r/Eve can hardly be held up as a shining example.
There are so many shitposts and memes that it’s not even funny.
The biggest draw of r/Eve is the celebration of various ganks and the corresponding humiliation of the victim through zkill. r/Eve also brings out and rewards some of the most abhorrent behaviour - so I guess this is just par for the course.
But Jenn is right. These forums are filled to the drum with illiterates, imbeciles and whiners and the average topics show it. It’s really almost exclusively whining about the same old topics that the entitled morons have been whining about for the past decade. Most of the posts here literally kill brain cells.
I don’t blame CCP for not posting here more often. If I were in their shoes, I wouldn’t either, as my sole reason for being on these forums - trolling the ■■■■ out of entitled idiots - wouldn’t be something I’d be allowed to do as an employee.
If CCP isn’t posting here as much as you think they should, but are paying attention to reddit, don’t you think you should ask yourself why? For a start you could try reading your own posts as if they were from someone else. Then ask yourself how you would react if YOU were the target of those posts.
I’m reminded of an old friend from the neighborhood. He would run off any woman who was halfway decent to him with his behavior, and then come complain to me about how women didn’t like him. So I’d recount to him how crappy he was to them, and rather than stop and think about it, he’d get mad at me for not having his back lol.
It’s kind of like that here, you all talk down to CCP devs like they are crap, they are all in ‘null secs’ pocket, they hate high sec, they won’t do anything about cloaky camping or bumping or wardecs or whatever, and they are so terrible and stupid its a wonder EVE is even still here.
I’m serious, go back and look at how you talk about CCP then ask yourself if you’d post here if you worked for CCP? The kind of casual abuse CCP gets here at least gets downvoted to hell over on reddit, here all we can do is plant an ISDs name in our posts to make sure they see it to shut it all down.
Exactly, the bulk of the Reddit posters are enjoying the game. This forum is filled with whiners who insist on having safe spaces. From a commercial point of view it doesn’t make sense for the developers to tell those players “you are dumb, HTFU or get the F out of my game”, so they are largely silent.
reddit is trash but its not a eve echo chamber. maybe they wanna escape their own players. Most of the people on reddit are probably new to eve and they still think spaceships are real and the game has more to offer than a endless grind. they like the cool factor of eve that you all once had.
the start in this new forum was a hard one when you know the old forum BUT i really like this new forum … the old one was … well … it was OLD!! out of date … style and design … it look ugly on tablet and cellphone … so a redesign was needed … then the split from the gameservers was made too if i remember right
for me this forum looks good … i like it … only thing i really think about is why it is not linked in the CCP EVE app? would be nice and i dont need the browser for it but ok … its not needed … i wish that CCP brings more stuff to the APP but ok … i use now 5 apps to manage everything
the other thing is:
why the hell someone posts in other forum if there is a official forum?
i never got this in any case not only games but i never got a answer for that
so everything is split up and knowledge is somewhere
i wish that CCP stops posting on other places and use only this forum so knowledge is in one place … hopefully more players would come to this forum but …
Thanks for putting that into words. I was trying to figure out the best way to say it but you made it happen lol.
Sure, you get the snarky “you win EVE if you quit” stuff over there and rants and complaints, but when I talk to people on reddit it really does feel like I’m talking to people who actually like EVE Online (for the most part). Over here, it feels like I’m talking to people who might like EVE if only it was something completely different…
After a few minutes of browsing R/EVE I generally feel pretty good, I probably saw a couple ok meme posts, read something about some in game conflict or something, or just generally come away feeling informed. To be honest, the same amount of time browsing these forums leaves me feeling slightly annoyed and thinking “my God man, just uninstall the damn thing already”…
This forum (and this section in particular) is depressing as hell. I came to realize that when I came here, I came looking for a fight (and boy did I get them). This place is the Forum version of Rancer, you just know that someone you don’t like if going to be here saying stuff so you will get a fight out of it. But I go to reddit to talk about EVE with like minded enthusiasts, and even though it has less moderation (I can call an A-hole an A-hole without having to take a vacation lol), I get into WAY fewer fights over there.
I’m just rambling now, but the point is I can see easily why CCP devs prefer it to here. I’m the same way.
Everything here is some kind of conspiracy. Everything is about null sec doing this or that. Its stupid.
No one had to make a plan to get devs to reddit just like no one made a plan to get them to Scrapheap. Who needs a plan? All they had to do was wait for you people to chase the devs away. The developers made an effort to post on these new forums, to interact more, and you all trashed them, bashed them and told them how they better hurry up and do something because Star Citizen is coming…
And yes Salvos, you are one of the prime culprits, there is a reason posters here use the term “Salvoshed” when a thread goes to hell. If you were a dev, would you post here?
Feel free to link the post where I have bashed the owners of this forum.
That’s the point. You all are so negative about this really incredible thing we have, then you wonder why the developers post somewhere that is less negative about this incredible thing they provide for us.
Do you have a direct hotline to CCP? Obviously you have no proof and your statement is nothing more than just conjecture based upon your own biased opinion.
It is simply my opinion, you’d have to ask CCP for the truth. Of course you’d need to be interested in the truth in the 1st place.
There is one fact though. CCP devs prefer reddit to this place. My opinion my not be correct, but so what, the above fact remains, and people like you are angry about it.
Rather than picking a fight with me, wouldn’t it be better to try (from your own point of view) to figure out why, ,and even better, figure out how or if you are contributing to the problem you are mad about?
Heh, in all my years as a member of this community, I’ve never once seen you post a positive thread thanking CCP about anything pertaining to this game. In fact the majority of your posted replies are nothing more than angry insults.
Don’t know who you’re trying to fool with your self-righteous fanboy facade but it definitely lacks sincerity.