Why Do We Even Have Forums?

When I’m sad I don’t go around laughing maniacally and when I’m happy I don’t go around weeping bitterly.

Tears of joy is usually a reaction from laughing so much that your sides ache. Sometimes it’s because a person was stressing and worrying about a possible outcome and in their relief become emotional and shed tears of joy.

Laughing at yourself because of failure is a prideful attempt at trying to save face in front of others.


Because that movie portrays a reality, a way of thinking. The abbility to laugh at disgraces is a key element to resilience, and I find it difficult to believe that you in your culture don’t learn this stuff. Maybe you just explain it in a diffrent way…

Did you never experience something which, when it happened, was like the world was ending, but now years later, it’s more of a funny anecdote? Or, do you know who does exactly this with something bad that happened in the past and now he laughs at it?

And conversely, when you can laugh at disgraces past, couldn’t you laugh at thinking of disgraces to come?

“So i might lose my job… yeah, guess i’ll have to update that linkedinn after all” -that’s irony, it’s humour, you’re not happy to lose the job, but you certainly can see it in a humorous way.

To be honest I think people are mostly bored or annoyed with these forums, that they cant find what they are seeking for, like dev response, then they start nitpicking others posts and replaying 100 times to the same person over one word or phrase that was for them amusing in some, good or bad, way.

Or maybe a little less Anglo-Saxon rigidity. :slight_smile:
I understood what you meant.

Hah, caught you :rofl:. You call it a reality. There aren’t multiple realities. There is only the reality. There are no others.

The only incidents I remember that felt like the world was ending was when loved people died. Also watching 9/11 live on news unfold and the collapse of the towers shook my belief and felt like it. I cannot say these events today are anecdotes to me.

And nobody said one could laugh over anything. People do laugh over anything, but it also reveals a person’s character. Take me now for example. I laughed at your slip with the “a reality”. Maybe it was just a typo or a lack of attention for a brief moment, or it is something you actually believe. You tell me, but I find it funny.

And nobody said that! It’s not a synchronical reaction -you laugh before or after the disgrace. But joking about it doesn’t means you’re happy about it.

Well, for me I never though you need a or the before reality, in my native language its only… reality. Simpler this way.

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I can tell you that I love these forums and having these conversations are a joy. I wouldn’t be here if it was a pain.

Look, I get that life can have the strangest moments and there are indeed rare moments where suddenly one emtion triggers another, where a long abandoned thought suddenly comes to surface, and it can cause an emotion in you, which you never had before. But do you really believe CCP Falcon had such a moment when he made his comment? … I don’t think so. It’s an innocent comment. I don’t mind it. People have lifes and many hate their jobs. It’s neither new or unusual. It’s how the world works.

Duude, I said “a reality” because that’s what it is. It is something that is real, but it is not everything that is real, and as real as it is in some places, it might even be false elsewhere -like in your country (Germany? Austria? Or some place like that?).

But that doesn’t makes it any less real.

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Well, there is also a fact that some people play it for 15 years and they have been on forums for the same amount of time, just spanding 15 years in the same “place” can feel like wasting time for some people, like thye stopped learning new things and became sedate and their personal growth have stalled.

No. And still funny. :rofl: … Sorry for laughing. Perhaps you mean to say there are many realities, such as alternate realities, also commonly referred to as fiction and fantasy, which I’d definitely agree with you. But there is only one, true and only reality, which is the reality.

I dont think we all understand words the same way. For me" a" and “the” dont really have any meaning. I just learned to somewhat pick up the right one by reading some english. I dont know if I am doing these matches right anyway. How is it in spanish? Cant say either, so that is the least what could amuse me.

LOL you’re overthinking this. He just joked about something that can’t possibly be funny for him, not because it makes him happy, but because it makes him sad.

This is why I liked his comment. Because I appreciate that it’s not an easy trick to pull, to joke about it, specially in his circumstances.

I think you’re unfair to not understand, to think “oh, he hates his job so he jokes about losing it” when it’s the very opposite -he’s joking about something very bad because he’s brav, resilient, and haves a sense of humour.

No, you are actually. You could easily have laughed over my comment, yet you chose otherwise. Why did you take it to heart instead?

Don’t let my comment get the better of you. You’re now assuming to know what someone finds funny and what they don’t. You should know that’s silly.

I guess we need new meme: get back to Reddit?


No, no… but we’re prisoners of words. Mayeb I ma transaltign something that can’t be translated. In Spanish a “realidad” (reality) is not just “the” reality, but also is “something that is real”, a kind of “actual fact” to say so.

We say stuff like “reusable rockets are a reality ( as in something that is real) because of SpaceX’s efforts”. “A reality” is thus a discrete chunk of “THE reality”, and it is subejct to discussion. What’s real for dude A (“bears kill cattle, they don’t belong to the mountains” is complete sh/t for guy B (“bears are a minor threat at most and they control other species more harmful to man, like boars”). Which “reality” is real? :wink:

(I know a Spanish girl who spent her childhood in Germany and even after 20 years of being back to Spain, she still struggles with the rich non-literality of Spanish people and our language, and each now and then she doesn’t gets something and takes literally what it wasn’t meant to)

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Or maybe I know information about CCP Falcon that you don’t know and points in the direction that he would hate losing his job at CCP. Remember -i’ve been around EVE since 2008, but don’t take my word for it, ask any veterans what do they think that CCP Falcon would think about losing his job at CCP -would he be sad or would he rejoice? Everyone will tell you that probably he would hate it.

We actually say both. We say “reusable rockets are a reality”, meaning it’s possible, but we imply that we can use other types, too. It’s not fixed and in this sense is it not the reality, but a possibility.

We then say “reusable rockets are the reality” in cases where somebody would believe it’s impossible or cannot be done today and only in the future. There we say it to state that it is fact, they are real and they are being used. They are the reality…

So you understand when I say that Zorba portrays “a” reality even if it’s a fictional story… :wink: