run those through BPOs to produce things that other players use to try and kill me the next time I go out to collect more resources.

I also think it’s worth mentioning, I did once - when I was on at a time that’s weird for me - see the playercount below 9,000 so I’d believe that someone else has seen it below 10k as well. It’s more often been above 15k in my experience so far, though (like right now, and it’s been above 20k several times when I’ve been online).

It might also be worth reporting this person for implying that they’re multiboxing alpha accounts? Because that really does also seem to be part of the claim here.

I just saw it at 6452something right after downtime.
It’s catastrophic!! :sweat_smile:


But they say they lose ships in highsec ’ at a rate I can’t replace’ when in fact they’ve lost one ship…in lowsec. And the claims not to have lost any mining ships, yet the very ship lost in lowsec was a mining ship.

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Oh right, post-downtime playercounts too. Not when I was meaning but I guess they might have thought that’s an appropriate time to look?

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Yeah who knows what bug people have up their…
I’ve seen it at 24k and 12k, and surprisingly at 14k last Friday evening around 2100h. Too early for the Yanks but I would have thought more Europeans would have been on at that time.
Still, it’s not the end of the world… I mean, not just yet, lol

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You do get people mining in pochven in the anoms, real miners there getting that dank isk while being super at risk.

I guess he does not realize using a pc and a laptop on the side lets you bypass the game mechanics limiting someone from multiboxing 2 alpha’s.


You’re kidding, right?

You spotted my error? Good; so did I when I returned to check my English.

I should have written:

‘…marks him out to be (not ‘as’) someone with greater patience…’

Thank you x123xxx!

Oh you could. But you know that’s not what they meant :smiley:

It’s ok bro. Your salt is entertaining :smiley:

Tell me more about you fail to stop gank nados :smiley:

I’ve been very helpful to you :smiley: I notice you dodged all the posts tho :smiley:

Ignored. It’s not the same. You’re a pest and not to be taken seriously.

Heh. That’s nice excuse there :smiley:

Cause it’s so hard to gank a 9k EHP ship right?


Ah, you mean this lot…


Is this some weird numerology thing?

Yes, but they did it wrong. A good effort at least, though xD

Yea I was just ■■■■■■■ around, what would be the correct method out of interest.


I’m pretty sure that’s enough information for you to see where you went wrong.

You must send me one billion isk and pray for the numbers I provide.

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(18x14) / (1x(2+4)x6) = 7

It’s times and divide not plus what are you talking about.

Also where do you get two 2’s? there is only 1 b in firebrand

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Sorry, I misread. You’re doing things more horribly wrong than I thought you were xD never mind, I don’t know enough about the subject to explain all the things you got wrong in a rational timeframe.