Why Do We Even Have Forums?

Quoting as an example of why these forums suck. Did you notice that the troll said he had given the answer and yet no answer, and then an incorrect insult. When PL camped my alliance with AFK cloaky campers our ADM’s went up! So tell me again Linus how I am unable to deal with it, and I will laugh at you.

By the way, the usual way to deal with dead horses/recurring topics is to let the users start one thread, see it grow to a sizeable discusison with enough quality, and then stick it and ban all other threads on the topic outside of that thread.

Cons: a couple dozen stickies like “EVE is dying” “My game is broken” “AFK cloakers” “WIS and avatars” would take a lot of internet state and would cause a debatable first impression

Pros: less activity outside of the dead horses. easier to read, easier to moderate.

Note: the stickied thread must be player-made, lest it not look “official” if started by a Dev/ISD.

I suppose the reading comprehension link is needed here too?

Implies that you got multiple answers in the past. The average reader will comprehend that those answers were given in other posts, as obviously the sentence wouldn’t make any sense in any other way.

Pointing out the keyword here. Nullsec isn’t your personal safe farm heaven. You’re expected to work together with your alliance to secure that space.


The keyword is AU TZ actually, shows how little you know. If not that then it would be in the Goons with a Cyno fitted. Do keep up…

Never seen any real answer to my point raised.

Just because you didn’t like the answer and rejected facts based on a purely emotional basis doesn’t mean those answers weren’t given. It just proves my point given above. That you’re incapable of accepting an answer that doesn’t align with what you want it to be.

And with that said, I grow tired of your endless circle jerk whining and inability of reasoning. Have a nice day.


Again a typical response, and shows why these forums are bad news, a troll reply with no detail on the issue that I and many others that PvP have raised and that was the type of reply you get. Anyway over to you Falcon… delete the entire exchange :stuck_out_tongue: It does not make pretty reading, but it is normal for these forums…

Good, a plus for the forums.

Tooday I have put on my tinfoil hat and everything decame clear to me.
CCP Falcon is making trolling threads using free alts to make this forum feel alive. Then he replies in them to deliver his point and look like he won discussion.

4chan is like that:


Nah. AFK Cloaking is much more akin to being docked in a station. You aren’t generating resources, providing boosts to your allies or harming your enemies.

Sure, by all means express your displeasure with the mechanic, but it’s hard for anyone but the nullsec ratter/miner who solely relies on the intel provided by the local chat window for their safety to get too worked up about the fact that someone left a name in local chat while they went shopping.

Even CCP apparently, not that Falcon needed to say it. A decade of inaction speaks volumes.

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What about the person who wants to PvP them? Perhaps I might get lucky and get an answer here, you never know. But this is way way off topic and should be in the AFK cloaky thread, though due to the excessive trolling I never go anywhere near it :stuck_out_tongue: .

They’ll get as much attention as the person who complains that they can’t PvP a player docked up in a station. That is, both will dismissed a whiners looking for ‘easy kills’.

Someone AFK while docked or cloaked is zero threat to you. Go PvP someone who can fight back! :wink:

But yes, as fun as this is, this is off-topic. Let’s take it here people:


Not what I asked! Though the solution I proposed would have dealt with that, but never mind.

Not what I asked! Are you trolling me?


My God man. Look at this insanity. EVERY single post in this thread shows how crappy this place is and further demonstrates WHY even CCP employees won’t post here. And it is insanity, some of you people need real help.

In less than 130 posts a thread complaining about lack of DEV participation got Salvoshed, then had a DEV reply that got nitpicked to all hell, and THEN TURNED INTO AFK CLOAKING WHINE THREAD # 1,025,198.

So, in fine forum tradition I’m going to play along by repeating a point I’ve already made even though it’s already been proven; The problem isn’t reddit or forum software or some super meta conspiracy by null sec to get the devs away from here in a super conspiracy to screw high sec. IT’S THE POSTERS.

Stop posting like idiots for a while and maybe (big maybe) the devs you chased away might come back. Maybe lol.


Not at all, I linked to an example of why people do not post in the AFK cloaky thread due to the trolling there and linked one of the most unpleasant trolls to show a real example, because of Falcons reply and he came in and trolled here. Lay off of the emotion mate.

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By “them”, you mean the ratters then? You can already PvP them and I see CCP equally ignoring calls for local to be removed or whatever “ideas” people have to make ratters more vulnerable to hunters even if they have said they think nullsec is too safe.

CCP treat everyone equally when it comes to ignoring the whiners. Probably a good policy when it comes to questions of shifting the balance of the game because most “ideas” come from a self-serving place even if people don’t see that, and it looks bad if CCP appears to side with one group of players over another. Better to remain aloof and claim a committee made decisions based on data than appear to be influenced by players, even if the players have a good idea.

People in station.

I won’t go into the AFK thread because Linus Gorp trolls it to death, I was quite willing to post my experiences as a member of a AU TZ alliance that deals with AFK cloaky camping easily, but not while it is a septic mass of insults.

You think this same stuff doesn’t happen on Reddit?

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LAy off the emotion?

Where are all those Picard facepalm gifs when I need one.

I know it’s hard to hear that you have or are part of a problem. I’d have reacted the same way a year ago. But damn dude, can’t you see how crazy what you do is? Can’t you see that the way you respond (that makes others respond, like Linus has) is the problem here.

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Look at the emotion and insults in your post:

Capitals to boot, seriously mate chill out. I will repeat:

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I’m sure it does. I don’t see it because BS like that tends to get downvoted.

I get it, yall don’t like reddit. But it takes a mighty blind person to not understand why reddit is a better place for devs than this place is.

From what I’ve seen, it just gets buried before it’s had a chance to build up a good head of steam and get derailed.